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PHILANTHROPY FY22 AUTODESK FOUNDATION IMPACT REPORT DIRECTORS' MESSAGE ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY 2 A message from Foundation Leadership Jean Shia At a time when humanity is reeling—from the pandemic and its Consider construction startup BamCore, which is transforming These are substantial successes, and we’re excited to invite aftershocks to the scorching effects of climate change —we find the market for low-carbon building systems by creating the you to learn more about how we define and measure impact reason to hope in the vision, tenacity, and innovation of the world’s first global supply chain of prefabricated timber bamboo through the work of our portfolio organizations rising to meet nonprofits and startups supported by the Autodesk Foundation. wall systems. By leaning into the Autodesk Foundation’s the social and environmental challenges we face across the Capital provided from Autodesk to the Autodesk Foundation comprehensive support, BamCore has tripled its fabrication world. Truly tackling these challenges will require a journey of provides early-stage, risk-tolerant and flexible funding along rate, reduced installation time by 50%, and raised $15 million successes and failures from innovators who are relentless with capacity-building in-kind support to innovations with in just two years’ time in their pursuit of impact. We are honored to play a role as the the potential to transform industries. For Bridges to Prosperity, a rural communities-focused nonprofit, Foundation leadership team in supporting that journey. Last year the Autodesk Foundation continued investing we provided a working capital loan to equip them with the upfront financial capital, technology, and talent resources across our resources they needed to keep scaling bridge construction in Sincerely, portfolio of nonprofits and startups. We also saw promising Uganda during the pandemic. This infusion of flexible funding results across our three areas of focus: energy and materials, allowed Bridges to Prosperity to overcome disrupted cash health and resilience, and work and prosperity. The nonprofits flow and build a track record of repayment to position them and startups we fund have forged solutions to our most to tap into larger levels of investment as they grow. pressing social and environmental challenges – leading the Finally, the Autodesk Foundation’s support of these and other Christine Stoner charge in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving organizations is leading to measurable impact. In fiscal year Executive Director, Autodesk Foundation resilience in communities most vulnerable to climate change, 2022, the Autodesk Foundation’s global portfolio mitigated 1.4 and preparing workers to thrive in an era of automation. million metric tons of CO e emissions. The portfolio reached 2 Our capital is sparking industries to transition to more more than 29 million people with resilient solutions in housing sustainable, resilient, and equitable ways of doing business. and infrastructure, energy access, agricultural productivity, Jean Shia In this, our first Autodesk Foundation impact report, we share and workforce development. Portfolio organizations placed Managing Director, Impact Investment Christine Stoner their stories and the measurable results of their work. nearly 14,900+ people in new or improved jobs, including ~90% and Management, Autodesk Foundation (13,400) workers with a $5,000 annual increase in income.

Autodesk Foundation FY22 Impact Report - Page 2 Autodesk Foundation FY22 Impact Report Page 1 Page 3
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