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FY22 IMPACT REPORT OVERVIEW ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY GOVERNANCE APPENDIX 29 Improve our operations Employee At Autodesk, we work to maintain a strong health health and and safety culture. safety At Autodesk, we work to maintain a strong health Already high employee engagement scores have increased over and safety culture. We help our employees work the course of the pandemic, as measured by the company’s safely and productively through participation in regular survey of employee sentiment. We are working toward programs that mitigate occupational safety risks conducting more in-person events safely during 2022 and in our workplaces. All company sites have emergency revamping our site emergency response teams as we anticipate response plans, and many also have safety increased employee interaction. committees and emergency response teams to help Ergonomic injuries can be a leading source of risk, in the office keep our employees safe. setting or at home. To mitigate this, we offer an online ergonomic self-assessment and safety training program that tracks personal ergonomic risks identified by employees and suggests alternative In 2021, we launched the Autodesk Flexible Workplace Program, work habits to potentially resolve those issues. If issues persist to provide flexibility to our employees while meeting the demands despite the employee’s best efforts, certified ergonomists are of our business. We support a blend of office-based, home-based, available to provide further evaluations, conduct training, and and hybrid work, and we are dedicated to ensuring employee recommend corrective measures, including work habit changes health and safety across these settings. and, in some cases, workstation modifications. During 2021, in Hybrid and home-based work have been essential for our people response to the pandemic, we provided increased ergonomic during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Autodesk has worked to guidance for employees in home-based settings. We introduced minimize its impact and protect the health, safety, and productivity buying guides to provide employees with information about of our employees by offering flexible hours, additional holidays to available solutions and help them determine what works best avoid burnout, reimbursements to improve home workspaces, and for them. resources and support for inner well-being, social connection, During 2021, the recordable incident rate at Autodesk (including and physical health (see Resilience and well-being). COVID-19 home-based work) equaled 0.00, compared to the NAICS tests are now available for reimbursement through the company. information industry sector rate of 0.8 for 2020 (the most recent Another key element of Autodesk’s internal response has been year available). Our days away, restrictions, and transfers (DART) regular communications from CEO Andrew Anagnost and other rate also equaled 0.00. leaders, as well as ongoing updates on our internal website See details in the Data summary. regarding items such as infection rates, rapidly evolving government policies and regulations, and vaccine tracking.

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