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Autodesk Foundation FY22 Impact Report


DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AUTODESK FOUNDATION IMPACT REPORT 1 Autodesk Foundation Impact Report FY22 A better world designed and made for all Image courtesy of Collin Hughes

PHILANTHROPY FY22 AUTODESK FOUNDATION IMPACT REPORT DIRECTORS' MESSAGE ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY 2 A message from Foundation Leadership Jean Shia At a time when humanity is reeling—from the pandemic and its Consider construction startup BamCore, which is transforming These are substantial successes, and we’re excited to invite aftershocks to the scorching effects of climate change —we find the market for low-carbon building systems by creating the you to learn more about how we define and measure impact reason to hope in the vision, tenacity, and innovation of the world’s first global supply chain of prefabricated timber bamboo through the work of our portfolio organizations rising to meet nonprofits and startups supported by the Autodesk Foundation. wall systems. By leaning into the Autodesk Foundation’s the social and environmental challenges we face across the Capital provided from Autodesk to the Autodesk Foundation comprehensive support, BamCore has tripled its fabrication world. Truly tackling these challenges will require a journey of provides early-stage, risk-tolerant and flexible funding along rate, reduced installation time by 50%, and raised $15 million successes and failures from innovators who are relentless with capacity-building in-kind support to innovations with in just two years’ time in their pursuit of impact. We are honored to play a role as the the potential to transform industries. For Bridges to Prosperity, a rural communities-focused nonprofit, Foundation leadership team in supporting that journey. Last year the Autodesk Foundation continued investing we provided a working capital loan to equip them with the upfront financial capital, technology, and talent resources across our resources they needed to keep scaling bridge construction in Sincerely, portfolio of nonprofits and startups. We also saw promising Uganda during the pandemic. This infusion of flexible funding results across our three areas of focus: energy and materials, allowed Bridges to Prosperity to overcome disrupted cash health and resilience, and work and prosperity. The nonprofits flow and build a track record of repayment to position them and startups we fund have forged solutions to our most to tap into larger levels of investment as they grow. pressing social and environmental challenges – leading the Finally, the Autodesk Foundation’s support of these and other Christine Stoner charge in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving organizations is leading to measurable impact. In fiscal year Executive Director, Autodesk Foundation resilience in communities most vulnerable to climate change, 2022, the Autodesk Foundation’s global portfolio mitigated 1.4 and preparing workers to thrive in an era of automation. million metric tons of CO e emissions. The portfolio reached 2 Our capital is sparking industries to transition to more more than 29 million people with resilient solutions in housing sustainable, resilient, and equitable ways of doing business. and infrastructure, energy access, agricultural productivity, Jean Shia In this, our first Autodesk Foundation impact report, we share and workforce development. Portfolio organizations placed Managing Director, Impact Investment Christine Stoner their stories and the measurable results of their work. nearly 14,900+ people in new or improved jobs, including ~90% and Management, Autodesk Foundation (13,400) workers with a $5,000 annual increase in income.

Autodesk Foundation FY22 Impact Report - Page 2
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      DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AUTODESK FOUNDATION IMPACT REPORT 3 Philanthropy Autodesk engages in philanthropy through multiple avenues, driving progress toward a more sustainable, more equitable world. The Autodesk Foundation: strategic philanthropy de-risking innovation Funding The Autodesk Foundation supports innovative solutions to the world’s Capital committed to Autodesk Foundation portfolio, FY22 most pressing social and environmental challenges. Through our deployment of catalytic capital, we help de-risk innovations that are $ $ transforming industries to be more sustainable, equitable, and resilient. $ 39% Energy & Materials 9.7 8.8 The Autodesk Foundation combines financial capital with in-kind 9.7 39% Health & Resilience million † resources to catalyze and scale the next generation of innovations, million million ranging from direct carbon capture to rapid shelter solutions. 22% Work & Prosperity in strategic philanthropy deployed in charitable contributions, * by the Autodesk Foundation during including $5.9 million by Autodesk, Autodesk’s current goal is to donate 1% of its operating margin to the fiscal year 2022 to a portfolio of $2.7 million Autodesk Foundation Autodesk Foundation. 45 nonprofits and startups globally match of employee giving, and See stories of how our portfolio of nonprofits and startups catalyze (see right) $0.3 million Autodesk Foundation innovation in the areas of Energy & Materials, Health & Resilience, contributions for crisis response and Work & Prosperity. Technology Autodesk Foundation portfolio impact Millions $41.3 In fiscal year 2022, the Autodesk Foundation’s global portfolio achieved the following: of students and educators used million Autodesk software at no charge in Autodesk software donated to learn design and make skills to more than 2,600 nonprofits 1.4 29 and startups worldwide million+ million+ 14,900+ Talent metric tons CO2e of GHG individuals reached with people placed in new or emissions reduced resilient solutions in housing improved jobs, including 13,400 and infrastructure, energy access, (90%) with an annual income agricultural productivity, and increase of $5,000 or more $ See Autodesk’s FY22 Impact Report for more workforce development 1.3 information on education, employee impact at (cumulative since fiscal year 2020) million work and performance metrics. in employee volunteer hours, including Pro Bono Consulting These impact metrics rely on data aggregated and sourced from financial reports, annual reports, organizational key performance volunteer hours‡ indicators, and self-reported data from the Autodesk Foundation portfolio. * The Autodesk Foundation funds its portfolio through a donor advised fund (DAF). † This total does not equal the sum of the parts due to rounding. Learn more about the Autodesk Foundation’s approach to impact measurement ‡ Value of volunteer hours aligns with annual valuation from Independent Sector ($28.54 and management and how our approach has evolved. per hour was indexed in 2021). Value of employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours (also included in this total) is based on hourly rates for various skills cited by CECP.

      DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AFY22 AUTUTODESK FOUNDODESK FOUNDAATION IMPTION IMPAACT REPORCT REPORTT 44 Advance industries Catalyze We target opportunities with the potential to mitigate innovation at least 500 million metric tons of CO₂e by 2050. The Autodesk Foundation invests in nonprofits and startups scaling Impact measurement and management early‑stage technologies that have the potential to dramatically We evaluate the impact of the Autodesk Foundation Energy & Materials portfolio based on GHG emissions reduce GHG emissions and waste within our industries. abated. We engage third-party experts such as CEA Consulting and Rho Impact to calculate and audit C02e reductions realized by our portfolio and CO2e reduction potential. We also support field building We target early-stage (seed to Series A) technology-driven ventures, and de-risk efforts to bolster the ecosystem of forward-looking climate impact assessments through initiatives technology and business models with a combination of financial capital and in-kind such as Project Frame. support. We prioritize sectors where our design and make expertise is particularly beneficial, such as renewable energy, electrification of transportation, low-carbon Learn more about Autodesk Foundation impact measurement and management. refrigeration/heating, building and industrial energy efficiency, carbon removal, and materials innovation. From removing CO out of ambient air to refining critical, low-carbon minerals, the Autodesk 2 Foundation portfolio is helping accelerate the transition to a decarbonized economy. Who we fund Portfolio impact 13 39% Metrics FY22 GHG emissions reduced (metric tons CO2e)* 203,000 startups and ecosystem partners of Autodesk Foundation portfolio scaling innovative technologies that funding in fiscal year 2022 reduce GHG emissions GHG emissions reduction potential by 2050, cumulative (metric gigatons CO2e) 14 Geographic reach We primarily invest in the United States, where emissions per capita *This data was audited by a third party. exceed those of most other nations, but we recognize the importance of also enabling sustainable growth of technologies that combat climate Read the Autodesk Foundation’s Low-carbon Innovation impact brief. change in both emerging and developing markets. In fiscal year 2022, we expanded our Energy & Materials portfolio globally to catalyze climate innovation in developing markets.

      DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AFY22 AUTUTODESK FOUNDODESK FOUNDAATION IMPTION IMPAACT REPORCT REPORTT 55 Vartega Heirloom is investing in low-cost, scalable direct Recycling carbon air capture to remove 1 billion metric fiber reduces tons of CO₂ by 2035. carbon emissions Learn more Vartega, a recycling technology company that has developed a low-cost grade of carbon fiber through its patented recycling BamCore, Build Change, process, was added to the Autodesk Foundation portfolio in fiscal and BuildX Studio year 2022. The company’s recycled carbon fiber solutions—which have been found to exhibit the same mechanical properties are influencing the design and build as virgin carbon fiber—can be incorporated into intermediate industries to achieve net-zero carbon. materials (products that require additional processing), including non-woven fabrics, thermoplastic pellets, and 3D Learn more printing filaments. Recycling carbon fiber is 95% less energy-intensive and 50% less expensive than making virgin carbon fiber. Vartega aims to enable growth of the circular economy by closing production loops across all material composites. Greenhouse gas reduction Closed Loop remains central to the company’s metrics. For every metric ton Ventures Group of carbon fiber recycled, Vartega saves 13.4 metric tons of CO₂ compared to manufacturing virgin carbon fiber. is ushering in the circular economy. Vartega’s patented recycling hardware was designed and engineered with AutoCAD, Inventor, and Fusion 360 technology Learn more and provides strong, flexible, low-cost composite materials to Image courtesy of Closed key industries, including aerospace and automobile. Loop Partners/AMP Robotics Learn more Sangam Ventures is drawing new investors to community-centered solutions in India. Learn more Image courtesy of Image courtesy of Vartega Sangam Ventures

      DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AFY22 AUTUTODESK FOUNDODESK FOUNDAATION IMPTION IMPAACT REPORCT REPORTT 66 Advance industries Catalyze We invest in organizations increasing the health and innovation resiliency of communities impacted by climate change. The Autodesk Foundation invests in nonprofits and startups scaling Impact measurement and management technology‑based solutions that improve resilience in low resource We evaluate the impact of the Autodesk Foundation Health & Resilience portfolio based on outcomes communities most vulnerable to climate change. related to environmental protection, community health and well-being, and economic advancement as a measure of increased resilience. We focus our investments on the built environment, agriculture, energy access, and water and sanitation, where technology and design and make can have the greatest Learn more about the Autodesk Foundation’s impact measurement and management. positive impact. From retrofitting homes in Colombia to better withstand earthquakes to mass Portfolio impact manufacturing design-forward handwashing and drinking stations for children in Ethiopia, the Autodesk Foundation portfolio fosters health and enhances Metrics FY22 community resilience through technological innovation. Individuals directly impacted (cumulative) 16,900,000 Who we fund Product units sold/distributed* 543,000 % Building units and infrastructure projects completed 16,000 25 39 GHG emissions reduced (metric tons CO e) 1,200,000 2 nonprofits and startups fostering of Autodesk Foundation portfolio People with improved access to health care and food security 1,700,000 health and community resilience through funding in fiscal year 2022 technological innovation People who accessed training 76,200 People placed in new or improved jobs 1,400 Geographic reach We focus on regions most vulnerable to climate change, * Product units sold/distributed refers to the number of innovations such as greenhouses, irrigation pumps, sensors, etc., deployed by the portfolio in the field. including Sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and South America. Read the Autodesk Foundation’s Resilient Communities impact brief.

      DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AFY22 AUTUTODESK FOUNDODESK FOUNDAATION IMPTION IMPAACT REPORCT REPORTT 77 Build Change Nexleaf Analytics, WeRobotics, and Simprints are using technology and design thinking to bridge Earthquake-prone city vaccine access in emerging markets. in the clouds needs the Learn more cloud to protect homes Image courtesy of Nexleaf Analytics and families Kheyti is revolutionizing business for small farmers in India Densely populated Bogotá, Colombia, is located along the Pacific with Fusion 360. Ring of Fire, the most seismically active region in the world. It is Learn more also home to many informal urban neighborhoods, where houses Image courtesy of Kheyti are often built by those who lack the proper skills or training to ensure structural safety. Build Change is working to protect these vulnerable houses. Build Change The nonprofit organization—which works in emerging nations to reduce deaths, injuries, and economic losses caused by is scaling safe housing with Autodesk technology. earthquake-related structural collapses—is using innovative technology to identify retrofitting opportunities in this city of Learn more 7 million. In collaboration with the Autodesk Foundation, Build Image courtesy of Build Change Change has developed a cloud-based field-capture tool that can evaluate homes and zero in on structural weaknesses. With this tool, the organization can scale its work rapidly, with the goal of Sanergy more than 11,000 interventions in 2022. Sanergy’s Matthieu Desvignes is recognized as a leader Learn more in the AEC industry with Digital Builder’s 40 Under 40. Learn more Image courtesy of Sanergy The Mortenson Center in Global Engineering is enhancing access to fresh drinking water in remote communities using Fusion 360. Image courtesy of Learn more Image courtesy of Build Change The Mortenson Center

      DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AFY22 AUTUTODESK FOUNDODESK FOUNDAATION IMPTION IMPAACT REPORCT REPORTT 88 Advance industries We invest in organizations taking a worker-centered Catalyze approach to upskilling and career advancement in innovation service of an equitable and prosperous future for all. The Autodesk Foundation invests in nonprofits, startups, and Impact measurement and management ecosystem partners who prepare workers to thrive in the era We evaluate the impact of the Autodesk Foundation Work & Prosperity portfolio based on outcomes of automation. We invest in initiatives and solutions that help related to skills acquisition and inclusive access to quality jobs. Collecting and aggregating aligned workers prosper now—and in the future. metrics drives accountability across the portfolio and provides us with useful insights to drive toward industry change. Investments focus on upskilling and reskilling learners, facilitating employment Learn more about Autodesk Foundation impact measurement and management. for workers, and changing employer behavior within the construction and manufacturing industries. While we recognize the crucial role that a range of organizations play, including government, employers, and educational institutions, we invest primarily in early-stage technology-enabled startups, nonprofits, accelerators, and funds that help create a more inclusive economy. Portfolio impact Metrics FY22 * Who we fund Individuals directly impacted (low-touch, cumulative) 12,100,000 * 12 22% Individuals trained (high-touch) 17,500 nonprofits and ecosystem partners of Autodesk Foundation portfolio Certifications and credentials facilitated 13,800 that help workers prosper in the era funding in fiscal year 2022 of automation People placed in new or improved jobs 13,500 Individuals with an annual income increase of $5,000 or more 13,400 Geographic reach * Low-touch refers to individuals impacted through educational technology or learning platform solutions. High-touch refers to individuals who received formal training, either on the job or through job placement programs. We invest in organizations in the United States and the UK, Read the Autodesk Foundation’s Future of Work impact brief. and our research also includes Asia Pacific and Europe.

      DIRECTORS' MESSAGE PHILANTHROPY ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY FY22 AFY22 AUTUTODESK FOUNDODESK FOUNDAATION IMPTION IMPAACT REPORCT REPORTT 99 Pallet ISAIC is developing virtual training and on-demand machine Private shelter that repair in the manufacturing industry. Learn more can be built in a day Image courtesy of ISAIC As part of the Autodesk Foundation Work & Prosperity portfolio, Revolution Workshop we have made an investment in Pallet, a social purpose company that manufactures rapid-response shelter villages to provide is building resilience by providing construction job private transitional housing in a community setting, while building training to Chicago's underserved communities. a more equitable and inclusive manufacturing workforce. To date, Pallet has served thousands of unhoused people through over 60 Learn more shelter villages across 11 states. Image courtesy of Revolution Workshop Pallet’s panelized cabins can each be built in 30 minutes and require minimal training to install, offering cities, counties, states, and nonprofits cost-effective and high-quality housing units that Zinc provide safety, dignity, and community for unhoused people. Each village resident also has access to wrap-around support services, is unlocking new opportunities for people hard hit such as meals and case management, provided by local service by automation and globalization. providers. Pallet cabins are insulated, resistant to mold, rot, and pests, easy to clean, and can last more than 10 years. Learn more Image courtesy of Zinc VC Learn more The Industrial Commons is transforming the textile industry in the United States with a worker-centric manufacturing model. Learn more Image courtesy of Franzi Charen Coalfield Development is facilitating employment and economic transition in Appalachia. Image courtesy of Learn more Image courtesy of Pallet Coalfield Development

      Forward‑looking statements This report includes estimates, projections, and other forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “may,” “believe,” “could,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “plan,” “should,” “will,” “would,” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially. We continually review GHG emissions quantification methodologies and are committed to implementing best practice quantification methodologies. We describe risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially in our reports filed with Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward- looking statements, whether because of new information, future events, or otherwise. Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Autodesk Construction Cloud, Autodesk Forge, Autodesk Tandem, BuildingConnected, CAMduct, Civil 3D, Flame, Forge, FormIt, Fusion 360, Info360, InfoDrainage, InfoWater, InfoWorks, InfraWorks, Innovyze, Inventor, Maya, Mudbox, Navisworks, ReCap, Revit, Shotgun, Spacemaker, and Tinkercad are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. 2022 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.