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4 Customers Our customers have a broad and global reach. They include a wide range of companies, design firms, academic institutions, nonprofits, students, and entrepreneurs in the architecture, engineering, construction, product design, and manufacturing fields. Pressure on the built environment and production- consumption systems will grow as global population increases. This must be balanced with the urgent need to tackle climate change during the critical 2020s, which will set the trajectory for decades to come. Autodesk technology helps our customers to design and make better things with less overall negative impact on the world. Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC): The buildings sector represents 19% of GHG emissions globally 1 and 39% of energy- and process-related emissions: 28% from operational energy consumption and 11% from the production of building materials. 2 Reducing operational energy consumption in new and existing buildings remains a high priority for Autodesk and our customers. Tackling the embodied GHG emissions of building materials also offers great potential for near-term improvement, since those materials will account for about half of the climate impacts of projected new building construction between 2020 and 2050. 3 Reducing the impacts of building construction is essential, since that industry consumes more than half of all extracted raw materials 4 and generates over 36% of the waste stream in the developed West. 5 Up to 30% of construction activity on-site is related to rework, 6 and as much as 30% of construction material is wasted on-site, 7 costing time, money, and natural resources. Global demogra phic trends compound the urgency of reducing these impacts. As the global population continues to urbanize over the next 30 years, the construction in dustry will need to build an average of 13,000 buildings every day. 8 Indeed, 60% o f urban areas anticipated to exist in 2 030 have y et to be built. 9 Industry dema nd will contin ue to rise for solutions that enable architec ts, engineers, a nd contractors to support this ra pid growth more sustainably by improving energy and ma ter ials productiv ity while managing embodied carbon thoughtfully. T his past year, the Autodesk ® Revit ® 2020.1 updat e included enha nced systems an alysis workflows for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engin eers. This update supports HVAC systems analysis enabling ear li er, better, and more integrated collaboration between architects and engineers for better building energy performa nce. Our customers are increasingly working to make net-zero energy buildings, reduce embodied c arbon, reduce construction waste, and develop smart and sustainable cities. A study of Autodesk AEC c ustomers showed that approximately 47% of those customers h ave commitments to implementing sustainable practices. 10 Providing automa tion tools to support these objecti ves affordably and at scale is central to our sustainabi lity efforts. The Autodesk ® Ar chitecture, En gineeri ng & Construction Collection and Autodesk Construction Cloud™ help enable customer s to achieve these outcomes. Education We offer flexible, self-paced online learning opportunities as well as in-person experiences to help people get more out of Autodesk tools and to teach sustainable design concepts to those already practicing or considering a career in architecture, engineering, design, or related fields. Autodesk Knowledge Network , a repository of more than a million contributions from Autodesk, its community, and its partners, includes more than 250 videos and articles related to sustainable design. Autodesk ® Design Academy offers free projects, courses, webinars, and more for educators and design students at all levels. During fiscal year 2020, the site received more than 1 million new and returning visitors. Autodesk ® Education Community enables students, faculty, and educational institutions to access Autodesk’s professional-grade software portfolio at no charge. 11 In fiscal year 2020, students and educators accessed millions of educational licenses for Autodesk software. Autodesk University , a learning community for design and engineering professionals from around the globe, offers conference experiences and free access to online learning resources year-round. In fiscal year 2020, the Autodesk University website receieved nearly 2.2 million visits, and users watched more than 61,000 hours of instructional video, as well as 26,000 hours on additional distribution channels such as YouTube. Autodesk Certification Program provides educational resources and product certification for professional users and student worldwide, both instructor-led and self-paced. More than 700,000 certifications were issued in fiscal year 2020. 1. , Chapt er 9: Buildings. 2 https: // 3. https: // 4. http://www 5. https: // 6. https: // 7. https: // , Chapter 15: Construction Waste. 8. Ac cording to internal research with market research firm Statista. 9. https: // 10. Aut odesk engaged Business Advantage, a market research consulting firm, to conduct a study of 1400 Autodesk customers to understand their commitments to sustainability. The study, completed in 2019, determined a “commitment to sustainability” if the customer committed explicitly to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and/or showed evidence of a commitment to sustainability on their corporate website. 11. Free Autodesk software and/or cloud-based services are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the terms and conditions of the software license agreement or terms of service that accompany such software or cloud-based services. Software and cloud-based services subject to an Educational license may be used solely for Educational Purposes .

Autodesk FY20 Sustainability Report - Page 4 Autodesk FY20 Sustainability Report Page 3 Page 5