Improve our operations 88% Procurement Our carbon 4% Business travel footprint 4% Employee commuting and remote work Total in FY22 2% Cloud and data centers 2% Workplaces Procurement 103,000 We strive to embed sustainability into our purchasing practices, 0% Major conferences from our events and IT equipment to vendors and of昀椀ce supplies metric tons CO e such as paper. Since 昀椀scal year 2021, we have partnered with CDP 2 to engage our suppliers and enhance collaboration and disclosure. During 昀椀scal year 2022, we asked 89 of our top suppliers (by GHG emissions) to report information about climate-related programs and GHG emissions to CDP and had a 58% response rate. Through 昀椀scal year 2022, 18 of our top suppliers (by GHG emissions) set science-based GHG emissions reduction targets. Learn more about our expanded Partner Code of Conduct and our programs with suppliers and business partners. Business travel Employee commuting and remote work Cloud and data centers Workplaces We seek to reduce business travel–related GHG emissions by To account for the impact of remote workers, in 昀椀scal year 2022 Over the past three years, we have shifted more of our data We assess our facilities’ environmental operating practices promoting virtual/hybrid meetings, educating employees and (similar to 昀椀scal year 2021) we included GHG emissions associated centers from Autodesk facilities to cloud infrastructure providers, related to energy use and other impact areas, and we work to partners, implementing a green rating system for hotels, and with home of昀椀ce energy consumption in our footprint (as a part increasing ef昀椀ciency due to higher infrastructure capacity continuously review and make sustainability improvements. incorporating sustainability expectations into our standard of the employee commuting category based on the GHG Protocol) utilization. In addition, we strive to minimize data center energy We use our operations as test cases to help re昀椀ne the functionality meeting contracts. To help advance sustainable air travel, during and purchased corresponding amounts of additional renewable use through server virtualization and selection of ef昀椀cient of our solutions, improve our environmental performance, and 2021 we joined the United Airlines Eco-Skies Alliance, which 1,2 energy and carbon offsets. We plan to continue this practice equipment that meets respected industry standards and by showcase how customers can use our solutions to meet their supports the increased use of sustainable aviation fuel through moving forward. streamlining our code. sustainability objectives. Due to the pandemic and workplace member contributions. Employees have visibility into estimated Major conferences We source 100% renewable energy for our cloud services and data closures, emissions in this category were 37% lower in 昀椀scal year GHG emissions for each 昀氀ight segment purchased through our centers, and our cloud services have been carbon neutral since 昀椀scal 2022 than in 昀椀scal year 2020 (the year before the pandemic). online booking system, enabling more informed decisions about Autodesk University and One Team Conference (our annual channel year 2016. These efforts help us provide customers with a faster, Our of昀椀ces have been powered by 100% renewable energy since air travel. We are also working to decarbonize our 昀氀eet using partner and sales summit) are both carbon neutral, including the 1 昀椀scal year 2016. hybrid and electric leased vehicles, and we are on target to convert events, attendee travel, and GHG emissions related to virtual more reliable experience with reduced environmental impacts. 3 at least 80% of our leased vehicles to hybrid or electric by the participation. We achieve this by enhancing ef昀椀ciency, providing See detailed performance metrics in the Data summary. end of 2023. Emissions from business travel were 95% lower than virtual attendance options, reducing waste, and purchasing 1 in 昀椀scal year 2020 (the year before the pandemic), largely due carbon offsets. In 昀椀scal year 2022, all of our conferences were held 1 virtually due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. to COVID-19 travel restrictions.