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8 Autodesk takes a broad approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities of climate change and driving progress for our company and customers. We focus on four key areas. • Governance: With oversight from our CEO, the Sustainability & Foundation team has direct responsibility for setting and implementing our corporate sustainability strategy, including our climate change strategy. • Strategy: To drive continued progress and meet growing demand, we continue to expand the solutions, education, and support we offer, helping customers secure a competitive advantage for a low-carbon future by designing high-performance buildings, resilient cities and infrastructure, and more efficient transportation and products. To continue to grow this market, we provide software and support to early stage entrepreneurs and startup companies who are designing clean technologies. We lead by example by infusing sustainability in our own business operations. See Customers and Philanthropy . • Risk management: Internally, we are investing in best practices to mitigate our GHG emissions and climate change risk through investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, disaster management and recovery strategies, and materials innovation. See Carbon footprint . • Metrics and targets: We set aggressive targets based on climate science to drive progress (see below) and measure and report performance across the value chain (see Carbon footprint ). The following commitments and targets demonstrate our broad and bold approach in this area. Our Environmental Policy underpins the company’s efforts in our own operations and with our products and services. Climate change • Continue to report climate change information in mainstream financial reports (see Autodesk FY2020 Annual Report ). • Continue to conduct responsible corporate engagement in climate change policy (see Public policy ). • Continue to use an internal price on carbon. • Continue to integrate sustainable design capabilities into our products and services (see Customers ). COMMITMENTS TARGETS PROGRESS IN FY2020 We committed to following our Corporate Finance Approach to Climate- Stabilizing Targets (C-FACT) methodology through 2020, to reduce GHG emissions in line with an 85% absolute decrease by 2050. Reduce carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 e) emissions across our value chain by 43% by fiscal year 2020, compared to fiscal year 2009. Achieve climate neutral GHG emissions for Scopes 1, 2, and 3 annually, beginning fiscal year 2021. Achieved. Compared to our fiscal year 2009 baseline, we decreased absolute GHG emissions by 43% through efficiency, renewable energy, and Gold Standard certified carbon offset projects with our customers. Achieved. In progress. Reduce short-lived climate pollutant emissions. Remove commodity-driven deforestation from Autodesk’s supply chain by 2020. In progress. Power our facilities and cloud services with 100% renewable energy by fiscal year 2021.

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