Autodesk Carbon Fund The Autodesk Carbon Fund enables us to invest in our efficiency Investment priorities and decarbonization targets and continue to neutralize all Our four Autodesk Carbon Fund investment areas are ranked by priority, but each one is remaining emissions each year with investments in renewable critical to achieving net-zero carbon. energy and certified carbon offset and removal projects. Efficiency Imge courtesy of NicaForest/Isla Bosque The fund is created by applying our internal price on carbon across our Scope 1, 2, and 3 Investing in efficiency projects across our business and value chain improves our emissions. Moving into fiscal year 2023, we increased our internal price on carbon to $20 performance while reducing costs and managing the overall growth of our GHG footprint. NicaForest Restoration per metric ton, from $10 per metric ton in fiscal year 2022. This increase will enable us Prioritizing efficiency enables us to eliminate emissions from our footprint and decreases to realize new emission reduction initiatives within our operations and value chain, and the need to invest in renewable energy credits and offsets. The NicaForest project team prepares teak saplings. The project intends to reinforces our commitment to carbon neutrality amidst the increasing costs of certified Learn more establish nearly 500 hectares of sustainably managed teak forest plantations. renewable energy certificates and high-quality carbon offsets. Renewable energy projects Learn more Through the Autodesk Carbon Fund, during fiscal year 2022 we continued to invest in We are committed to using 100% renewable energy in our operations. Since fiscal year 2016, projects that align with Autodesk’s impact opportunity areas. Our investments aspire we have continued to meet our RE100 commitment and purchased 94,800 MWh of to balance our commitment to decarbonizing our operations with driving sustainable renewable energy in fiscal year 2022. In addition to sourcing 100% renewable energy for our solutions across industries. We assess investment opportunities based on: workplaces and cloud in fiscal year 2022 (as in fiscal year 2021), we purchased renewable ● Carbon reductions energy credits for all employees working from home, which was especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also installed solar panels on the roof of our Kilsyth, Australia, ● Scalability facility, expanding the rooftop solar system to 99.7 kW, which will reduce GHG emissions ● Co-benefits at that location by an estimated 45 metric tons of CO e annually. 2 ● Business relevance Carbon leadership and engagement ● Climate equity FY23 Autodesk engages with industry peers, advisors, and partners working to scale decarbonization solutions. We access specialized sustainability expertise and join industry groups to exchange knowledge and best practices in decarbonization. $20 Carbon offsets and removal projects Imge courtesy of NicaForest/Isla Bosque We support carbon offset and removal projects to address any GHG emissions that remain Isla Bosque after making the investments above, while also delivering positive outcomes in alignment with our broader impact opportunity areas. During fiscal year 2022, we provided climate The Isla Bosque project will reforest over 800 hectares of previously finance to six projects that offset 103,000 metric tons of CO e emissions. With purchases degraded agricultural lands throughout Costa Rica with an additional 2 of carbon offsets from NicaForest Restoration (Nicaragua) and Isla Bosque (Costa Rica), 1,000 hectares planned for 2022. Internal we expanded our support for nature-based carbon removal solutions. We also continued FY22 $10 carbon price our support for rainforest protection in Sierra Leone, the distribution of efficient cookstoves Learn more per metric ton and water purification solutions in Kenya, and a water boreholes project improving access to clean water in multiple countries throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.