Endnotes Energy & Materials Health & Resilience 1 Greenhouse gas emissions from business travel are included in Scope 3: “Business travel” and Scope 1 (related to fleet business travel). Emissions from facilities are 1 World Economic Forum, The Global Risks Report 2021, 16th Edition (Geneva: 2021), 12. https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-risks-report-2021 included in Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3: “Waste generated in operations” and “Leased assets.” Emissions from data centers are included in Scope 2 (related to purchased 2 World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000-2020: five years electricity) and Scope 3: “Purchased goods and services.” Emissions from major conferences are included in Scope 3: “Purchased goods and services.” into the SDGs (Geneva: 2021), 29. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240030848 2 To estimate home office energy consumption, we follow the Work from Home methodology “No Survey” approach that was developed by Anthesis. 3 Rutger Willem Hofste, Paul Reig, and Leah Schleifer, 17 Countries, Home to One-Quarter of the World's Population, Face Extremely High Water Stress (World Resources 3 Autodesk University has been carbon neutral since fiscal year 2016; One Team Conference since fiscal year 2017. Institute, 2019), 2. https://www.wri.org/insights/17-countries-home-one-quarter-worlds-population-face-extremely-high-water-stress 4 United Nations Environment Programme, 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a Zero-emission, Efficient and Resilient Buildings and 4 UNESCO, UN-Water, The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: Water and Climate Change (Paris: 2020), 24. Construction Sector (Nairobi: 2020), 4. https://globalabc.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/2020%20Buildings%20GSR_FULL%20REPORT.pdf https://www.unwater.org/publications/world-water-development-report-2020/ 5 World Green Building Council, Bringing embodied carbon upfront (London, Toronto: 2019), 17. 5 Global Infrastructure Hub, Global Infrastructure Outlook: Infrastructure investment needs 50 countries, 7 sectors to 2040 (2017), 5. https://www.worldgbc.org/sites/default/files/WorldGBC_Bringing_Embodied_Carbon_Upfront.pdf https://cdn.gihub.org/outlook/live/ methodology/Global+Infrastructure+Outlook+-+July+2017.pdf 6 Alessandra Bonoli., Sara Zanni, and Francisco Serrano-Bernardo, “Sustainability in Building and Construction within the Framework of Circular Cities and European New 6 Rutger Willem Hofste, Paul Reig, and Leah Schleifer, 17 Countries, Home to One-Quarter of the World's Population, Face Extremely High Water Stress (World Resources Green Deal. The Contribution of Concrete Recycling,” Sustainability 13(4), 2139 (2021): 8. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13042139 Institute, 2019), 2. https://www.wri.org/insights/17-countries-home-one-quarter-worlds-population-face-extremely-high-water-stress 7 Vanessa Bertollini, “Here’s What Building the Future Looks Like for a 10-Billion-Person Planet,” Redshift by Autodesk, August 24, 2018. 7 Jürg Luterbacher, et al., United in Science 2020: A multi-organization high-level compilation of the latest climate science information (World Meteorological Organization https://redshift.autodesk.com/building-the-future/ [WMO], 2020), 14. https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/united_in_science 8 Vanessa Bertollini, “This Is What Trillions in Global-Infrastructure Investment Look Like,” Redshift by Autodesk, May 14, 2019. https://redshift.autodesk.com/global-infrastructure/ Work & Prosperity 9 IEA (2021), Tracking Buildings 2021, IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/tracking-buildings-2021 10 Dodge Construction Network, World Green Building Trends 2021 SmartMarket Report (Dodge Data & Analytics, 2021), 8. 1 Based on “Salary Increase and Turnover Study – Second Edition Refresh”, published by Aon. 457 organizations were included in the Worldwide Software Products https://www.construction.com/toolkit/reports/World-Green-Building-trends-2021 & Services sub-industry. 11 Dodge Construction Network, World Green Building Trends 2021 SmartMarket Report (Dodge Data & Analytics, 2021), 5. 2 Includes spend with US-based diverse businesses supporting Autodesk’s business operations, as well as spend allocated to Autodesk that Autodesk’s suppliers spend https://www.construction.com/toolkit/reports/World-Green-Building-trends-2021 with US-based diverse businesses. 12 Bevan Mace, Ph.D., Why Projects Excel? The Business Case for Lean Construction (Lean Construction Institute, 2016), 17. 3 James Knightley, “US manufacturing and construction boost the case for a strong 2022,” THINK:ING, December 16, 2021. https://leanconstruction.org/media/docs/research/LeanConstruction_BusinessCase.pdf https://think.ing.com/articles/us-manufacturing-and-construction-boost-the-case-for-a-strong-2022 13 Sustainable Construction Study Report, Dodge Data & Analytics, September 2019. The report defines “contractors” as general contractors, construction management, 4 Alan Lockey and Fabian Wallace-Stephens, A blueprint for good work: Eight ideas for a new social contract (London: RSA [Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, designers/builders, and specialty/trade construction companies. Manufactures and Commerce], 2020), 81. www.thersa.org/globalassets/reports/2020/a-new-blueprint-for-good-work.pdf 14 IEA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Data Explorer (Paris: 2021), 5. https://www.iea.org/articles/greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-energy-data-explorer 5 Naina Dhingra, et al., “Help your employees find purpose or watch them leave,” McKinsey, April 25, 2021, 15 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), International Energy Outlook 2021 (Washington, DC: 2021), 6. https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/ieo/ https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performanceour-insights/help-your-employees-find-purpose-or-watch-them-leave 16 fficiency: A White Paper,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 55 (2011), 363. Julian M. Allwood, et al., “Material E https://web.mit.edu/ebm/www/Publications/MEWP_Res_Cons_Recycl_2011.pdf Governance 17 oyan, Digital Sustainability: The Path to Net Zero for Design & Manufacturing and Architecture, Engineering, & Construction (AEC) Industries (Frost & Sullivan, 2021), Frederick R 21. https://damassets.autodesk.net/content/dam/autodesk/www/campaigns/emea/docs/FS_WP_Autodesk_DigitalSustainability.pdf 1 This refers to Autodesk employees who were active as of February 1, 2021, and throughout the first quarter. 18 imate Change Report 2019. Major risk or rosy opportunity: Are companies ready for climate change? (London: 2019), 23. CDP Worldwide, CDP Cl https://www.cdp.net/en/research/global-reports/global-climate-change-report-2018/climate-report-risks-and-opportunities 19 ch Institute, Sustainability in Consumer Products and Retail Survey April–May 2020, Consumer Products and Retail – How sustainability is fundamentally Capgemini Resear changing consumer preferences (2020), 14–18. 20 McKinsey Global Institute, The Internet of Things: Mapping the Value Beyond the Hype (McKinsey & Company, 2015), 8. www.mckinsey.com/mgi