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      Autodesk Impact Report

      Autodesk Impact Report A better world designed and made for all

      Contents Overview Health & Resilience Work & Prosperity Governance A message from our President and CEO Improve our operations Improve our operations Corporate governance FY22 highlights Resilience and well-being Company culture Company strategy Our company Employee health and safety Flexible workplace Accountability Our impact strategy Partner with customers Learning and organization development Trust Philanthropy Architecture, Engineering & Construction Employee impact at work Privacy and data security Design & Manufacturing Diversity and belonging Ethics and compliance Media & Entertainment Partner with customers Human rights Energy & Materials Advance industries Education Suppliers and business partners Improve our operations Catalyze innovation Industry trends Public policy Driving net-zero carbon emissions Accelerate collaboration Architecture, Engineering & Construction Our carbon footprint Shape policies Design & Manufacturing Partner with customers Media & Entertainment Appendix Architecture, Engineering & Construction Advance industries Impact strategy assessments Design & Manufacturing Catalyze innovation Data summary Media & Entertainment Accelerate collaboration Sustainability-enabling solutions Advance industries Shape policies United Nations Global Compact index Catalyze innovation United Nations Sustainable Development Goals index Accelerate collaboration Sustainability Accounting Standards Board index Shape policies Endnotes Performance data included in this report is based on the Autodesk 昀椀scal year when noted, and the calendar year otherwise. The Autodesk 2022 昀椀scal year ran from February 1, 2021, through January 31, 2022. Performance data covers Autodesk’s global operations, unless otherwise stated. In some cases, segments in tables do not add up to the total due to rounding. Dashes indicate where data was unavailable. All dollar amounts listed are in USD.

      Autodesk Impact Report - Page 2

      03 Overview

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          04 Autodesk’s journey began in 1982, with a group of young This report outlines our approach and performance across these our portfolio of water management solutions. These technologists working to democratize CAD tools–they interconnected areas. Each builds on the former. Measuring and capabilities help our customers mitigate risk and respond believed that a proliferation of design technology would managing our own impacts better equips us to help our customers to unprecedented demand for sustainable solutions. be good for industries, and for society overall. do the same. And deploying outcomes-based solutions for our By investing in technologies that enable dramatic changes in We’ve come a long way in the last 40 years, while maintaining customers supports broader industry transition to the sustainable, our customers’ processes, we can help transform the industries the same core values. Technology, deployed appropriately, resilient, and inclusive future we collectively aim to achieve. we serve. Through the convergence of design and make, the can help to solve some of our most challenging global issues: We recognize the importance of improving our operations to integration of adjacent industry verticals, and the expansion to measure, manage, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and help enable of our partner and developer ecosystem, we enable insights to improve global health and resilience, and to provide skills a low-carbon, inclusive future. Our Carbon Fund underpins that empower customers to reduce carbon emissions, water and opportunities for those seeking to advance their careers. Autodesk’s work to deliver on our net-zero and renewable energy use, and waste. Through our certi昀椀cation programs and policy This work is more important than ever. As we look to the commitments, and we recently doubled our internal price on efforts we strive to support more inclusive opportunities in long term, climate change and labor market inequities carbon to align with market pricing. We also continue to drive the industries we serve, and we advocate for broader impact demand increasingly bold and urgent action. And in the near progress toward our three-year diversity and belonging through the global institutions with which we engage. term, global con昀氀ict, high in昀氀ation, prolonged supply chain strategic goals. To support our efforts, we have strengthened I’m grateful to our customers, employees, and investors for disruptions, and increasingly distributed workforces have our governance and accountability across the expanding their support of this work, and I welcome continued collaboration immediate economic and social implications. We acknowledge range of ESG issues. on this journey. By staying true to our values, investing in our the magnitude and importance of this moment. I believe the As we deepen our partnership with customers, we are empowering broader community, and focusing relentlessly on the outcomes volatility around the globe requires that we get back to basics— them to create solutions, connect their data, and accelerate we seek, I believe we will ful昀椀ll our vision of a better world, leaning into our communities, recognizing the importance the outcomes that matter to them. This helps them address designed and made for all. of resilience, and driving toward positive societal outcomes. the unprecedented demand for net-zero buildings, resilient Sincerely, Last year we unveiled our impact strategy. While we have made infrastructure, and waste reduction for consumer packaged substantial progress, much work remains to be done. We have goods—just to name a few. Last year, we further enhanced our multiple levers to drive progress across important environmental, platform capabilities to help our customers scale their positive social, and governance issues: how we manage our own business impact. We released microclimate analysis tools, digital twin operations, the solutions we provide to our customers, and solutions, and new features to improve ef昀椀ciency in building Andrew Anagnost our collective efforts to accelerate industry transformation. design and construction; and we introduced new factory President and Chief Executive Of昀椀cer ef昀椀ciency solutions for manufacturing. We’ve also expanded

          Autodesk Impact Report - Page 4

          FY22 highlights Neutralized $1 billion % GHG emissions 50 $ sustainability women on Autodesk’s Board of Directors 18.5 million across our operations and entire value chain, and 45% women on executive team for the second year in a row in philanthropic funding made by bond Autodesk and the Autodesk Foundation offering, to further align 昀椀nancial and impact strategies Internal price 19.0% on carbon increase in the number of women in tech roles globally through FY22 increased from $10 to $20 per metric ton Sustainability- (compared to the beginning of FY22) enabling $ 41.3 million solutions in Autodesk product donations introduced and enhanced to improve ef昀椀ciency in building design and construction as well as factory SBTi ef昀椀ciency in manufacturing 23,100 validation employee volunteer hours, including 5,400 of GHG emissions reduction targets Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours Expanded portfolio % of water management 1.4 million+ metric tons CO e of GHG emissions reduced 37 solutions 2 $2.9 million by the Autodesk Foundation's global portfolio ® reduction achieved in Scope 1 and Scope 2 with the acquisition of Innovyze , a global leader in employee giving GHG emissions (compared to FY20) in water infrastructure software

          Autodesk Impact Report - Page 5

          06 Our company A better world designed and made for all Every day, innovators the world over use This means creating technology to enable energy Autodesk technology to solve challenges, big and material productivity. It means offering and small. Our technology spans manyindustries, solutions to support the creation of healthier, from architecture, engineering, and construction, more resilient places, products, and systems. to manufacturing, to media and entertainment. It means advancing equitable access to jobs in From greener buildings to cleaner cars, smarter our industries–and facilitating the acquisition factories to bigger blockbusters, Autodesk of in-demand skills for the future. It means technology is used by millions of people todesign providing grants, software, and training to and make millions of things that impact billions early-stage innovation that helps lead the of lives. transformation of our industries. At Autodesk, sustainability is about making All this begins by being a better business that impact positive. ourselves. When we improve the impact of our own operations, we gain the knowledge and Digitization increases our customers’ opportunity credibility to help our customers improve theirs. to unlock the value of their data and create And by building a culture of belonging where solutions that accelerate their digital all employees have equitable opportunities transformation. Solutions that connect their to succeed and contribute, together we thrive. data, their teams, and their entire ecosystems. This is our opportunity and this is our time. This enables them to generate new ideas, Together, we can design and make a better explore more options, and accelerate better world for all. outcomes–so together we can transform how things are designed, made, and operated.

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                  Our impact strategy Progress demands that we work within our business, in partnership with our customers, and across our industries to advance a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable world. We focus our efforts to advance positive outcomes across three primary areas. These impact opportunity areas are derived from the UN Sustainable Development Goals and have been focused through a multipronged process to align the top needs of our stakeholders, the important issues of our business, and the areas we arebestplaced to accelerate positive impact at scale. Learn about assessments that inform our impact strategy. Ene rity rgy spe &M Pro ateri rk& Learn more about how we drive progress toward the als Wo UN Sustainable Development Goals. Healt lience h& esi R

                  Autodesk Impact Report - Page 7

                  Impact governance Company-wide launch We are operationalizing and integrating our impact strategy across During 2021, we introduced employees across Autodesk to our our business. This begins with deepening and expanding how impact strategy, reinforcing our company vision of a better world we govern impact. Our Board of Directors provides oversight of designed and made for all, strengthening our culture of impact, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues overall at and inspiring employees to play a role in realizing our strategy. Autodesk. In 2022, our Board of Directors Corporate Governance By aligning, inspiring, and activating Autodesk employees to bring and Nominating Committee and Compensation and Human impact into their work, we can accelerate progress. Resources Committee began assisting the Board with such oversight in the areas de昀椀ned in their charters. See Corporate Impact measurement and management governance. Also beginning in 2022, Autodesk’s ESG Steering Committee—composed of leaders from Finance, Legal, Human For more than 10 years, we have publicly reported metrics that Resources, and Impact—convenes quarterly to review and demonstrate our progress and impact, such as greenhouse gas prioritize issues relevant to the company’s ESG strategy. (GHG) emissions, energy use, employee demographics, and See Company strategy and Accountability. philanthropic investments. We have set and made progress against goals related to our carbon footprint and diversity and belonging. As a software company, however, our biggest opportunity to create Sustainability 昀椀nancing impact at scale is by enabling our customers to harness data and To drive investments in innovative projects to advance sustainable generate insights to improve design and make decisions. outcomes in our industries, we are further aligning our impact Although these activities are complex, multidimensional, and strategy with our 昀椀nancial strategy. In October 2021, we issued outside of our direct control, we know that making and managing our 昀椀rst sustainability bond offering totaling $1 billion. We are progress in these areas, and helping customers do the same, applying proceeds to fund projects in a broad range of areas, requires measurement. We are working to develop meaningful such as eco-ef昀椀cient products, production technologies, and metrics to push our business, support our customers, and processes; sustainable water and wastewater management; advance the industry. renewable energy and energy ef昀椀ciency; and socioeconomic The Autodesk Foundation has gained important insights into the advancement and empowerment. To expand the bene昀椀ts associated complexity of opportunities presented by impact measurement. with processing the offering, we brought in three diverse banks— As we advance and scale Autodesk’s impact strategy, we continue including one veteran-owned, one Black-owned, and one Black to apply these learnings to better enable customers to measure woman–owned/managed—as partners in our bond deal working and manage impact—and drive collective progress in our markets alongside top multinational banks. Later in 2022, we will publish and industries overall. a Sustainability Bond Impact Report, describing use of proceeds and expected and/or realized impacts, when feasible. Learn more Moving forward about our Sustainability Financing Framework. During 2021, we also re昀椀nanced an Autodesk line of credit and We have only begun to capitalize on the broad potential of tied it to our corporate sustainability targets of reducing carbon integrating our impact strategy into our business. In the coming emissions and increasing women in tech. If we meet those targets, years, we will continue expanding our governance frameworks, we are charged slightly lower rates. The Autodesk Carbon Fund re昀椀ning our operating model, improving metrics and management, is another key aspect of our approach. Through an internal price and driving accountability throughout the company. This will on carbon, which capitalizes the Fund, we invest in our ef昀椀ciency enable us to better meet growing stakeholder expectations and and decarbonization targets as well as renewable energy and manage rapidly evolving risks while unlocking tremendous certi昀椀ed carbon offset and removal projects. opportunities for Autodesk and our customers.

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                      Philanthropy Autodesk engages in philanthropy through multiple avenues, driving progress toward a more sustainable, more equitable world. The Autodesk Foundation: strategic philanthropy de-risking innovation Funding The Autodesk Foundation supports innovative solutions to the world’s Capital committed to Autodesk Foundation portfolio, FY22 most pressing social and environmental challenges. Through our deployment of catalytic capital, we help de-risk innovations that are $ $ transforming industries to be more sustainable, equitable, and resilient. $ 39% Energy & Materials 9.7 8.8 The Autodesk Foundation combines 昀椀nancial capital with in-kind 9.7 39% Health & Resilience million † resources to catalyze and scale the next generation of innovations, million million ranging from direct carbon capture to rapid shelter solutions. 22% Work & Prosperity in strategic philanthropy deployed in charitable contributions, * by the Autodesk Foundation during including $5.9 million by Autodesk, Autodesk’s current goal is to donate 1% of its operating margin to the 昀椀scal year 2022 to a portfolio of $2.7 million Autodesk Foundation Autodesk Foundation. 45 nonpro昀椀ts and startups globally match of employee giving, and See stories of how our portfolio of nonpro昀椀ts and startups catalyze (see right) $0.3 million Autodesk Foundation innovation in the areas of Energy & Materials, Health & Resilience, contributions for crisis response and Work & Prosperity. Technology Autodesk Foundation portfolio impact Millions $41.3 In 昀椀scal year 2022, the Autodesk Foundation’s global portfolio achieved the following: of students and educators used million Autodesk software at no charge in Autodesk software donated to learn design and make skills to more than 2,600 nonpro昀椀ts 1.4 29 (see Education) and startups worldwide million+ million+ 14,900+ Talent metric tons CO2e of GHG individuals reached with people placed in new or emissions reduced resilient solutions in housing improved jobs, including 13,400 and infrastructure, energy access, (90%) with an annual income agricultural productivity, and increase of $5,000 or more $ See the Employee impact at work section workforce development 1.3 for more information. (cumulative since fiscal year 2020) million See detailed performance metrics in the in employee volunteer hours, Data summary. including Pro Bono Consulting These impact metrics rely on data aggregated and sourced from 昀椀nancial reports, annual reports, organizational key performance volunteer hours‡ indicators, and self-reported data from the Autodesk Foundation portfolio. * The Autodesk Foundation funds its portfolio through a donor advised fund (DAF). † This total does not equal the sum of the parts due to rounding. Learn more about the Autodesk Foundation’s approach to impact measurement ‡ Value of volunteer hours aligns with annual valuation from Independent Sector ($28.54 and management and how our approach has evolved. per hour was indexed in 2021). Value of employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours (also included in this total) is based on hourly rates for various skills cited by CECP.

                      Autodesk Impact Report - Page 9

                      Energy & Materials Demands for more and cleaner resources grow as the global population and standards of living continue to increase. We envision a low-carbon future with minimal pollution and waste, where renewable energy powers our world and materials maintain value while cycling through a circular economy. Autodesk Improve our operations remains steadfast in our commitment Driving net-zero carbon emissions to advance sustainable business practices toward net-zero carbon emissions. We Our carbon footprint have an even more crucial role to play in equipping our customers and other Partner with customers innovators to better understand the impact of design and make decisions on energy Architecture, Engineering & Construction andmaterials use in the context of other Design & Manufacturing objectives, enabling them to make choices that bene昀椀t their companies and the world. Media & Entertainment Advance industries Catalyze innovation Accelerate collaboration Shape policies

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                          Improve our operations Targets * Driving net-zero Net-zero carbon carbon emissions emissions for Scopes 1, 2, and 3 annually, beginning 昀椀scal year 2021 Achieved and ongoing Autodesk continues to strive for excellence in embedding % % sustainability throughout our business. This reduces our own impact 100 50 while enabling us to thoughtfully engage with our customers and renewable energy powering our reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 partners on their own sustainability journeys. For the second year facilities, cloud services, and GHG emissions by 昀椀scal year 2031, in a row, we neutralized our GHG emissions across our operations employee work from home by compared to 昀椀scal year 2020 and entire value chain, through the deployment of the Autodesk † Carbon Fund. 昀椀scal year 2021 SBTi validated SBTi validated Autodesk 昀椀rst committed to achieving net-zero carbon across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 on an Achieved and ongoing 37% reduction achieved annual basis beginning in 昀椀scal year 2021. Since setting this target, de昀椀nitions of net- zero have converged; most notably illustrated by the release of the Science Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi) Corporate Net-Zero Standard in October 2021. We welcome this increased rigor and standardization. % % Our net-zero carbon target is a journey guided by: 26.5 25 ● Climate targets grounded in the latest science and aligned to a 1.5˚C climate trajectory of suppliers for purchased goods minimum reduction in Scope 3 ● Prioritization of internal investments and activities that decarbonize our operations and services and business travel, by GHG emissions per dollar of and those of our suppliers emissions, will have science-based gross pro昀椀t by 昀椀scal year 2031, ‡ ● A commitment to neutralize and compensate for all remaining Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions targets by 昀椀scal year 2027 compared to 昀椀scal year 2020 on an annual basis through the purchase of high-impact carbon avoidance and removal SBTi validated offsets, as well as renewable energy certi昀椀cates. The SBTi validated our GHG emissions reduction targets in 昀椀scal year 2022 and determined 15% achieved 67% reduction achieved§ that our 昀椀scal year 2031 Scope 1 and 2 target is aligned with the 1.5˚C trajectory. Our Environmental Policy underpins the company’s efforts in our own operations and with our products and services. Autodesk achieved an A- rating in its 2021 CDP submission. * Since setting this target in 2020, de昀椀nitions of net-zero carbon have increasingly See our most recent CDP Climate Change disclosure for more standardized. We continue to align our activities with best practice. † To estimate home of昀椀ce energy consumption, we follow the Work from Home methodology “No Survey” approach that was developed by Anthesis. detail about governance, strategy, risk management, and ‡ This target covers all of Autodesk’s Scope 3 emissions, expanding on the categories included in our SBTi-validated Scope 3 emissions target. performance in this area. § This reduction was largely due to a 93% decrease in GHG emissions from business travel and employee commuting as a result of COVID-19 travel restrictions. We anticipate an increase in business travel-related and overall Scope 3 GHG emissions in the coming years.

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                          Autodesk Carbon Fund The Autodesk Carbon Fund enables us to invest in our ef昀椀ciency Investment priorities and decarbonization targets and continue to neutralize all Our four Autodesk Carbon Fund investment areas are ranked by priority, but each one is remaining emissions each year with investments in renewable critical to achieving net-zero carbon. energy and certi昀椀ed carbon offset and removal projects. Ef昀椀ciency The fund is created by applying our internal price on carbon across our Scope 1, 2, and 3 Investing in ef昀椀ciency projects across our business and value chain improves our emissions. Moving into 昀椀scal year 2023, we increased our internal price on carbon to $20 performance while reducing costs and managing the overall growth of our GHG footprint. per metric ton, from $10 per metric ton in 昀椀scal year 2022. This increase will enable us Prioritizing ef昀椀ciency enables us to eliminate emissions from our footprint and decreases to realize new emission reduction initiatives within our operations and value chain, and the need to invest in renewable energy credits and offsets. reinforces our commitment to carbon neutrality amidst the increasing costs of certi昀椀ed Learn more renewable energy certi昀椀cates and high-quality carbon offsets. Renewable energy projects Through the Autodesk Carbon Fund, during 昀椀scal year 2022 we continued to invest in We are committed to using 100% renewable energy in our operations. Since 昀椀scal year 2016, projects that align with Autodesk’s impact opportunity areas. Our investments aspire we have continued to meet our RE100 commitment and purchased 94,800 MWh of to balance our commitment to decarbonizing our operations with driving sustainable renewable energy in 昀椀scal year 2022. In addition to sourcing 100% renewable energy for our solutions across industries. We assess investment opportunities based on: workplaces and cloud in 昀椀scal year 2022 (as in 昀椀scal year 2021), we purchased renewable ● Carbon reductions energy credits for all employees working from home, which was especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also installed solar panels on the roof of our Kilsyth, Australia, ● Scalability facility, expanding the rooftop solar system to 99.7 kW, which will reduce GHG emissions ● Co-bene昀椀ts at that location by an estimated 45 metric tons of CO e annually. 2 ● Business relevance Carbon leadership and engagement ● Climate equity Autodesk engages with industry peers, advisors, and partners working to scale decarbonization solutions. We access specialized sustainability expertise and join industry groups to exchange knowledge and best practices in decarbonization. Carbon offsets and removal projects We support carbon offset and removal projects to address any GHG emissions that remain after making the investments above, while also delivering positive outcomes in alignment with our broader impact opportunity areas. During 昀椀scal year 2022, we provided climate 昀椀nance to six projects that offset 103,000 metric tons of CO e emissions. With purchases 2 of carbon offsets from NicaForest Restoration (Nicaragua) and Isla Bosque (Costa Rica), Internal we expanded our support for nature-based carbon removal solutions. We also continued carbon price our support for rainforest protection in Sierra Leone, the distribution of ef昀椀cient cookstoves per metric ton and water puri昀椀cation solutions in Kenya, and a water boreholes project improving access to clean water in multiple countries throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.

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                              Improve our operations 88% Procurement Our carbon 4% Business travel footprint 4% Employee commuting and remote work Total in FY22 2% Cloud and data centers 2% Workplaces Procurement 103,000 We strive to embed sustainability into our purchasing practices, 0% Major conferences from our events and IT equipment to vendors and of昀椀ce supplies metric tons CO e such as paper. Since 昀椀scal year 2021, we have partnered with CDP 2 to engage our suppliers and enhance collaboration and disclosure. During 昀椀scal year 2022, we asked 89 of our top suppliers (by GHG emissions) to report information about climate-related programs and GHG emissions to CDP and had a 58% response rate. Through 昀椀scal year 2022, 18 of our top suppliers (by GHG emissions) set science-based GHG emissions reduction targets. Learn more about our expanded Partner Code of Conduct and our programs with suppliers and business partners. Business travel Employee commuting and remote work Cloud and data centers Workplaces We seek to reduce business travel–related GHG emissions by To account for the impact of remote workers, in 昀椀scal year 2022 Over the past three years, we have shifted more of our data We assess our facilities’ environmental operating practices promoting virtual/hybrid meetings, educating employees and (similar to 昀椀scal year 2021) we included GHG emissions associated centers from Autodesk facilities to cloud infrastructure providers, related to energy use and other impact areas, and we work to partners, implementing a green rating system for hotels, and with home of昀椀ce energy consumption in our footprint (as a part increasing ef昀椀ciency due to higher infrastructure capacity continuously review and make sustainability improvements. incorporating sustainability expectations into our standard of the employee commuting category based on the GHG Protocol) utilization. In addition, we strive to minimize data center energy We use our operations as test cases to help re昀椀ne the functionality meeting contracts. To help advance sustainable air travel, during and purchased corresponding amounts of additional renewable use through server virtualization and selection of ef昀椀cient of our solutions, improve our environmental performance, and 2021 we joined the United Airlines Eco-Skies Alliance, which 1,2 energy and carbon offsets. We plan to continue this practice equipment that meets respected industry standards and by showcase how customers can use our solutions to meet their supports the increased use of sustainable aviation fuel through moving forward. streamlining our code. sustainability objectives. Due to the pandemic and workplace member contributions. Employees have visibility into estimated Major conferences We source 100% renewable energy for our cloud services and data closures, emissions in this category were 37% lower in 昀椀scal year GHG emissions for each 昀氀ight segment purchased through our centers, and our cloud services have been carbon neutral since 昀椀scal 2022 than in 昀椀scal year 2020 (the year before the pandemic). online booking system, enabling more informed decisions about Autodesk University and One Team Conference (our annual channel year 2016. These efforts help us provide customers with a faster, Our of昀椀ces have been powered by 100% renewable energy since air travel. We are also working to decarbonize our 昀氀eet using partner and sales summit) are both carbon neutral, including the 1 昀椀scal year 2016. hybrid and electric leased vehicles, and we are on target to convert events, attendee travel, and GHG emissions related to virtual more reliable experience with reduced environmental impacts. 3 at least 80% of our leased vehicles to hybrid or electric by the participation. We achieve this by enhancing ef昀椀ciency, providing See detailed performance metrics in the Data summary. end of 2023. Emissions from business travel were 95% lower than virtual attendance options, reducing waste, and purchasing 1 in 昀椀scal year 2020 (the year before the pandemic), largely due carbon offsets. In 昀椀scal year 2022, all of our conferences were held 1 virtually due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

                              Partner with customers Architecture, Engineering & Construction The buildings sector represents 38% of energy- To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, all new buildings and 20% and process-related GHG emissions globally: of the existing building stock would need to be zero-carbon-ready 28% from operational energy consumption and as soon as 2030. This goal requires spending to triple by 2030 9 4 relative to the last half-decade averages. 10% from the buildings construction industry. Our customers are increasingly working to make net-zero energy Reducing operational energy consumption in new and existing buildings, reduce embodied carbon, decrease construction waste, buildings remains a high priority for Autodesk and many of and develop smart and sustainable cities. Globally, commitment our customers. Tackling the embodied carbon in infrastructure to increasing green building efforts remains strong: 28% of CEOs and building materials also offers great potential for near-term in the construction industry planned to do the majority of their 10 improvement, since building materials will account for about projects green in 2021, and 42% plan to do so in the future. half of the climate impacts of projected new building construction The business case for building green is compelling: The average 5 reduction in operating costs in the 昀椀rst year for new green between 2020 and 2050. Reducing the impacts of construction buildings is 10.5%, and average 昀椀ve-year operating cost savings is essential, since that industry consumes more than half of all is 16.9%; green renovations and retro昀椀ts have an even stronger extracted raw materials.6 performance at 11.5% and 17% average reductions. Owners report Global demographic trends compound the urgency of reducing that new green buildings and renovation/retro昀椀t projects increase these impacts. As the world population continues to urbanize over 11 building asset value by more than 9%. the next 30 years, the construction industry will need to build Providing automation tools to support these objectives affordably 7 an average of 13,000 buildings every day and 700,000 miles of ® 8 and at scale is central to our sustainability efforts. The Autodesk road per year. Industry demand will continue to rise for solutions Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Collection and that enable architects, engineers, and contractors to support this Autodesk Construction Cloud® help enable customers to achieve rapid growth more sustainably by improving energy and materials these outcomes. productivity while managing embodied carbon thoughtfully.

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                                  Total carbon management Operations We support customers with tools that tackle the total carbon Autodesk Tandem™ software, commercially available since July impacts of the building lifecycle. The Embodied Carbon in 2021, extends the value of BIM to operations. The BIM datacreated Construction Calculator (EC3), built by Building Transparency and throughout a project’s lifecycle is used to create a digital twin incubated at the Carbon Leadership Forum with input and support of the physical asset that AEC 昀椀rms can hand over to building from nearly 50 industry partners and Autodesk, helps customers owners and operators. The easily accessible, contextual, and choose carbon-smart materials that have lower embodied carbon. insightful data owners receive makes for ready-to-go operations. The EC3 app easily transfers information between publicly available This can support improved maintenance and enable teams to datasheets and Autodesk Construction Cloud, so comparisons can operate at their highest performance. Autodesk Tandem and digital be done in minutes by general practitioners. The EC3 database is twins are part of the broader digital transformation, where every expanding—currently comprising 18,000 registered users from 71 system becomes increasingly connected as data is generated. countries—with the goal of including all embodied carbon impact Last year, Autodesk became a Founding Member of the Digital stages for use in whole life carbon accounting. Twin Consortium, an organization collaborating on digital twin ® best practices and standards. To address carbon associated with building operations, Autodesk Insight technology aims to empower architects and engineers to Learn more design more energy-ef昀椀cient buildings with advanced simulation engines and building performance analysis data integrated in ® ® Autodesk Revit software. By combining design data in a cloud-based environment, design teams can visualize trade-offs with high accuracy. HVAC systems are often the single largest contributor to building energy use, so right-sizing HVAC systems is essential, and saves upfront costs, lowers energy consumption, and reduces carbon emissions. In addition to integrated modeling and systems analysis, Revit software provides an output report that automatically equips engineers with HVAC system sizing and selection data that can be customized for speci昀椀c requirements. In 2021, we began pilot testing an application of machine learning (ML)that harnesses the power of generative design and arti昀椀cial intelligence (AI) to make building energy analysis faster and easier. This research prototype uses large datasets of building models to predict energy performance and enables users to quickly identify options that are optimized for energy performance. Our initial experimentation has shown that always-on, real-time energy analysis is within reach.

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                                          Integrated environmental analysis Adaptive reuse Sustainable infrastructure ® Spacemaker , an Autodesk product, uses cloud-based AI and In some cases, the lowest impact building is one that has already More ef昀椀cient road network systems have the potential to reduce generative design to reinvent early-stage site planning and been built. Making the most of existing structures through energy consumption, local pollutant emissions, delays, and traf昀椀c design for architects and real estate developers. Spacemaker adaptive reuse avoids demolition waste and reduces procurement congestion, while improving safety. enhances users' ability to perform feasibility studies and optimize of new material, greatly lowering a project’s embodied carbon Autodesk products help customers understand and reduce site plans, and enables them to quickly make smart choices compared to building new structures. Complementing these environmental impacts associated with roadways and around daylight, noise, sun, and wind from the start. This leads savings, the building envelope and mechanical systems can be transportation infrastructure. Using the integrated multimodal to more sustainable urban development that considers the upgraded to bene昀椀t from the latest technologies. This approach ® ® Mobility Simulation engine for Autodesk InfraWorks , designers well-being and comfort of urban residents, as well as how to will be essential to decreasing overall GHG emissions associated cancreate animated simulations of transit, parking, personal, and/or reduce environmental impact and increase climate resilience. with buildings to levels required to meet climate change targets. taxi-mode modeling. Metrics such as person-hours traveled, In October 2021, Spacemaker introduced microclimate analysis, person-kilometers traveled, multimodal level of service calculations, a new tool that combines wind and sun analyses with local Learn more and economic and environmental assessments help planners weather data to help mitigate the urban heat island effect— understand the relative impacts of different scenarios. This supports a phenomenon in which the built environment in cities, such as Lean construction the development of more ef昀椀cient road network systems, which concentrated buildings, plazas, and other surfaces, absorb and Lean construction, enabled by Autodesk Construction Cloud, have the potential to reduce energy consumption, local pollutant retain heat throughout the day. Spacemaker also recently supports higher-quality, more-ef昀椀cient construction projects emissions, delays, and traf昀椀c congestion, and improve safety. ® ® released its solar panel analysis, which estimates the amount of by helping general contractors, subcontractors, and owners to Autodesk Grading Optimization in Autodesk Civil 3D software energy that rooftop solar arrays can produce per year, and helps optimize work昀氀ows. When tradespeople are empowered to is an interactive tool that facilitates grading design of various architects and developers generate their sustainability strategies make decisions that affect the project schedule, bottlenecks are land areas such as sites, road interchanges, and around structures, earlier and more accurately. Urban heat islands contribute to avoided, waste is reduced, and projects proceed more smoothly. helping designers achieve an optimal grading plan that minimizes rising daytime temperatures, reduced nighttime cooling, and poorer Projects that use lean practices are three times more likely to material waste and reduces cost by optimizing the movement air quality. Not only do they prompt an increase in air conditioning 12 of dirt. usage that drives up energy consumption and thus carbon be ahead of schedule and twice as likely to be under budget. emissions, they can also lead to an increase in illness and heat Contractors in the United States, UK, and France who use lean See a summary of Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction 13 solutions that enable sustainable design. related deaths. With microclimate analysis, architects and developers planning practices saw a 52% reduction in rework, and adoption can quickly, easily, and accurately evaluate the thermal comfort of lean construction practices is quickly expanding worldwide. of outdoor spaces, detect problematic areas, and simulate more ef昀椀cient and sustainable options to consider before major design decisions are locked in. Spacemaker is also exploring new analyses in the sustainability realm, including total carbon management and stormwater, which—along with the existing solar panel, operational energy, and microclimate analyses—will be critical in the quest to lower the environmental impact of cities and make them more climate resilient. Learn more

                                          Lake|Flato Architects Every design has an impact. Total carbon management helps make it a positive one. Lake|Flato Architects, a leader in sustainable architecture design in the United States, has received 13 AIA COTE awards for sustainable design excellence—more than any other architect. The 昀椀rm is driven by the goal of total carbon management and making the best decisions possible for the design itself and impact on the climate. To manage operational carbon, Lake|Flato uses Autodesk Insight software for high-performance building design. Insight enables Lake|Flato to quickly, easily, and accurately model the impacts of design decisions on the overall energy consumption of each project. Tally—the 昀椀rst lifecycle assessment app to calculate the environmental impacts of building material selections directly in a Revit model—is another key tool in Lake|Flato’s arsenal for measuring and managing embodied carbon. The list of materials and quantities generated in Tally imports directly into the EC3 tool, fostering a more ef昀椀cient work昀氀ow that optimizes both tools’ capabilities. Located in the heart of downtown Austin, Lake|Flato’s recent Hotel Magdalena project is the 昀椀rst mass timber boutique hotel constructed in North America and demonstrates the total carbon bene昀椀ts of this approach compared to more conventional construction. According to Lake|Flato, “Results indicate that when including biogenic carbon, switching to a mass timber structural system can provide a tremendous carbon reduction, ranging from 38% to 58% depending on how much mass timber is replacing concrete or steel. When biogenic is not included, the carbon reduction ranges from 7% to 17%.” Learn more

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                                              Partner with customers Design & Manufacturing Approximately 19% of global greenhouse gas Energy use is another pressing issue, during both manufacturing 14 and product use. By using approaches such as digital twins and emissions are from the manufacturing industry, and by 2050 the growth in population and AI-assisted predictive maintenance, manufacturers can optimize associated demand for consumer goods will factory layout and operations. In sectors such as transportation, 15 16 automotive, and aerospace, designing lighter-weight products require at least twice the energy and materials utilizing generative design and other innovative technology can currently used. reduce energy consumption of products in use. These impacts and trends are driving manufacturers to commit to Materials use is a key environmental impact driver in product sustainable and circular outcomes in their work. In a new study design and manufacturing. Reducing materials use and waste focused on the European Union, 73% of manufacturing companies (through lightweighting and additive manufacturing) and surveyed understand sustainability as a component of formal using lower impact and more sustainable materials (such as 17 Manufacturing strategic vision from a leadership approach. recycled and renewable content) are important objectives companies that address these opportunities could see potential for many of our customers. Developing more circular product revenue of $338 billion from new sustainable products and designs—through design for upgradability, repairability, reuse, 18 services in the short to medium term. disassembly, and recycling—as well as transitioning to product- Based on internal research about the consumer packaged goods as-a-service and other more circular business models allows industry, nearly 6 in 10 consumers surveyed are willing to change companies to gain more value from materials and strengthen their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact. They are relationships with customers. also demanding more transparency, with close to half (49% saying To comply with materials regulations worldwide, such as the they do not have the information to verify products’ sustainability Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive and claims. And companies recognize the bene昀椀ts derived from Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of sustainability initiatives, with 77% of those surveyed agreeing Chemicals (REACH) regulation in the European Union and 19 Consumer goods that they drive an increase in consumer loyalty. legislation related to con昀氀ict minerals in the United States brands are looking for guidance on how to manage the complexity and other locations, companies face increasing pressure to of this transformation, and consumers need to be assured that assess and document the materials used in their products, companies are genuinely using the most innovative product and in some cases to ensure materials' traceability throughout designand manufacturing technology to achieve next-level the supply chain. sustainability innovation.

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