Partner with customers Media & Entertainment With a tremendous increase in content Replacing energy-intensive workstations with lighter footprint Moving 昀椀lm production to the cloud Shifting to cloud-based consumption globally, the media and entertainment local devices and moving to fully virtualized cloud-based Movie Labs is a consortium founded by major Hollywood industry is experiencing a content creation boom. work昀氀ows can also reduce energy consumption. studios that aims to effect transformational change in the solutions can reduce In some cases, media and entertainment companies are also industry by creating new dynamic creative processes Traditional services, streaming services, and rapidly evolving replacing physical sets with virtual sets displayed on large LED enabled by cloud architecture. GHG emissions, since areas such as the metaverse have undergone explosive growth screens behind live actors, which can reduce materials use and and convergence, further increasing demand. While this creates waste while saving time and money. Autodesk helps make this Movie Labs has urged industry leadership to invest in production those services are opportunities for individuals and studios worldwide, it also possible with Unreal Live Link for Maya. While 3D artists model technology for the future of media creation. This aligns with challenges companies, including Autodesk, to innovate ways and animate in Maya, the data 昀氀ows into Unreal Engine in real our vision to build a more resilient future by transitioning to typically more ef昀椀cient to meet this demand ef昀椀ciently and securely while helping time, allowing 昀椀lmmakers to see actors on set in the context of cloud-based work昀氀ows and business models, and we are customers consider environmental impact. Autodesk helps CG assets and iterate on changes live and in the moment. In other proud to collaborate with this industry think tank. than company-owned by enabling cloud-based rendering, supporting virtualized industries, use of virtual product prototypes, which are photoreal To this end, in January 2022 Autodesk acquired Moxion, a New work昀氀ows, and advancing relevant third-party standards 3D renders of product models, can offer similar bene昀椀ts. Zealand–based developer of camera to cloud (C2C) work昀氀ows and managed servers. and principles. Large productions such as 昀椀lms, episodic content, and games often for live action 昀椀lm sets, expanding our own cloud platform for Media and entertainment companies often have thousands or depend on the collaboration of many studios. This can involve Media & Entertainment upstream to include on-set production tens of thousands of servers for simulation, rendering, and multiple versions of animated characters, visual effects, and other work昀氀ows. Moving beyond post-production, this technology other virtualization tasks, and this trend is accelerating. Many digital assets, which increases the use of IT equipment and will bring new users to Autodesk while helping better integrate studios large and small are shifting to the cloud, which energy. Autodesk is working with the Academy Software Foundation real-time work昀氀ows across the entire content production chain. supports remote collaboration and reduces the need for on-site on open source standards to decrease the need for multiple IT infrastructure while also decreasing GHG emissions, since versions of digital assets, as well as simplifying customer work昀氀ows those services are typically more energy ef昀椀cient than company- in-studio and between studios. owned and managed servers. Through partnerships with cloud To advance progress toward a more sustainable cloud, we are a service providers, artists can use tools such as Arnold global signatory to The Corporate Colocation and Cloud Buyers’ Principles, ® ® a project of the Future of Internet Power Collaborative Initiative. illumination renderer and Autodesk Flame 3D compositing, VFX, and 昀椀nishing software on premises or in the cloud. With our virtualization policy and cloud rights that come with the Learn more ® software, customers can also bring solutions such as Autodesk ® ® 3ds Max , Maya , Arnold, and Flame software to the cloud and purchase compute time (including through our carbon neutral cloud services).