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      Autodesk Impact Report

      Autodesk Impact Report A better world designed and made for all

      Contents Overview Health & Resilience Work & Prosperity Governance A message from our President and CEO Improve our operations Improve our operations Corporate governance FY22 highlights Resilience and well-being Company culture Company strategy Our company Employee health and safety Flexible workplace Accountability Our impact strategy Partner with customers Learning and organization development Trust Philanthropy Architecture, Engineering & Construction Employee impact at work Privacy and data security Design & Manufacturing Diversity and belonging Ethics and compliance Media & Entertainment Partner with customers Human rights Energy & Materials Advance industries Education Suppliers and business partners Improve our operations Catalyze innovation Industry trends Public policy Driving net-zero carbon emissions Accelerate collaboration Architecture, Engineering & Construction Our carbon footprint Shape policies Design & Manufacturing Partner with customers Media & Entertainment Appendix Architecture, Engineering & Construction Advance industries Impact strategy assessments Design & Manufacturing Catalyze innovation Data summary Media & Entertainment Accelerate collaboration Sustainability-enabling solutions Advance industries Shape policies United Nations Global Compact index Catalyze innovation United Nations Sustainable Development Goals index Accelerate collaboration Sustainability Accounting Standards Board index Shape policies Endnotes Performance data included in this report is based on the Autodesk 昀椀scal year when noted, and the calendar year otherwise. The Autodesk 2022 昀椀scal year ran from February 1, 2021, through January 31, 2022. Performance data covers Autodesk’s global operations, unless otherwise stated. In some cases, segments in tables do not add up to the total due to rounding. Dashes indicate where data was unavailable. All dollar amounts listed are in USD.

      Autodesk Impact Report - Page 2

      03 Overview

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          04 Autodesk’s journey began in 1982, with a group of young This report outlines our approach and performance across these our portfolio of water management solutions. These technologists working to democratize CAD tools–they interconnected areas. Each builds on the former. Measuring and capabilities help our customers mitigate risk and respond believed that a proliferation of design technology would managing our own impacts better equips us to help our customers to unprecedented demand for sustainable solutions. be good for industries, and for society overall. do the same. And deploying outcomes-based solutions for our By investing in technologies that enable dramatic changes in We’ve come a long way in the last 40 years, while maintaining customers supports broader industry transition to the sustainable, our customers’ processes, we can help transform the industries the same core values. Technology, deployed appropriately, resilient, and inclusive future we collectively aim to achieve. we serve. Through the convergence of design and make, the can help to solve some of our most challenging global issues: We recognize the importance of improving our operations to integration of adjacent industry verticals, and the expansion to measure, manage, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and help enable of our partner and developer ecosystem, we enable insights to improve global health and resilience, and to provide skills a low-carbon, inclusive future. Our Carbon Fund underpins that empower customers to reduce carbon emissions, water and opportunities for those seeking to advance their careers. Autodesk’s work to deliver on our net-zero and renewable energy use, and waste. Through our certi昀椀cation programs and policy This work is more important than ever. As we look to the commitments, and we recently doubled our internal price on efforts we strive to support more inclusive opportunities in long term, climate change and labor market inequities carbon to align with market pricing. We also continue to drive the industries we serve, and we advocate for broader impact demand increasingly bold and urgent action. And in the near progress toward our three-year diversity and belonging through the global institutions with which we engage. term, global con昀氀ict, high in昀氀ation, prolonged supply chain strategic goals. To support our efforts, we have strengthened I’m grateful to our customers, employees, and investors for disruptions, and increasingly distributed workforces have our governance and accountability across the expanding their support of this work, and I welcome continued collaboration immediate economic and social implications. We acknowledge range of ESG issues. on this journey. By staying true to our values, investing in our the magnitude and importance of this moment. I believe the As we deepen our partnership with customers, we are empowering broader community, and focusing relentlessly on the outcomes volatility around the globe requires that we get back to basics— them to create solutions, connect their data, and accelerate we seek, I believe we will ful昀椀ll our vision of a better world, leaning into our communities, recognizing the importance the outcomes that matter to them. This helps them address designed and made for all. of resilience, and driving toward positive societal outcomes. the unprecedented demand for net-zero buildings, resilient Sincerely, Last year we unveiled our impact strategy. While we have made infrastructure, and waste reduction for consumer packaged substantial progress, much work remains to be done. We have goods—just to name a few. Last year, we further enhanced our multiple levers to drive progress across important environmental, platform capabilities to help our customers scale their positive social, and governance issues: how we manage our own business impact. We released microclimate analysis tools, digital twin operations, the solutions we provide to our customers, and solutions, and new features to improve ef昀椀ciency in building Andrew Anagnost our collective efforts to accelerate industry transformation. design and construction; and we introduced new factory President and Chief Executive Of昀椀cer ef昀椀ciency solutions for manufacturing. We’ve also expanded

          Autodesk Impact Report - Page 4

          FY22 highlights Neutralized $1 billion % GHG emissions 50 $ sustainability women on Autodesk’s Board of Directors 18.5 million across our operations and entire value chain, and 45% women on executive team for the second year in a row in philanthropic funding made by bond Autodesk and the Autodesk Foundation offering, to further align 昀椀nancial and impact strategies Internal price 19.0% on carbon increase in the number of women in tech roles globally through FY22 increased from $10 to $20 per metric ton Sustainability- (compared to the beginning of FY22) enabling $ 41.3 million solutions in Autodesk product donations introduced and enhanced to improve ef昀椀ciency in building design and construction as well as factory SBTi ef昀椀ciency in manufacturing 23,100 validation employee volunteer hours, including 5,400 of GHG emissions reduction targets Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours Expanded portfolio % of water management 1.4 million+ metric tons CO e of GHG emissions reduced 37 solutions 2 $2.9 million by the Autodesk Foundation's global portfolio ® reduction achieved in Scope 1 and Scope 2 with the acquisition of Innovyze , a global leader in employee giving GHG emissions (compared to FY20) in water infrastructure software

          Autodesk Impact Report - Page 5

          06 Our company A better world designed and made for all Every day, innovators the world over use This means creating technology to enable energy Autodesk technology to solve challenges, big and material productivity. It means offering and small. Our technology spans manyindustries, solutions to support the creation of healthier, from architecture, engineering, and construction, more resilient places, products, and systems. to manufacturing, to media and entertainment. It means advancing equitable access to jobs in From greener buildings to cleaner cars, smarter our industries–and facilitating the acquisition factories to bigger blockbusters, Autodesk of in-demand skills for the future. It means technology is used by millions of people todesign providing grants, software, and training to and make millions of things that impact billions early-stage innovation that helps lead the of lives. transformation of our industries. At Autodesk, sustainability is about making All this begins by being a better business that impact positive. ourselves. When we improve the impact of our own operations, we gain the knowledge and Digitization increases our customers’ opportunity credibility to help our customers improve theirs. to unlock the value of their data and create And by building a culture of belonging where solutions that accelerate their digital all employees have equitable opportunities transformation. Solutions that connect their to succeed and contribute, together we thrive. data, their teams, and their entire ecosystems. This is our opportunity and this is our time. This enables them to generate new ideas, Together, we can design and make a better explore more options, and accelerate better world for all. outcomes–so together we can transform how things are designed, made, and operated.

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                  Our impact strategy Progress demands that we work within our business, in partnership with our customers, and across our industries to advance a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable world. We focus our efforts to advance positive outcomes across three primary areas. These impact opportunity areas are derived from the UN Sustainable Development Goals and have been focused through a multipronged process to align the top needs of our stakeholders, the important issues of our business, and the areas we arebestplaced to accelerate positive impact at scale. Learn about assessments that inform our impact strategy. Ene rity rgy spe &M Pro ateri rk& Learn more about how we drive progress toward the als Wo UN Sustainable Development Goals. Healt lience h& esi R

                  Autodesk Impact Report - Page 7

                  Impact governance Company-wide launch We are operationalizing and integrating our impact strategy across During 2021, we introduced employees across Autodesk to our our business. This begins with deepening and expanding how impact strategy, reinforcing our company vision of a better world we govern impact. Our Board of Directors provides oversight of designed and made for all, strengthening our culture of impact, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues overall at and inspiring employees to play a role in realizing our strategy. Autodesk. In 2022, our Board of Directors Corporate Governance By aligning, inspiring, and activating Autodesk employees to bring and Nominating Committee and Compensation and Human impact into their work, we can accelerate progress. Resources Committee began assisting the Board with such oversight in the areas de昀椀ned in their charters. See Corporate Impact measurement and management governance. Also beginning in 2022, Autodesk’s ESG Steering Committee—composed of leaders from Finance, Legal, Human For more than 10 years, we have publicly reported metrics that Resources, and Impact—convenes quarterly to review and demonstrate our progress and impact, such as greenhouse gas prioritize issues relevant to the company’s ESG strategy. (GHG) emissions, energy use, employee demographics, and See Company strategy and Accountability. philanthropic investments. We have set and made progress against goals related to our carbon footprint and diversity and belonging. As a software company, however, our biggest opportunity to create Sustainability 昀椀nancing impact at scale is by enabling our customers to harness data and To drive investments in innovative projects to advance sustainable generate insights to improve design and make decisions. outcomes in our industries, we are further aligning our impact Although these activities are complex, multidimensional, and strategy with our 昀椀nancial strategy. In October 2021, we issued outside of our direct control, we know that making and managing our 昀椀rst sustainability bond offering totaling $1 billion. We are progress in these areas, and helping customers do the same, applying proceeds to fund projects in a broad range of areas, requires measurement. We are working to develop meaningful such as eco-ef昀椀cient products, production technologies, and metrics to push our business, support our customers, and processes; sustainable water and wastewater management; advance the industry. renewable energy and energy ef昀椀ciency; and socioeconomic The Autodesk Foundation has gained important insights into the advancement and empowerment. To expand the bene昀椀ts associated complexity of opportunities presented by impact measurement. with processing the offering, we brought in three diverse banks— As we advance and scale Autodesk’s impact strategy, we continue including one veteran-owned, one Black-owned, and one Black to apply these learnings to better enable customers to measure woman–owned/managed—as partners in our bond deal working and manage impact—and drive collective progress in our markets alongside top multinational banks. Later in 2022, we will publish and industries overall. a Sustainability Bond Impact Report, describing use of proceeds and expected and/or realized impacts, when feasible. Learn more Moving forward about our Sustainability Financing Framework. During 2021, we also re昀椀nanced an Autodesk line of credit and We have only begun to capitalize on the broad potential of tied it to our corporate sustainability targets of reducing carbon integrating our impact strategy into our business. In the coming emissions and increasing women in tech. If we meet those targets, years, we will continue expanding our governance frameworks, we are charged slightly lower rates. The Autodesk Carbon Fund re昀椀ning our operating model, improving metrics and management, is another key aspect of our approach. Through an internal price and driving accountability throughout the company. This will on carbon, which capitalizes the Fund, we invest in our ef昀椀ciency enable us to better meet growing stakeholder expectations and and decarbonization targets as well as renewable energy and manage rapidly evolving risks while unlocking tremendous certi昀椀ed carbon offset and removal projects. opportunities for Autodesk and our customers.

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                      Philanthropy Autodesk engages in philanthropy through multiple avenues, driving progress toward a more sustainable, more equitable world. The Autodesk Foundation: strategic philanthropy de-risking innovation Funding The Autodesk Foundation supports innovative solutions to the world’s Capital committed to Autodesk Foundation portfolio, FY22 most pressing social and environmental challenges. Through our deployment of catalytic capital, we help de-risk innovations that are $ $ transforming industries to be more sustainable, equitable, and resilient. $ 39% Energy & Materials 9.7 8.8 The Autodesk Foundation combines 昀椀nancial capital with in-kind 9.7 39% Health & Resilience million † resources to catalyze and scale the next generation of innovations, million million ranging from direct carbon capture to rapid shelter solutions. 22% Work & Prosperity in strategic philanthropy deployed in charitable contributions, * by the Autodesk Foundation during including $5.9 million by Autodesk, Autodesk’s current goal is to donate 1% of its operating margin to the 昀椀scal year 2022 to a portfolio of $2.7 million Autodesk Foundation Autodesk Foundation. 45 nonpro昀椀ts and startups globally match of employee giving, and See stories of how our portfolio of nonpro昀椀ts and startups catalyze (see right) $0.3 million Autodesk Foundation innovation in the areas of Energy & Materials, Health & Resilience, contributions for crisis response and Work & Prosperity. Technology Autodesk Foundation portfolio impact Millions $41.3 In 昀椀scal year 2022, the Autodesk Foundation’s global portfolio achieved the following: of students and educators used million Autodesk software at no charge in Autodesk software donated to learn design and make skills to more than 2,600 nonpro昀椀ts 1.4 29 (see Education) and startups worldwide million+ million+ 14,900+ Talent metric tons CO2e of GHG individuals reached with people placed in new or emissions reduced resilient solutions in housing improved jobs, including 13,400 and infrastructure, energy access, (90%) with an annual income agricultural productivity, and increase of $5,000 or more $ See the Employee impact at work section workforce development 1.3 for more information. (cumulative since fiscal year 2020) million See detailed performance metrics in the in employee volunteer hours, Data summary. including Pro Bono Consulting These impact metrics rely on data aggregated and sourced from 昀椀nancial reports, annual reports, organizational key performance volunteer hours‡ indicators, and self-reported data from the Autodesk Foundation portfolio. * The Autodesk Foundation funds its portfolio through a donor advised fund (DAF). † This total does not equal the sum of the parts due to rounding. Learn more about the Autodesk Foundation’s approach to impact measurement ‡ Value of volunteer hours aligns with annual valuation from Independent Sector ($28.54 and management and how our approach has evolved. per hour was indexed in 2021). Value of employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours (also included in this total) is based on hourly rates for various skills cited by CECP.

                      Autodesk Impact Report - Page 9

                      Energy & Materials Demands for more and cleaner resources grow as the global population and standards of living continue to increase. We envision a low-carbon future with minimal pollution and waste, where renewable energy powers our world and materials maintain value while cycling through a circular economy. Autodesk Improve our operations remains steadfast in our commitment Driving net-zero carbon emissions to advance sustainable business practices toward net-zero carbon emissions. We Our carbon footprint have an even more crucial role to play in equipping our customers and other Partner with customers innovators to better understand the impact of design and make decisions on energy Architecture, Engineering & Construction andmaterials use in the context of other Design & Manufacturing objectives, enabling them to make choices that bene昀椀t their companies and the world. Media & Entertainment Advance industries Catalyze innovation Accelerate collaboration Shape policies

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                          Improve our operations Targets * Driving net-zero Net-zero carbon carbon emissions emissions for Scopes 1, 2, and 3 annually, beginning 昀椀scal year 2021 Achieved and ongoing Autodesk continues to strive for excellence in embedding % % sustainability throughout our business. This reduces our own impact 100 50 while enabling us to thoughtfully engage with our customers and renewable energy powering our reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 partners on their own sustainability journeys. For the second year facilities, cloud services, and GHG emissions by 昀椀scal year 2031, in a row, we neutralized our GHG emissions across our operations employee work from home by compared to 昀椀scal year 2020 and entire value chain, through the deployment of the Autodesk † Carbon Fund. 昀椀scal year 2021 SBTi validated SBTi validated Autodesk 昀椀rst committed to achieving net-zero carbon across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 on an Achieved and ongoing 37% reduction achieved annual basis beginning in 昀椀scal year 2021. Since setting this target, de昀椀nitions of net- zero have converged; most notably illustrated by the release of the Science Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi) Corporate Net-Zero Standard in October 2021. We welcome this increased rigor and standardization. % % Our net-zero carbon target is a journey guided by: 26.5 25 ● Climate targets grounded in the latest science and aligned to a 1.5˚C climate trajectory of suppliers for purchased goods minimum reduction in Scope 3 ● Prioritization of internal investments and activities that decarbonize our operations and services and business travel, by GHG emissions per dollar of and those of our suppliers emissions, will have science-based gross pro昀椀t by 昀椀scal year 2031, ‡ ● A commitment to neutralize and compensate for all remaining Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions targets by 昀椀scal year 2027 compared to 昀椀scal year 2020 on an annual basis through the purchase of high-impact carbon avoidance and removal SBTi validated offsets, as well as renewable energy certi昀椀cates. The SBTi validated our GHG emissions reduction targets in 昀椀scal year 2022 and determined 15% achieved 67% reduction achieved§ that our 昀椀scal year 2031 Scope 1 and 2 target is aligned with the 1.5˚C trajectory. Our Environmental Policy underpins the company’s efforts in our own operations and with our products and services. Autodesk achieved an A- rating in its 2021 CDP submission. * Since setting this target in 2020, de昀椀nitions of net-zero carbon have increasingly See our most recent CDP Climate Change disclosure for more standardized. We continue to align our activities with best practice. † To estimate home of昀椀ce energy consumption, we follow the Work from Home methodology “No Survey” approach that was developed by Anthesis. detail about governance, strategy, risk management, and ‡ This target covers all of Autodesk’s Scope 3 emissions, expanding on the categories included in our SBTi-validated Scope 3 emissions target. performance in this area. § This reduction was largely due to a 93% decrease in GHG emissions from business travel and employee commuting as a result of COVID-19 travel restrictions. We anticipate an increase in business travel-related and overall Scope 3 GHG emissions in the coming years.

                          Autodesk Impact Report - Page 11

                          Autodesk Carbon Fund The Autodesk Carbon Fund enables us to invest in our ef昀椀ciency Investment priorities and decarbonization targets and continue to neutralize all Our four Autodesk Carbon Fund investment areas are ranked by priority, but each one is remaining emissions each year with investments in renewable critical to achieving net-zero carbon. energy and certi昀椀ed carbon offset and removal projects. Ef昀椀ciency The fund is created by applying our internal price on carbon across our Scope 1, 2, and 3 Investing in ef昀椀ciency projects across our business and value chain improves our emissions. Moving into 昀椀scal year 2023, we increased our internal price on carbon to $20 performance while reducing costs and managing the overall growth of our GHG footprint. per metric ton, from $10 per metric ton in 昀椀scal year 2022. This increase will enable us Prioritizing ef昀椀ciency enables us to eliminate emissions from our footprint and decreases to realize new emission reduction initiatives within our operations and value chain, and the need to invest in renewable energy credits and offsets. reinforces our commitment to carbon neutrality amidst the increasing costs of certi昀椀ed Learn more renewable energy certi昀椀cates and high-quality carbon offsets. Renewable energy projects Through the Autodesk Carbon Fund, during 昀椀scal year 2022 we continued to invest in We are committed to using 100% renewable energy in our operations. Since 昀椀scal year 2016, projects that align with Autodesk’s impact opportunity areas. Our investments aspire we have continued to meet our RE100 commitment and purchased 94,800 MWh of to balance our commitment to decarbonizing our operations with driving sustainable renewable energy in 昀椀scal year 2022. In addition to sourcing 100% renewable energy for our solutions across industries. We assess investment opportunities based on: workplaces and cloud in 昀椀scal year 2022 (as in 昀椀scal year 2021), we purchased renewable ● Carbon reductions energy credits for all employees working from home, which was especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also installed solar panels on the roof of our Kilsyth, Australia, ● Scalability facility, expanding the rooftop solar system to 99.7 kW, which will reduce GHG emissions ● Co-bene昀椀ts at that location by an estimated 45 metric tons of CO e annually. 2 ● Business relevance Carbon leadership and engagement ● Climate equity Autodesk engages with industry peers, advisors, and partners working to scale decarbonization solutions. We access specialized sustainability expertise and join industry groups to exchange knowledge and best practices in decarbonization. Carbon offsets and removal projects We support carbon offset and removal projects to address any GHG emissions that remain after making the investments above, while also delivering positive outcomes in alignment with our broader impact opportunity areas. During 昀椀scal year 2022, we provided climate 昀椀nance to six projects that offset 103,000 metric tons of CO e emissions. With purchases 2 of carbon offsets from NicaForest Restoration (Nicaragua) and Isla Bosque (Costa Rica), Internal we expanded our support for nature-based carbon removal solutions. We also continued carbon price our support for rainforest protection in Sierra Leone, the distribution of ef昀椀cient cookstoves per metric ton and water puri昀椀cation solutions in Kenya, and a water boreholes project improving access to clean water in multiple countries throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.

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                              Improve our operations 88% Procurement Our carbon 4% Business travel footprint 4% Employee commuting and remote work Total in FY22 2% Cloud and data centers 2% Workplaces Procurement 103,000 We strive to embed sustainability into our purchasing practices, 0% Major conferences from our events and IT equipment to vendors and of昀椀ce supplies metric tons CO e such as paper. Since 昀椀scal year 2021, we have partnered with CDP 2 to engage our suppliers and enhance collaboration and disclosure. During 昀椀scal year 2022, we asked 89 of our top suppliers (by GHG emissions) to report information about climate-related programs and GHG emissions to CDP and had a 58% response rate. Through 昀椀scal year 2022, 18 of our top suppliers (by GHG emissions) set science-based GHG emissions reduction targets. Learn more about our expanded Partner Code of Conduct and our programs with suppliers and business partners. Business travel Employee commuting and remote work Cloud and data centers Workplaces We seek to reduce business travel–related GHG emissions by To account for the impact of remote workers, in 昀椀scal year 2022 Over the past three years, we have shifted more of our data We assess our facilities’ environmental operating practices promoting virtual/hybrid meetings, educating employees and (similar to 昀椀scal year 2021) we included GHG emissions associated centers from Autodesk facilities to cloud infrastructure providers, related to energy use and other impact areas, and we work to partners, implementing a green rating system for hotels, and with home of昀椀ce energy consumption in our footprint (as a part increasing ef昀椀ciency due to higher infrastructure capacity continuously review and make sustainability improvements. incorporating sustainability expectations into our standard of the employee commuting category based on the GHG Protocol) utilization. In addition, we strive to minimize data center energy We use our operations as test cases to help re昀椀ne the functionality meeting contracts. To help advance sustainable air travel, during and purchased corresponding amounts of additional renewable use through server virtualization and selection of ef昀椀cient of our solutions, improve our environmental performance, and 2021 we joined the United Airlines Eco-Skies Alliance, which 1,2 energy and carbon offsets. We plan to continue this practice equipment that meets respected industry standards and by showcase how customers can use our solutions to meet their supports the increased use of sustainable aviation fuel through moving forward. streamlining our code. sustainability objectives. Due to the pandemic and workplace member contributions. Employees have visibility into estimated Major conferences We source 100% renewable energy for our cloud services and data closures, emissions in this category were 37% lower in 昀椀scal year GHG emissions for each 昀氀ight segment purchased through our centers, and our cloud services have been carbon neutral since 昀椀scal 2022 than in 昀椀scal year 2020 (the year before the pandemic). online booking system, enabling more informed decisions about Autodesk University and One Team Conference (our annual channel year 2016. These efforts help us provide customers with a faster, Our of昀椀ces have been powered by 100% renewable energy since air travel. We are also working to decarbonize our 昀氀eet using partner and sales summit) are both carbon neutral, including the 1 昀椀scal year 2016. hybrid and electric leased vehicles, and we are on target to convert events, attendee travel, and GHG emissions related to virtual more reliable experience with reduced environmental impacts. 3 at least 80% of our leased vehicles to hybrid or electric by the participation. We achieve this by enhancing ef昀椀ciency, providing See detailed performance metrics in the Data summary. end of 2023. Emissions from business travel were 95% lower than virtual attendance options, reducing waste, and purchasing 1 in 昀椀scal year 2020 (the year before the pandemic), largely due carbon offsets. In 昀椀scal year 2022, all of our conferences were held 1 virtually due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

                              Partner with customers Architecture, Engineering & Construction The buildings sector represents 38% of energy- To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, all new buildings and 20% and process-related GHG emissions globally: of the existing building stock would need to be zero-carbon-ready 28% from operational energy consumption and as soon as 2030. This goal requires spending to triple by 2030 9 4 relative to the last half-decade averages. 10% from the buildings construction industry. Our customers are increasingly working to make net-zero energy Reducing operational energy consumption in new and existing buildings, reduce embodied carbon, decrease construction waste, buildings remains a high priority for Autodesk and many of and develop smart and sustainable cities. Globally, commitment our customers. Tackling the embodied carbon in infrastructure to increasing green building efforts remains strong: 28% of CEOs and building materials also offers great potential for near-term in the construction industry planned to do the majority of their 10 improvement, since building materials will account for about projects green in 2021, and 42% plan to do so in the future. half of the climate impacts of projected new building construction The business case for building green is compelling: The average 5 reduction in operating costs in the 昀椀rst year for new green between 2020 and 2050. Reducing the impacts of construction buildings is 10.5%, and average 昀椀ve-year operating cost savings is essential, since that industry consumes more than half of all is 16.9%; green renovations and retro昀椀ts have an even stronger extracted raw materials.6 performance at 11.5% and 17% average reductions. Owners report Global demographic trends compound the urgency of reducing that new green buildings and renovation/retro昀椀t projects increase these impacts. As the world population continues to urbanize over 11 building asset value by more than 9%. the next 30 years, the construction industry will need to build Providing automation tools to support these objectives affordably 7 an average of 13,000 buildings every day and 700,000 miles of ® 8 and at scale is central to our sustainability efforts. The Autodesk road per year. Industry demand will continue to rise for solutions Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Collection and that enable architects, engineers, and contractors to support this Autodesk Construction Cloud® help enable customers to achieve rapid growth more sustainably by improving energy and materials these outcomes. productivity while managing embodied carbon thoughtfully.

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                                  Total carbon management Operations We support customers with tools that tackle the total carbon Autodesk Tandem™ software, commercially available since July impacts of the building lifecycle. The Embodied Carbon in 2021, extends the value of BIM to operations. The BIM datacreated Construction Calculator (EC3), built by Building Transparency and throughout a project’s lifecycle is used to create a digital twin incubated at the Carbon Leadership Forum with input and support of the physical asset that AEC 昀椀rms can hand over to building from nearly 50 industry partners and Autodesk, helps customers owners and operators. The easily accessible, contextual, and choose carbon-smart materials that have lower embodied carbon. insightful data owners receive makes for ready-to-go operations. The EC3 app easily transfers information between publicly available This can support improved maintenance and enable teams to datasheets and Autodesk Construction Cloud, so comparisons can operate at their highest performance. Autodesk Tandem and digital be done in minutes by general practitioners. The EC3 database is twins are part of the broader digital transformation, where every expanding—currently comprising 18,000 registered users from 71 system becomes increasingly connected as data is generated. countries—with the goal of including all embodied carbon impact Last year, Autodesk became a Founding Member of the Digital stages for use in whole life carbon accounting. Twin Consortium, an organization collaborating on digital twin ® best practices and standards. To address carbon associated with building operations, Autodesk Insight technology aims to empower architects and engineers to Learn more design more energy-ef昀椀cient buildings with advanced simulation engines and building performance analysis data integrated in ® ® Autodesk Revit software. By combining design data in a cloud-based environment, design teams can visualize trade-offs with high accuracy. HVAC systems are often the single largest contributor to building energy use, so right-sizing HVAC systems is essential, and saves upfront costs, lowers energy consumption, and reduces carbon emissions. In addition to integrated modeling and systems analysis, Revit software provides an output report that automatically equips engineers with HVAC system sizing and selection data that can be customized for speci昀椀c requirements. In 2021, we began pilot testing an application of machine learning (ML)that harnesses the power of generative design and arti昀椀cial intelligence (AI) to make building energy analysis faster and easier. This research prototype uses large datasets of building models to predict energy performance and enables users to quickly identify options that are optimized for energy performance. Our initial experimentation has shown that always-on, real-time energy analysis is within reach.

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                                          Integrated environmental analysis Adaptive reuse Sustainable infrastructure ® Spacemaker , an Autodesk product, uses cloud-based AI and In some cases, the lowest impact building is one that has already More ef昀椀cient road network systems have the potential to reduce generative design to reinvent early-stage site planning and been built. Making the most of existing structures through energy consumption, local pollutant emissions, delays, and traf昀椀c design for architects and real estate developers. Spacemaker adaptive reuse avoids demolition waste and reduces procurement congestion, while improving safety. enhances users' ability to perform feasibility studies and optimize of new material, greatly lowering a project’s embodied carbon Autodesk products help customers understand and reduce site plans, and enables them to quickly make smart choices compared to building new structures. Complementing these environmental impacts associated with roadways and around daylight, noise, sun, and wind from the start. This leads savings, the building envelope and mechanical systems can be transportation infrastructure. Using the integrated multimodal to more sustainable urban development that considers the upgraded to bene昀椀t from the latest technologies. This approach ® ® Mobility Simulation engine for Autodesk InfraWorks , designers well-being and comfort of urban residents, as well as how to will be essential to decreasing overall GHG emissions associated cancreate animated simulations of transit, parking, personal, and/or reduce environmental impact and increase climate resilience. with buildings to levels required to meet climate change targets. taxi-mode modeling. Metrics such as person-hours traveled, In October 2021, Spacemaker introduced microclimate analysis, person-kilometers traveled, multimodal level of service calculations, a new tool that combines wind and sun analyses with local Learn more and economic and environmental assessments help planners weather data to help mitigate the urban heat island effect— understand the relative impacts of different scenarios. This supports a phenomenon in which the built environment in cities, such as Lean construction the development of more ef昀椀cient road network systems, which concentrated buildings, plazas, and other surfaces, absorb and Lean construction, enabled by Autodesk Construction Cloud, have the potential to reduce energy consumption, local pollutant retain heat throughout the day. Spacemaker also recently supports higher-quality, more-ef昀椀cient construction projects emissions, delays, and traf昀椀c congestion, and improve safety. ® ® released its solar panel analysis, which estimates the amount of by helping general contractors, subcontractors, and owners to Autodesk Grading Optimization in Autodesk Civil 3D software energy that rooftop solar arrays can produce per year, and helps optimize work昀氀ows. When tradespeople are empowered to is an interactive tool that facilitates grading design of various architects and developers generate their sustainability strategies make decisions that affect the project schedule, bottlenecks are land areas such as sites, road interchanges, and around structures, earlier and more accurately. Urban heat islands contribute to avoided, waste is reduced, and projects proceed more smoothly. helping designers achieve an optimal grading plan that minimizes rising daytime temperatures, reduced nighttime cooling, and poorer Projects that use lean practices are three times more likely to material waste and reduces cost by optimizing the movement air quality. Not only do they prompt an increase in air conditioning 12 of dirt. usage that drives up energy consumption and thus carbon be ahead of schedule and twice as likely to be under budget. emissions, they can also lead to an increase in illness and heat Contractors in the United States, UK, and France who use lean See a summary of Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction 13 solutions that enable sustainable design. related deaths. With microclimate analysis, architects and developers planning practices saw a 52% reduction in rework, and adoption can quickly, easily, and accurately evaluate the thermal comfort of lean construction practices is quickly expanding worldwide. of outdoor spaces, detect problematic areas, and simulate more ef昀椀cient and sustainable options to consider before major design decisions are locked in. Spacemaker is also exploring new analyses in the sustainability realm, including total carbon management and stormwater, which—along with the existing solar panel, operational energy, and microclimate analyses—will be critical in the quest to lower the environmental impact of cities and make them more climate resilient. Learn more

                                          Lake|Flato Architects Every design has an impact. Total carbon management helps make it a positive one. Lake|Flato Architects, a leader in sustainable architecture design in the United States, has received 13 AIA COTE awards for sustainable design excellence—more than any other architect. The 昀椀rm is driven by the goal of total carbon management and making the best decisions possible for the design itself and impact on the climate. To manage operational carbon, Lake|Flato uses Autodesk Insight software for high-performance building design. Insight enables Lake|Flato to quickly, easily, and accurately model the impacts of design decisions on the overall energy consumption of each project. Tally—the 昀椀rst lifecycle assessment app to calculate the environmental impacts of building material selections directly in a Revit model—is another key tool in Lake|Flato’s arsenal for measuring and managing embodied carbon. The list of materials and quantities generated in Tally imports directly into the EC3 tool, fostering a more ef昀椀cient work昀氀ow that optimizes both tools’ capabilities. Located in the heart of downtown Austin, Lake|Flato’s recent Hotel Magdalena project is the 昀椀rst mass timber boutique hotel constructed in North America and demonstrates the total carbon bene昀椀ts of this approach compared to more conventional construction. According to Lake|Flato, “Results indicate that when including biogenic carbon, switching to a mass timber structural system can provide a tremendous carbon reduction, ranging from 38% to 58% depending on how much mass timber is replacing concrete or steel. When biogenic is not included, the carbon reduction ranges from 7% to 17%.” Learn more

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                                              Partner with customers Design & Manufacturing Approximately 19% of global greenhouse gas Energy use is another pressing issue, during both manufacturing 14 and product use. By using approaches such as digital twins and emissions are from the manufacturing industry, and by 2050 the growth in population and AI-assisted predictive maintenance, manufacturers can optimize associated demand for consumer goods will factory layout and operations. In sectors such as transportation, 15 16 automotive, and aerospace, designing lighter-weight products require at least twice the energy and materials utilizing generative design and other innovative technology can currently used. reduce energy consumption of products in use. These impacts and trends are driving manufacturers to commit to Materials use is a key environmental impact driver in product sustainable and circular outcomes in their work. In a new study design and manufacturing. Reducing materials use and waste focused on the European Union, 73% of manufacturing companies (through lightweighting and additive manufacturing) and surveyed understand sustainability as a component of formal using lower impact and more sustainable materials (such as 17 Manufacturing strategic vision from a leadership approach. recycled and renewable content) are important objectives companies that address these opportunities could see potential for many of our customers. Developing more circular product revenue of $338 billion from new sustainable products and designs—through design for upgradability, repairability, reuse, 18 services in the short to medium term. disassembly, and recycling—as well as transitioning to product- Based on internal research about the consumer packaged goods as-a-service and other more circular business models allows industry, nearly 6 in 10 consumers surveyed are willing to change companies to gain more value from materials and strengthen their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact. They are relationships with customers. also demanding more transparency, with close to half (49% saying To comply with materials regulations worldwide, such as the they do not have the information to verify products’ sustainability Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive and claims. And companies recognize the bene昀椀ts derived from Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of sustainability initiatives, with 77% of those surveyed agreeing Chemicals (REACH) regulation in the European Union and 19 Consumer goods that they drive an increase in consumer loyalty. legislation related to con昀氀ict minerals in the United States brands are looking for guidance on how to manage the complexity and other locations, companies face increasing pressure to of this transformation, and consumers need to be assured that assess and document the materials used in their products, companies are genuinely using the most innovative product and in some cases to ensure materials' traceability throughout designand manufacturing technology to achieve next-level the supply chain. sustainability innovation.

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                                                  The Autodesk Product Generative design Manufacturing Simulation Generative design is a design exploration process through which Utilizing automation to integrate product design andmanufacturing The Fusion 360 Simulation Extension was introduced in early Design & Manufacturing designers or engineers input design goals into generative design processes helps designers and engineers achieve productivity 2022 to unlock key insights of product design performance and software, along with parameters such as performance or spatial boosts and deliver more sustainable products. New features quality through mechanical, structural, and injection molding Collection and our requirements, materials, manufacturing methods, and cost in the Fusion 360 Nesting and Fabrication extension optimize analysis tools. We have updated the materials database for those constraints, and the software then produces a broad range of the process of laying out parts on a 昀氀at sheet of material in conducting injection molding simulation studies in Fusion 360, ® cloud platform support possible designs. Generative design capabilities in Autodesk preparation for cutting on a CNC machine, saving materials adding new materials tested in our laboratories, updating existing ® Fusion 360 can inform part consolidation and material use use. Advanced Arrange controls automatically detect material materials, and deleting discontinued materials. The database sustainable design in reductions. And as of October 2021, generative design can optimize thickness and part quantity and generate setups, toolpaths, now includes more than 12,000 materials from over 500 suppliers. 昀氀uid paths—liquid and gas 昀氀ow within assemblies. For example, and NC code directly within Fusion 360, helping to provide more The Injection Molding Simulation feature, new in 2021, provides a broad range of areas. in the past, designs that required an optimized 昀氀ow path had to granular control. Autodesk can also support companies with feedback on whether a part is feasible for injection molding, which be manually altered in a time-consuming process. We recently product lifecycle management (PLM) software, helping them to can increase part quality and reduce scrap. The new machine introduced a new feature set that automates this process— understand, trace, and document materials use in their products. builder and simulation feature in Fusion 360 helps machinists following existing generative design work昀氀ows for structural ensure that minimal restrictions and failures will occur during components—and implements a single 昀氀uid path geometry Learn more manufacturing. Virtual reality (VR) and extended reality (ER) that can be used in downstream design and simulation work. Factories applications can help reduce the need for physical prototyping. By modeling 昀氀uid paths, innovators can address “pressure drop” Users can now see Fusion 360 designs in augmented reality with and design products and systems that create less resistance. Autodesk’s integrated factory modeling solutions combine BIM USDz 昀椀le format. And in 2022, we introduced the Product Design For example, reducing the overall pressure drop in a ventilation and digital factory planning to generate a digital representation Extension for designers working on consumer electronics, with system equates to less fan horsepower and a signi昀椀cant of production facilities and equipment. Multidisciplinary project a set of design features that automatically chain the design– reduction in energy consumption. contributors can collaborate in this central, always-up-to-date make work昀氀ow together speci昀椀c to the materials used. model to plan, design, validate, build, and operate factories. Learn more Creating an agile, innovative factory layout can minimize Learn more downtime, increase energy and material ef昀椀ciencies, and improve Additive manufacturing (3D printing) communication and data insights. Manufacturers can reduce See a summary of Autodesk Design & Manufacturing solutions that enable sustainable design. Additive manufacturing has the potential to reduce materials energy use by up to 25% and increase productivity through smart 20 use compared to subtractive methods, since 3D printing frequently and connected manufacturing techniques. An integration uses only the materials needed. Fused Filament Fabrication launched with ProModel in 2021 enables users to simulate factory simulation in Fusion 360 saves materials by helping users to resource 昀氀ows in an AutoCAD factory layout, helping reduce predict and avoid common print failures. The Additive Build waste and offering quanti昀椀able results. ProModel’s new AutoCAD Extension unlocks extra additive manufacturing technology to Edition enables customers to simulate directly in Autodesk® ® ® ® help users produce lighter, stronger, better-performing parts while AutoCAD and Inventor software, and an Autodesk Forge –based reducing materials use, waste, and cost. In 2021, we examined 3D viewer lets them easily view their factory 昀氀ow. additive in昀椀ll patterns—which enable faster 3D printing with semi- hollow structures—and changed the default value for in昀椀ll in Learn more Fusion 360 to use the least amount of material and energy. Learn more

                                                  Evolve Discovering generative design for CNC milling Evolve specializes in engineering high-quality bespoke systems and products, delivering cutting-edge solutions to the motor sport, automotive, aerospace, medical, industrial equipment, and clean technologies industries. Evolve has used Fusion 360 since 2016, but—like many companies—the team assumed generative design was complicated, expensive, and best suited for additive manufacturing. But recently they applied generative design to an electric hypercar component and quickly realized the time and cost savings of designing with arti昀椀cial intelligence and the ease of manufacturing parts on a CNC machine. With an electric vehicle, weight reduction is critical to hit performance and range targets. For the component, Evolve also focused on strength, performance, and stiffness. Most critically, it had to be optimized for CNC milling. With these parameters in Fusion 360, the team could quickly see different possibilities and choose their priorities for the component. They ultimately selected their preferred solution from a full set of design options.The 昀椀nal electric hypercar component was 40% lighter than the initial design and the project was completed in record time. That’s just the beginning as Evolve moves generative design into more projects. Learn more

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                                                      Partner with customers Media & Entertainment With a tremendous increase in content Replacing energy-intensive workstations with lighter footprint Moving 昀椀lm production to the cloud Shifting to cloud-based consumption globally, the media and entertainment local devices and moving to fully virtualized cloud-based Movie Labs is a consortium founded by major Hollywood industry is experiencing a content creation boom. work昀氀ows can also reduce energy consumption. studios that aims to effect transformational change in the solutions can reduce In some cases, media and entertainment companies are also industry by creating new dynamic creative processes Traditional services, streaming services, and rapidly evolving replacing physical sets with virtual sets displayed on large LED enabled by cloud architecture. GHG emissions, since areas such as the metaverse have undergone explosive growth screens behind live actors, which can reduce materials use and and convergence, further increasing demand. While this creates waste while saving time and money. Autodesk helps make this Movie Labs has urged industry leadership to invest in production those services are opportunities for individuals and studios worldwide, it also possible with Unreal Live Link for Maya. While 3D artists model technology for the future of media creation. This aligns with challenges companies, including Autodesk, to innovate ways and animate in Maya, the data 昀氀ows into Unreal Engine in real our vision to build a more resilient future by transitioning to typically more ef昀椀cient to meet this demand ef昀椀ciently and securely while helping time, allowing 昀椀lmmakers to see actors on set in the context of cloud-based work昀氀ows and business models, and we are customers consider environmental impact. Autodesk helps CG assets and iterate on changes live and in the moment. In other proud to collaborate with this industry think tank. than company-owned by enabling cloud-based rendering, supporting virtualized industries, use of virtual product prototypes, which are photoreal To this end, in January 2022 Autodesk acquired Moxion, a New work昀氀ows, and advancing relevant third-party standards 3D renders of product models, can offer similar bene昀椀ts. Zealand–based developer of camera to cloud (C2C) work昀氀ows and managed servers. and principles. Large productions such as 昀椀lms, episodic content, and games often for live action 昀椀lm sets, expanding our own cloud platform for Media and entertainment companies often have thousands or depend on the collaboration of many studios. This can involve Media & Entertainment upstream to include on-set production tens of thousands of servers for simulation, rendering, and multiple versions of animated characters, visual effects, and other work昀氀ows. Moving beyond post-production, this technology other virtualization tasks, and this trend is accelerating. Many digital assets, which increases the use of IT equipment and will bring new users to Autodesk while helping better integrate studios large and small are shifting to the cloud, which energy. Autodesk is working with the Academy Software Foundation real-time work昀氀ows across the entire content production chain. supports remote collaboration and reduces the need for on-site on open source standards to decrease the need for multiple IT infrastructure while also decreasing GHG emissions, since versions of digital assets, as well as simplifying customer work昀氀ows those services are typically more energy ef昀椀cient than company- in-studio and between studios. owned and managed servers. Through partnerships with cloud To advance progress toward a more sustainable cloud, we are a service providers, artists can use tools such as Arnold global signatory to The Corporate Colocation and Cloud Buyers’ Principles, ® ® a project of the Future of Internet Power Collaborative Initiative. illumination renderer and Autodesk Flame 3D compositing, VFX, and 昀椀nishing software on premises or in the cloud. With our virtualization policy and cloud rights that come with the Learn more ® software, customers can also bring solutions such as Autodesk ® ® 3ds Max , Maya , Arnold, and Flame software to the cloud and purchase compute time (including through our carbon neutral cloud services).

                                                      Westworld How Westworld is leading the way in the Korean VFX industry Founded in 2018 by a group of industry veterans at the forefront of the Korean VFX scene for over 20 years, Westworld is a specialized visual effects company with an impressive portfolio of globally recognized 昀椀lms and TV series. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic making it dif昀椀cult to shoot on location, interest has increased in virtual production, a 昀椀lmmaking method in which real-time virtual rendered scenes surround physical actors and props on set using an LED screen during shooting. By quickly and actively adopting the latest tools and techniques, Westworld is now leading the way for virtual production in South Korea. Westworld used virtual production for Sweet Home, a Net昀氀ix original series released in 2020 that was shot while monitoring pre-produced digital characters at the studio. The Silent Sea, another Net昀氀ix series, also used virtual production methods, this time shooting against a background displayed on an LED screen. Learn more Image courtesy of Westworld

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                                                          Advance industries Catalyze We target opportunities with the potential to mitigate innovation at least 500 million metric tons of CO₂e by 2050. e Autodesk Foundation invests in nonpro昀椀ts and startups scaling Th Impact measurement and management early-stage technologies that have the potential to dramatically We evaluate the impact of the Autodesk Foundation Energy & Materials portfolio based on GHG emissions reduce GHG emissions and waste within our industries. abated. We engage third-party experts such as CEA Consulting and Rho Impact to calculate and audit C02e reductions realized by our portfolio and CO2e reduction potential. We also support 昀椀eld building We target early-stage (seed to Series A) technology-driven ventures, and de-risk efforts to bolster the ecosystem of forward-looking climate impact assessments through initiatives technology and business models with a combination of 昀椀nancial capital and in-kind such as Project Frame. support. We prioritize sectors where our design and make expertise is particularly bene昀椀cial, such as renewable energy, electri昀椀cation of transportation, low-carbon Learn more about Autodesk Foundation impact measurement and management. refrigeration/heating, building and industrial energy ef昀椀ciency, carbon removal, and materials innovation. From removing CO out of ambient air to re昀椀ning critical, low-carbon minerals, the Autodesk 2 Foundation portfolio is helping accelerate the transition to a decarbonized economy. Portfolio impact Metrics FY22 GHG emissions reduced (metric tons CO2e)* 203,000 GHG emissions reduction potential by 2050, cumulative (metric gigatons CO2e) 14 *This data was audited by a third party. Read the Autodesk Foundation’s Low-carbon Innovation impact brief.

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                                                          Vartega Recycling carbon 昀椀ber reduces carbon emissions Vartega, a recycling technology company that has developed a low-cost grade of carbon 昀椀ber through its patented recycling process, was added to the Autodesk Foundation portfolio in 昀椀scal year 2022. The company’s recycled carbon 昀椀ber solutions—which have been found to exhibit the same mechanical properties as virgin carbon 昀椀ber—can be incorporated into intermediate materials (products that require additional processing), including non-woven fabrics, thermoplastic pellets, and 3D printing 昀椀laments. Recycling carbon 昀椀ber is 95% less energy-intensive and 50% less expensive than making virgin carbon 昀椀ber. Vartega aims to enable growth of the circular economy by closing production loops across all material composites. Greenhouse gas reduction remains central to the company’s metrics. For every metric ton of carbon 昀椀ber recycled, Vartega saves 13.4 metric tons of CO₂ compared to manufacturing virgin carbon 昀椀ber. Vartega’s patented recycling hardware was designed and engineered with AutoCAD, Inventor, and Fusion 360 technology and provides strong, 昀氀exible, low-cost composite materials to key industries, including aerospace and automobile. Learn more

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                                                              Advance industries We cannot meaningfully Accelerate Shape address climate change without collaboration policies signi昀椀cant government action. Overcoming global challenges such as climate change requires new ways of working Enabling more sustainable construction together and knowledge sharing to develop, promote, and scale breakthrough solutions. and manufacturing We work with experts, trendsetters, and leaders to shape best practices, share our expertise and learn from others, and collaborate to help create systems change. This The building industry is increasingly focused on making net-zero buildings, reducing During 昀椀scal year 2022, we called on governments globally to act boldly at COP26. year we worked with industry-leading customers, as well as with industry organizations embodied carbon, minimizing construction waste, improving operations, and building We also engaged government of昀椀cials in the United States on ways they could lead on like ENCORD and the Lean Construction Institute, to shape best practices on ef昀椀ciency smarter, more resilient, and more sustainable communities. Manufacturers are climate change, including taking executive action regarding embodied carbon, taking in the construction process. We also partnered with Climate Action on the Sustainable developing more sustainable products—like lighter-weight car parts that lead to better legislative action to reduce GHG emissions across industries, and making strong Innovation Forum during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), We fuel ef昀椀ciency—and reducing waste in manufacturing through rapid prototyping, commitments internationally. Mean Business, Race to Zero, Architecture2030, the Bay Area Business Council on Climate additive manufacturing, and other processes driven by digital tools. But action by private Learn more Change, Ceres BICEP, and the Digital Climate Alliance to shape public policy on green industry alone isn’t enough. We cannot meaningfully address climate change without building at multiple scales. signi昀椀cant government action. We are proud to be members of collaborative organizations, including: In addition to engaging on national and global climate policy, we collaborate with Advancing digital transformation in the policymakers and other companies to spur more sustainable construction, manufacturing, manufacturing and architecture, engineering, and water management. and construction industries Autodesk supports policies and international efforts to promote measurement and Autodesk believes better use of technology can help transform design, construction, reduction of carbon emissions, energy ef昀椀ciency, and waste reduction in our industries, and operations so that products and the built environment are more innovative, ef昀椀cient, as well as broader national and global commitments, including market-based efforts, safe, and sustainable, and better managed throughout their lifecycle. We believe to tackle climate change. digitalization can help address national and global supply chain challenges. We support These include: public policies that foster greater adoption of digital design and construction tools ● Fostering use of technology to design, construct, and operate sustainable water and for transportation and water infrastructure and building projects, including those that transportation infrastructure and buildings that promote resiliency, produce less support the use of BIM and construction management technologies. waste, limit the use of carbon-intensive materials, and improve energy ef昀椀ciency. ● Developing embodied carbon reporting and reduction policies. Learn more ● Supporting training and other programs that promote the use of advanced manufacturing technologies that help design more sustainable products and reduce See our recent CDP Climate change disclosure for a detailed list of climate-related policy engagements. waste in the manufacturing process. ● Adopting market-based carbon reduction programs.

                                                              Health & Resilience The social and environmental challenges we face today are evolving and accelerating as the impacts of climate change, water quality and scarcity, and other pressing issues globally continue to increase in severity and intensity. We prioritize the health, well-being, and safety of our employees, who advance our efforts in this area. Improve our operations They create and deliver the practices and technologies that our customers and other Resilience and well-being innovators can use to design and make products and places that are safer, Employee health and safety healthier, and more resilient. We envision Partner with customers a future that is free from preventable illness and injury, where infrastructure Architecture, Engineering & Construction and supply chains are designed to withstand natural disasters and other Design & Manufacturing disruptions, and products, buildings, and entire cities are made to foster Media & Entertainment healthy and resilient communities. Advance industries Catalyze innovation Accelerate collaboration Shape policies

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                                                                  Improve our operations Resilience Autodesk builds and supports organizational and personal resilience with a broad range and well-being of programs and initiatives. At Autodesk, resilience refers to the ability to Organizational resilience Personal resilience Community adapt, grow, and bounce back from disruption At Autodesk, building resilience is not just a “me” problem. It’s Autodesk’s personal resilience initiative focuses on three main Employee Resource Groups, which are open to anyone or change. We are committed to building a “we” problem. Purposeful connections, 昀氀exibility on how work pillars: inner well-being, social connection, and physical health. at Autodesk, can help provide a space for peer support resilience for our organization and supporting gets done, and work-life balance are the pillars of building The initiative provides employees with learning resources they (see Diversity and belonging). the well-being of our employees. By cultivating organizational resilience. The pandemic taught us that resilience need to adapt, build resilience skills, thrive, and make an impact Slack channels such as #adsk-mindfulness also connect a workplace where all employees can realize is not just about self-care; resilience is a collective responsibility. in their work, supporting our customers in solving critical global employees to communities within Autodesk. their potential, we offer more than just a place Our focus on achieving gender pay parity, supporting families and challenges. These skills better equip employees individually, and to work. As a company leading change, we’re individuals through our bene昀椀ts program, and building a sense collectively, for future disruptions that may affect both their work creating opportunities for people to thrive. With of belonging with company-wide learning, among other programs, and personal lives. Learning the continued stressors of a global pandemic enables our people to lead and work authentically and feel valued We offer training, tools, and insights to help employees master The Autodesk Pause learning community is dedicated to for who they are and what they do. the three resilience pillars. In addition, our Global Resilience well-being, mindfulness, and empathy. this past year, a holistic and multifaceted Key aspects include: Advocates are a group of passionate employee volunteers who approach to resilience and well-being has been champion learning resources to inspire colleagues and enhance The Autodesk Resilience site offers resources to support employees’ especially critical. ● Focus Fridays: This company-wide initiative reserves Friday ability to adapt, grow, and bounce back from life’s challenges. afternoons from noon until the end of the day (local time) a culture of resilience at Autodesk. as a no-meeting block. This no-meeting time supports and Given the extraordinary and challenging circumstances during Culture Code workshops, such as the Power of Empathy encourages employees to recharge, boost productivity, and the last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we provided 10 workshop, help employees deepen their practice of empathy Autodesk is committed experience some relief from meeting fatigue. additional holidays for employees globally. In the United States and develop an inclusive mindset (see Company culture). ● Flex Forward: An extension of Our Flexible Workplace Promise, and some other countries, Autodeskers had an extra week off to supporting the this program allows us to reimagine how we collaborate, at the end of the year during what we call our “Week of Rest” for innovate, and shape inclusive team norms. We’ve created a a total of two weeks. Bene昀椀ts resilience and well-being set of tools to support managers and their teams to do their Bene昀椀ts My Way reimburses employees for eligible expenses best work and foster a sense of belonging, no matter where that support their physical, emotional, 昀椀nancial, and sustainable of our employees. work happens. Through these activities, everyone has the wellness (see next page). opportunity to provide input into how we communicate and The Employee Assistance Program provides employeesand their prioritize work with a focus on well-being. Our Culture Code families with support when needed (see next page). serves as our foundation as we adapt to ways of working that are more transparent, 昀氀exible, and sustainable for everyone. Bravely gives employees access to a global community of on-demand professionally certi昀椀ed coaches (see Diversity and belonging). The Sanvello app gives employees and their eligible dependents (13+) access to free well-being and stress management tools.

                                                                  Bene昀椀ts My Way Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Employees have different needs and lifestyles, so we offer a variety Autodesk’s Employee Assistance Program and stress management of bene昀椀ts. Our Bene昀椀ts My Way wellness reimbursement program provide our employees and their families with program provides our employees increased 昀氀exibility to support counseling services, as well as online access to well-being and their physical, emotional, and 昀椀nancial wellness. With a broad self-care resources for additional support when needed. These range of eligible items and activities, employees can receive resources cover a broad range of areas, such as: reimbursements that encourage a healthy lifestyle. Employees in ● Life issues – Stress management, relationships, health and the United States receive up to $1,000 per year in reimbursements well-being, and work-life balance (amount varies by country). ● Financial services – Budgeting, getting out of debt, credit, The following categories include a long list of eligible items, collections, saving, and investing such as: ● Family issues – Parenting, childcare, pregnancy, infertility, ● Physical – Gym and sports club membership fees, activity and adoption trackers, camping equipment, activity/sports equipment, and ● Work matters – Career development, coworker relationships, 昀椀tness trainers and job stress ● Emotional – Arts and crafts supplies, hobby classes, massages, ● Legal services – Estate planning, real estate, landlord-tenant music instruments and lessons, relationship workshops, sleep disputes, and IRS concerns assistance equipment and programs, and yoga classes ● Financial – Animal adoption fees, childcare services, elder care See additional detail about bene昀椀ts available to employees in the services for family members, 昀椀nancial advice, planning, and United States, including health and wellness, 昀椀nancial, time away seminars/classes, legal services, and student loan repayment (including parental leave), everyday living, and more. ● Sustainable (new in 2022) – Electric vehicles, solar products, recycling, composting, and other items to support a greener lifestyle

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                                                                      Improve our operations Employee health and safety At Autodesk, we work to maintain a strong health Already high employee engagement scores have increased over and safety culture. We help our employees work the course of the pandemic, as measured by the company’s safely and productively through participation in regular survey of employee sentiment. We are working toward programs that mitigate occupational safety risks conducting more in-person events safely during 2022 and in our workplaces. All company sites have emergency revamping our site emergency response teams as we anticipate response plans, and many also have safety increased employee interaction. committees and emergency response teams to help Ergonomic injuries can be a leading source of risk, in the of昀椀ce keep our employees safe. setting or at home. To mitigate this, we offer an online ergonomic self-assessment and safety training program that tracks personal ergonomic risks identi昀椀ed by employees and suggests alternative In 2021, we launched the Autodesk Flexible Workplace Program, work habits to potentially resolve those issues. If issues persist to provide 昀氀exibility to our employees while meeting the demands despite the employee’s best efforts, certi昀椀ed ergonomists are of our business. We support a blend of of昀椀ce-based, home-based, available to provide further evaluations, conduct training, and and hybrid work, and we are dedicated to ensuring employee recommend corrective measures, including work habit changes health and safety across these settings. and, in some cases, workstation modi昀椀cations. During 2021, in Hybrid and home-based work have been essential for our people response to the pandemic, we provided increased ergonomic during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Autodesk has worked to guidance for employees in home-based settings. We introduced minimize its impact and protect the health, safety, and productivity buying guides to provide employees with information about of our employees by offering 昀氀exible hours, additional holidays to available solutions and help them determine what works best avoid burnout, reimbursements to improve home workspaces, and for them. resources and support for inner well-being, social connection, During 2021, the recordable incident rate at Autodesk (including and physical health (see Resilience and well-being). COVID-19 home-based work) equaled 0.00, compared to the NAICS tests are now available for reimbursement through the company. information industry sector rate of 0.8 for 2020 (the most recent Another key element of Autodesk’s internal response has been year available). Our days away, restrictions, and transfers (DART) regular communications from CEO Andrew Anagnost and other rate also equaled 0.00. leaders, as well as ongoing updates on our internal website See details in the Data summary. regarding items such as infection rates, rapidly evolving government policies and regulations, and vaccine tracking.

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                                                                          Partner with customers Architecture, Engineering & Construction The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2021 states that the top 昀椀ve risks worldwide (in terms of likelihood) are extreme weather, climate action failure, human environmental damage, 1 infectious diseases, and biodiversity loss. Each of these has profound implications for the health and resilience of communities and individuals. Resilience planning for the aftermath—and mitigation—of natural and human-caused hazards is a key priority for our customers in the architecture, engineering, and construction sectors. Whether they are improving infrastructure or building new buildings, we help customers safely manage the construction process, as well as model and maintain optimal levels of air昀氀ow, natural light, structural strength, and other factors to deliver healthy, resilient, and productive spaces for inhabitants.

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                                                                              Construction resiliency Returning to the workplace Worker and user safety, wellness, and resilience are key priorities During the COVID-19 pandemic, health recommendations changed for Autodesk and our construction customers. The Construction how people moved as they returned to the workplace. TheInfraWorks Resiliency Playbook includes examples, insights, and actionable Mobility Simulation tool models people’s movement, bringing steps about how to be more resilient in construction, covering data-driven insight to physical distancing needs and more issues such as creating stronger technology and data programs ef昀椀ciency of movement through transit centers such as airports and making teams, business models, and processes more resilient. and rail stations. Indoor air quality and proper ventilation Futureproo昀椀ng steps the Playbook recommends include: make a signi昀椀cant difference for employee and customer safety. ® ● Focus on standards, identifying inconsistencies in With Autodesk CFD software, computational 昀氀uid dynamics company practices and 昀椀nding opportunities to develop simulation can be used for thermal and 昀氀ow analysis to identify standardized procedures. areas of risk and then explore multiple mitigation strategies ● Create a culture of innovation by actively promoting out-of- for occupant safety—before making any physical changes to the the-box thinking, for example through company-sanctioned building and HVAC systems. Dynamo and Generative Design events such as a hackathon focused on reducing waste from in Revit bring informed decision making to design exploration, design and construction processes. whether for designing for the safe arrangement of desks, the width or spacing of aisles, or other needs. As more people return ● Embrace industrialized construction by utilizing innovative to the workplace, these types of design decisions take on new building techniques such as design for manufacturing and signi昀椀cance. Our offerings can help create more resilient spaces assembly (DfMA) and prefabrication. that support teams working anywhere. ® Construction IQ, in Autodesk Build and Autodesk Construction Cloud platform products, applies machine learning to transform Learn more data into simple and actionable insights. The daily risk assessment Transportation infrastructure feature uses text recognition algorithms to sort through hundreds of data points to categorize and prioritize the highest risk projects, Transportation infrastructure is critical to the health of subcontractors, and issues. When used as an assistant to manage communities. Improving these built environments can improve risk in conjunction with current safety processes and real-world health outcomes and reduce health disparities among residents; experience, Construction IQ helps project teams identify and for example, planners can ensure that major roadways aren’t prioritize risk factors every day. constructed too close to schools and communities more at risk for asthma. Planning processes that include capabilities to predict movement of people—such as Mobility Simulation—can help reduce traf昀椀c congestion (and decrease associated GHG emissions and air pollution) and ensure safe and accessible evacuation routes in the event of natural disasters.

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                                                                                  Innovyze has a global Water Water, the world’s most critical resource, is a key focus for From modeling and analysis supporting digital planning and design Technology has greatly increased in compute capability and footprint with about Autodesk’s material resource and health and resilience efforts. to asset management and analytics to support digital operations, Autodesk is harnessing this ef昀椀ciently to unlock and help Globally, 2 billion people still lack access to safely managed Innovyze expands our capabilities in this critical area and realize time ef昀椀ciencies. Autodesk® InfoWorks® ICM software 2 complements other solutions we offer. To address extreme weather, 3,000 customers drinking water, and 25% of the global population lives in empowers water and wastewater professionals to model complex 3 InfoDrainage™ and the Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) countries experiencing high water stress. Approximately 74% of hydraulic and hydrologic network elements quickly, accurately, across 昀椀ve continents, all natural disasters between 2001 and 2018 were water-related. tool for InfraWorks can help in multiple ways. Optimizing and collaboratively. Detailed and accessible models help build During the past 20 years, 昀氀oods and droughts affected more than sustainable drainage design and using techniques such as green stronger community resilience and improve environmental including many of the three billion people worldwide, causing 166,000 deaths and nearly roofs, bioretention, permeable pavement, and rain gardens protection against the pressures of population growth and 4 builds resilience by helping to reduce stress on urban drainage $700 billion of economic damage, making it clear that traditional extreme weather events caused by climate change. world’s largest cities. risk-management techniques are insuf昀椀cient. Building resilience and water treatment systems, avoiding 昀氀ooding and minimizing and adaptability into our water systems is urgent—and $1.9 trillion surface runoff that can contaminate waterways. Green roofs can Learn how technology is making global water infrastructure in water infrastructure investment is needed globally by 2030.5 also help to regulate indoor building temperatures, improving more resilient. In early 2021, Autodesk acquired Innovyze, a global leader in building energy performance. In昀椀ltration reclaims stormwater See a summary of Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction building industry-leading software for water and wastewater runoff and allows for groundwater recharge. Our solutions solutions that enable sustainable design. professionals around the world. With over 35 years of purpose- combine intelligent, model-based design processes with analysis, built innovative technology, the product range supports thousands simulation, and design automation, so: of clients completing projects on drainage design, stormwater, ● Civil engineers and can draft, model, and analyze infrastructure sewer, and 昀氀ood management, water supply, asset management, projects in 3D to meet local performance requirements or and optimization of wastewater treatment plants. Innovyze sustainability standards. has a global footprint with about 3,000 customers across 昀椀ve ● Planners can assess existing conditions to determine the best continents, including many of the world’s largest cities. way to implement green infrastructure on a site, neighborhood, or district scale, accelerating stakeholder buy-in and approvals. ● Engineers can deliver more sustainable and resilient project designs on time and on budget, to meet regulatory requirements. ● Project stakeholders can access the most up-to-date project information, helping them to make decisions based on the latest and most accurate data, collaborate more con昀椀dently, and more quickly deliver project design documentation that meets required standards.

                                                                                  Bristol Water Bristol Water keeps drinking water safe with the help of InfoWorks WS Pro Bristol Water has provided clean, fresh drinking water to its customers since 1846. Today, Bristol Water serves over 1 million people within Bristol, England. As part of Bristol Water’s routine monitoring of the Clevedon Well, a sample collected in January 2018 was reported to contain a single Cryptosporidium (Crypto) oocyst, which can cause illness if ingested. Upon hearing this news, Bristol Water noti昀椀ed the operations team immediately and Clevedon Treatment Works was shut down. Following the incident report, half of Clevedon Treated Water Tank was taken out of service and drained to reduce the treated water volume stored in the system. To help restore water quality as quickly ® ® as possible, the engineers used Autodesk InfoWorks WS Pro software to calculate how much more rapidly freshwater could move through the network and model solutions to the incident. In parallel, Crypto samples were taken. With the network purged and all samples returning negative results for Crypto, the Boil Water Notice was lifted after consultation and advice from Public Health England. Bristol Water received a 70% customer satisfaction score for its management of the incident. Learn more

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                                                                                      Partner with customers Design & Manufacturing To address rapid shifts in customer demand Combining the industry’s history as well as supply chain disruptions due to the of adaptability with advanced pandemic, climate change, and other factors, collaboration technology is product designers and manufacturers are helping product designers and increasingly designing resilience into their manufacturers remain resilient processes. More rapid design processes that support remote collaboration, as well as in the face of new challenges. con昀椀gurable factories and supply chains, are becoming the new normal and are enabled through digitalization. Shutdowns and slowdowns at factories, ports, and shipping Around the world, companies are reopening for business under yards combined with massive shifts in demand have caused a dramatic change of conditions. Physical distancing measures disruption to supply chains and abrupt price increases globally, have created a need for recon昀椀gured production lines that ensure and companies are 昀椀nding they must adapt their strategies employee safety. Factories require increased 昀氀exibility to quickly to reduce risk and ensure production continuity. Autodesk® shift to respond to evolving product demands. Digital factory ® ® Fusion 360 Manage software is helping companies manage tools like Autodesk Factory Design Utilities help teams redesign and collaborate with new and existing suppliers by centralizing layouts, incorporate new safety elements, evaluate the impact information, automating supplier reviews, and streamlining on productivity, and plan an ef昀椀cient implementation. a secure procurement process. Combining the industry’s history of adaptability with advanced Working from home and hybrid work models require new collaboration technology is helping product designers and approaches that replicate the type of in-person collaboration manufacturers remain resilient in the face of new challenges. engineering teams are accustomed to. Autodesk collaboration software helps teams securely access data, conduct design See a summary of Autodesk Design & Manufacturing solutions that enable reviews, and stay productive wherever they are. Cloud-hosted sustainable design. ® Fusion 360 Team software is enabling team members to access and share data by centralizing all design changes, comments, and markups made from various teams, so everyone can easily see how the project is progressing.

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                                                                                          KUHMUTE KUHMUTE designs charging stations built for electric last-mile vehicles of all makes Often referred to as last-mile vehicles, electric skateboards, scooters, and bikes help commuters get from A to B. They are low effort to use, and commuters often combine them with some form of public transportation. However, many cities have banned these vehicles because they clutter the already packed streets and sidewalks. Additionally, electric vehicles can be a pain for frequent commuters due to the charging process. KUHMUTE, a Michigan-based transportation company, is focused on tidying up city streets without compromising the convenience of last-mile vehicles. They are creating organized charging hubs for these vehicles—regardless of make. The team embraced additive manufacturing as a way to iterate on their product rapidly, and used 3D printed parts for the 昀椀nal product as well. Fusion 360 software helped them tie their processes together, including electronics, 3D modeling, animations, and imagery. The rendering space even enables the team to create imagery and animations explaining the product for investors and marketing purposes. Learn more

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                                                                                              Partner with customers Media & Entertainment By unlocking the capabilities of powerful content creation and production management tools, and bringing them to the cloud, we are paving the path for a more ef昀椀cient, resilient, and scalable entertainment production future. Digital tools in the Autodesk cloud build resilience into the media and entertainment industry by enabling remote collaboration and simplifying customer work昀氀ows. Media and entertainment companies are becoming more 昀氀exible than ever, with a growing global remote workforce, cloud-based business models that embrace agility and cost-ef昀椀ciency, and innovative tools that foster creativity and enable secure and safe information exchange inside and across studios. We support open source standards, which provide an important foundation for these efforts. Medical illustration and visualization 3ds Max and Maya software are used in the medical 昀椀eld to create accurate and realistic visualizations of complex physiological processes and medical procedures through both high-quality video and VR experiences. This content can be used to train doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to support high-quality healthcare delivery. It can also educate patients about the intricacies of the human body and the possible bene昀椀ts of medical interventions. The medical illustration team at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) routinely collaborates with researchers and scientists to develop compelling 3D imagery, animated videos, and motion graphics that convey health risks such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, and more. The team leans on a range of 3D content creation applications, including Autodesk 3ds Max tools for modeling, animation, and VFX and Arnold technology for rendering. In designing the iconic COVID-19 coronavirus image, they used 3ds Max software to make a precise, high-contrast image with strong details and textures to best help the public visualize and understand the invisible threat.

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                                                                                                  Advance industries Catalyze We invest in organizations increasing the health and innovation resiliency of communities impacted by climate change. The Autodesk Foundation invests in nonpro昀椀ts and startups scaling Impact measurement and management technology-based solutions that improve resilience in low resource We evaluate the impact of the Autodesk Foundation Health & Resilience portfolio based on outcomes communities most vulnerable to climate change. related to environmental protection, community health and well-being, and economic advancement as a measure of increased resilience. We focus our investments on the built environment, agriculture, energy access, and water and sanitation, where technology and design and make can have the greatest Learn more about the Autodesk Foundation’s impact measurement and management. positive impact. From retro昀椀tting homes in Colombia to better withstand earthquakes to mass Portfolio impact manufacturing design-forward handwashing and drinking stations for children in Ethiopia, the Autodesk Foundation portfolio fosters health and enhances Metrics FY22 community resilience through technological innovation. Individuals directly impacted (cumulative) 16,900,000 Who we fund Product units sold/distributed* 543,000 % Building units and infrastructure projects completed 16,000 25 39 GHG emissions reduced (metric tons CO e) 1,200,000 2 nonprofits and startups fostering of Autodesk Foundation portfolio People with improved access to health care and food security 1,700,000 health and community resilience through funding in fiscal year 2022 technological innovation People who accessed training 76,200 People placed in new or improved jobs 1,400 Geographic reach We focus on regions most vulnerable to climate change, * Product units sold/distributed refers to the number of innovations such as greenhouses, irrigation pumps, sensors, etc., deployed by the portfolio in the 昀椀eld. including Sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and South America. Read the Autodesk Foundation’s Resilient Communities impact brief.

                                                                                                  Build Change Earthquake-prone city in the clouds needs the cloud to protect homes and families Densely populated Bogotá, Colombia, is located along the Paci昀椀c Ring of Fire, the most seismically active region in the world. It is also home to many informal urban neighborhoods, where houses are often built by those who lack the proper skills or training to ensure structural safety. Build Change is working to protect these vulnerable houses. The nonpro昀椀t organization—which works in emerging nations to reduce deaths, injuries, and economic losses caused by earthquake-related structural collapses—is using innovative technology to identify retro昀椀tting opportunities in this city of 7 million. In collaboration with the Autodesk Foundation, Build Change has developed a cloud-based 昀椀eld-capture tool that can evaluate homes and zero in on structural weaknesses. With this tool, the organization can scale its work rapidly, with the goal of more than 11,000 interventions in 2022. Learn more

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                                                                                                      Advance industries Accelerate Shape collaboration policies Challenges such as refugee crises brought on by war, dislocation following natural Investing for climate change–resilient buildings Improving water management, resiliency, disasters, and poor water quality and availability undermine health and resilience and infrastructure and cleanliness worldwide. These multifaceted issues require broad collective action to address, and we collaborate with innovative partners from the private and public sectors to scale Current infrastructure is aging, and demands are rising for new investments in the Autodesk believes that everyone deserves reliable access to clean water. Yet the water our impact. During 2021, we also worked with industry organizations such as World built environment to sustainably support a growing global population while reducing sector faces many challenges to better manage water infrastructure and supply with Geospatial Industry Council and ACEC to shape practices and standards that will greenhouse gas emissions. Communities are increasingly at risk of extreme weather limited budgets, including mitigating the increased impacts of climate change, such as bring more resilience to global infrastructure and the built environment. events resulting from climate change, as well as sea-level rise, 昀氀ooding, and water 昀氀ooding and drought, and addressing water contamination. Twenty-昀椀ve percent of the We are proud to be members of collaborative organizations, including: scarcity. Autodesk supports policies that promote investment in the design and global population lives in countries with extremely high water stress—including the construction of sustainable infrastructure and buildings that improve preparedness for 6 United States. In addition, 1.6 billion people face the risk of increased 昀氀ooding by and mitigate climate-related impacts and create more livable, resilient communities, 7 2050 due to climate change. including by using digital technologies to achieve these goals. As existing water infrastructure ages, and water management challenges grow, digital smart water tools offer an opportunity for governments and policymakers to help unlock more ef昀椀cient, safer, and more sustainable water systems. We advocate for robust public During 昀椀scal year 2022, we supported the investment in water, paired with policies that promote technology and innovation in water Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, infrastructure delivery to improve outcomes and solve critical issues. This can enhance data management and predictive maintenance, advance digital green infrastructure design, legislation that made historic investments in and improve water quality and environmental stewardship. We work with innovative water and transportation infrastructure with partners from the private and public sectors to improve access to clean water for all. a focus on GHG emissions reduction, climate change mitigation, resilience, equity, and safety. Learn more

                                                                                                      Work & Prosperity The rate of change in our global economy is accelerating, and the workforce of tomorrow won’t look the same as today. Autodesk is at the forefront of this transformation, and we believe that Improve our operations automation technology, including arti昀椀cial Company culture intelligence and machine learning, is needed to help meet the demands of a Flexible workplace growing and urbanizing global population. Learning and organization development We recognize that technological change drives disruption, and Autodesk is Employee impact at work committed to helping workers adapt and Diversity and belonging thrive. We believe employees prosper by adopting a mindset of continuous learning, Partner with customers acquiring the most in-demand skills, and Education securing the most ful昀椀lling roles. We also believe employers and industries succeed Industry trends when they recruit, retain, and promote a Architecture, Engineering & Construction diverse and inclusive workforce. We’re putting people at the center of the future Design & Manufacturing of work transformation by investing in our Media & Entertainment employees, customers, and communities. Advance industries Catalyze innovation Accelerate collaboration Shape policies

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                                                                                                          Improve our operations Company culture At Autodesk, we take great pride in our culture. Recognition for our culture Our culture code— Ways we work Our success comes from unlocking the passion, Newsweek “Most Loved Workplace” list (2021) putting our values to work The Ways We Work describe the principles that guide our decision talents, and expertise of all Autodeskers, who in Learn more The Autodesk Culture Code expresses our Values and the Ways making and underlay our policies and procedures. They help us turn help our customers achieve the new possible. We Work that make us a Customer Company. It puts our culture understand how we operate as team members, as departments, Glassdoor “Best Places to Work” list #21 (2022) into meaningful, actionable terms and is embedded into and as a company. The Ways We Work help build a rich We believe our strong company culture, including our diversity performance evaluations, recognition programs, and company-wide understanding of what we expect of ourselves and our colleagues. and belonging programs, continues to contribute to a lower Learn more learning. By harnessing the power of our culture, we deliver a ● We act as one Autodesk to get the best results for our turnover rate as compared to our Worldwide Software Products world-class employee experience, partnering with and enabling customers, our business, and our employees. & Services industry peers. Overall turnover for Autodesk in 昀椀scal * our people to thrive and realize their potential. ● We empower decision makers. year 2022 was 14.0%, including both voluntary and involuntary Employee engagement exits, compared to an industry benchmark of 19.5% during an Empowered employees help our customers achieve better ● We actively foster an environment where people can bring overlapping time period (June 1, 2020 to June 1, 2021). This FY21 FY22 outcomes for their products, their businesses, and the world. their authentic selves to work. FY20 83 82 placed us around the 25th percentile. Our voluntary turnover rate 79 Behind Scenes of Autodesk’s Culture Code ● We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards by in 昀椀scal year 2022 was 11.1%, compared with the 50th percentile embodying integrity. 1 of 13.7%. Our values Our Values de昀椀ne how we at Autodesk work, both as individuals and as a company, and express the essence of who we are. They bring clarity to what we believe and what we expect of those who work with us. Our Values are organized around how we think, how we feel, and what we do. They guide and inspire our choices, mindsets, and actions. ● Think – Smart, innovative, adaptable ● Feel – Inclusive, impactful, humble ● Do – Courageous, accountable, pragmatic * Represents the average employee engagement score over three pulses during a given 昀椀scal year. The engagement score is on a scale of 1–100 measuring the average outcome of two questions, eSat and Recommend. These data are reported on a calendar year basis. Fiscal year 2022 corresponds to calendar year 2021, and so forth.

                                                                                                          Living our culture Fostering a culture Our culture is a journey we take together every day. Autodesk employees engage with our culture, question it, and, most importantly, contribute to it through company-wide of belonging activities—speci昀椀cally, our culture workshops and sprints. Our Culture Sprints are all- employee learning experiences. Through conversations, workshops, and re昀氀ective At Autodesk, we de昀椀ne belonging as being welcomed and exercises, teams identify actions they can take to bring our culture to life in sustained and meaningful ways. Each sprint gives us the opportunity to examine our current actions, celebrated for who you are and what you do. We strive to identify roadblocks, and apply practical solutions. By the end of each sprint, participants create an environment where everyone, everywhere, is form new habits and processes, both individually and organizationally, to make our excited to come to work, feels a sense of belonging, and culture real at Autodesk. can fully contribute their talents in the workplace. See Through these and other efforts, we will continue to live our Culture Code in an intentional Diversity and belonging. and collective way, as shown in the report sections that follow. Data ethics and our Culture Code As we entered the second year of the global pandemic, the conditions of hybrid To continue building an ethical data culture at Autodesk, during 2021 we expanded our work made us re昀氀ect on what creates connection and belonging. Continued de昀椀nition of “integrity” in the Culture Code. We ensure ethical treatment of data through racial injustice (in particular, anti-Black and anti-Asian violence) brought to the governance and tools; however, having a culture that constantly supports employee forefront that each of us has a part to play in supporting one another. awareness of these issues is the only way data integrity will pervade Autodesk company- To strengthen our skills in empathy, psychological safety, and inclusive norms, wide. The changes to Integrity in the Ways We Work were guided by our established Data we launched the Belonging Sprint in March 2021. Kicked off by a 昀椀reside chat Ethics Principles, the standard for integrating trust, responsibility, and accountability into with Herminia Ibarra, author of Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader and our data usage. We must not only foster awareness of where bias lands in our design of professor of organizational behavior at London Business School, the Belonging data sets—we must also anticipate unintended consequences of data use and correct them Sprint included: when we can. ● Inclusive Leadership coaching circles for our senior leaders and all people Ultimately, our goal is to drive authentic customer trust through deeply rooted cultural managers, led by an expert facilitator and focused on courageous values around data ethics that are supported by governance and platform programs. conversations, leading with empathy, and fostering mutual accountability in teams Autodesk Construction Solutions culture journey ● Individual learning pathways on bias disruption, empathy and compassion, Within Autodesk Construction Solutions, the Business Development – North America growth mindset, and cultural awareness team embarked on a year-long, teamwide skills development program in 2021 based on ● Manager-led conversations about identifying and practicing inclusive our Culture Code to foster psychological safety, inclusive team dynamics, the power of team norms empathy, and inclusive and courageous conversations. The journey is led by our Culture, Belonging means different things to different people and cultures. We support Diversity & Belonging team and bolstered by a group of “Culture Champions” who lead the localization of our Culture Sprint activities and materials. For example, change, facilitate conversations, help participants sustain habits over time, and report on the Culture Code workshops were translated into Japanese, and our Tokyo site metrics and impact. hosted its own Belonging Sprint events on topics such as Foundations of Belonging and the Power of Empathy. The Belonging Sprint equips us with tools to boost well-being and keep us connected in this era of hybrid work. See Flexible workplace.

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                                                                                                              Improve our operations Flexible workplace The world has changed, accelerating the era of hybrid work. The Flexible Workplace promise Flex Forward To accommodate the changing needs of our workforce and We provide tools and other resources to support teams to do their best work and foster anticipate what the workplace of the future will look like, we We will embrace our culture a sense of belonging in the era of hybrid work. Everyone has the opportunity to provide embarked on a multi-phase plan that involved re-imagining input into how we communicate, collaborate, and prioritize work with a focus on well- our physical spaces and team culture. Our Culture Code will continue to be our beacon that guides how being. Our Culture Code serves as our foundation as we continually adapt to ways of we will work together as we explore new ways of working. working that are more transparent, 昀氀exible, and sustainable for everyone. In 2021, we introduced the Autodesk Flexible Workplace Program. It re昀氀ects our belief During 2021, we released a series of workshops to help managers and their teams talk that 昀氀exibility in where and how work gets done will better enable our people to thrive about the challenges, new habits, and opportunities of hybrid work: and realize their potential. This in turn will help our customers achieve better outcomes We will prioritize the safety and well-being of our people ● Hybrid Work Re昀氀ection: Deepen empathy and mutual understanding of how your for their products, their businesses, and the world. We designed our approach to meet team works the needs of our dynamic and growing business while providing 昀氀exibility where possible The safety and well-being of our people will inform our of昀椀ce ● Meet with Focus: Reduce overall meeting time and move work into asynchronous forums for employees in support of their individual of昀椀ce and remote work preferences. reopening process and in-of昀椀ce safety guidelines. Our Flexible Workplace Promise, which applies to all Autodesk employees, underpins ● Work Out Loud: Create team norms to increase transparency and normalize progress our efforts in this area and helps us to reimagine how we collaborate, innovate, and over perfection shape inclusive team norms. We invited our employees to 昀氀ex forward together. We will offer 昀氀exibility in how and where work gets done ● Prioritize for Balance: Get clear on work priorities to reduce burnout and let go of nonurgent work We will design for 昀氀exibility in how and where work gets done while We will continue to provide additional workshops throughout 2022. balancing the needs of our dynamic and growing business. To prevent employee burnout and isolation, we remain focused on key initiatives related % % to belonging, collaboration, and well-being. 16 94 We will enable in-person and digital collaboration and connection How Autodesk Uses Culture to Deploy Flexible Work of Autodesk employees worked of our surveyed employees We will design of昀椀ces that inspire creativity and innovation, bridging the remotely pre-pandemic now prefer hybrid work digital and physical world with investment in space and technology to enable collaboration and solidify connection. We will foster an inclusive distributed work experience We will promote the creation of thoughtful team norms between managers and team members so every Autodesker can do their best and belong, no matter where work happens.

                                                                                                              Improve our operations Learning and organization development To empower innovators to solve important design Autodesk continues to prioritize its people managers as a critical Autodesk outside of the Learning and Development group, are As we continue to navigate the shifting landscape of work with and make, business, environmental, and societal lever for organizational success. The Managing@Autodesk passionate about curating learning experiences for others. This a focus on the future, learning and organization development is challenges, we must support our employees to program served as the primary vehicle to keep all global people community reached 76 members and published nearly 1,000 a key catalyst to build resilience and drive transformation. We thrive so that they can create the best products managers up to date with the latest information and aligned new learning pathways. are committed to continuing to prioritize learning and capability and experiences for our customers. Great with key actions, and provided a venue to share fresh ideas, building to drive lasting behavior and mindset shifts. Through employee experiences translate into great resources, and tools. In 2021, we launched a series of workshops Our community of learning champions intentional design and delivery of learning experiences that scale to help managers and their teams talk about the challenges, reached 76 members and published and broaden access, we help our employees thrive and realize customer experiences. new habits, and opportunities of hybrid work (see Flex Forward). nearly 1,000 new learning pathways. their potential. In addition, people managers enrolled more than 3,700 times Like our customers, our employees need to adapt their skills to in our 16 Managing@Autodesk pathways and completed a total With equitable development in mind, we sponsored external the changing work environment. Putting skills at the center of over 7,800 articles, videos, and podcasts. Autodesk also leadership programming for our underrepresented populations. ensures we are focused on equitable employee experiences, as conducted more than 400 manager education events. Through our partnership with McKinsey & Company, we sponsored skills are objective, quanti昀椀able, and transferable. Through our To help employees upskill on the job and navigate their a year-long professional development program for Black 250,000 Work & Prosperity initiative, activated via our Culture framework, development, the MyLearning platform connects users to the employees, including skill-building, cohort-based learning, and we are reimagining learning and organization development at world’s largest collection of professional learning content from MyLearning connects users to the world’s largest collection Autodesk with a focus on skills that are key to the future of work. virtual networking and webinar events. of professional learning content with over 250,000 courses and both inside and outside Autodesk—over 250,000 digital courses During the year, we also enhanced our internal development more than 3 million articles and videos from 1,300 sources. Responding to the unprecedented number of professionals and more than three million articles and videos from 1,300 sources. program for next-generation leaders. We expanded our Emerging changing jobs, and our own employee surveys, career development The pandemic presented an opportunity for us to democratize Leaders Program to 120 Autodesk employees representing nearly is a key focus at Autodesk. We initiated a project in 2021 to refresh learning by moving to a digital learning environment. Our global all business units and geographies, including the 昀椀rst-ever cohort job family descriptions and de昀椀ne critical skill pro昀椀les. This project portfolio of training curriculum shifted to 100% virtual learning to develop women in tech and sales roles. We supported the helps Autodesk identify and articulate the skills that drive success and proved to be so successful that this transformation will personal and professional development of more than 280 people 12,000 in each role at each level, in turn enabling career path development continue into the future. Almost 12,000 employees completed managers and individual contributors through 1:1 professional for employees and a line of sight to the organization’s future skills approximately 350,000 learning modules during 昀椀scal year 2022, development coaching. Participants bene昀椀tted from over 2,900 Almost 12,000 employees completed approximately demand. This transformation moves us away from high-level, and nearly every Autodesk employee participated in training static job family descriptions to a data-driven, dynamic framework related to our new brand. coaching sessions, and nearly 80% rated their experience as “life- changing” or “amazing.” We also expanded access to professional, that can be tailored to actionable, skills-based development and The need to develop and roll out learning programs much more on-demand coaching support to over 12,000 Autodesk employees 350,000 career paths. quickly than in past years was supported by Autodesk’s growing worldwide as a zero-cost employee bene昀椀t. community of learning champions. These employees, from across learning modules during 昀椀scal year 2022.

                                                                                                              Improve our operations Employee impact at work Our employees—and our culture of impact—bring Autodesk’s vision of a better world to life. Whether building sustainability capabilities into our tools, supporting our customers to achieve their sustainability goals, or volunteering time and valuable skills to nonpro昀椀t partners and local communities, our employees play a pivotal role in driving progress toward our impact strategy. We encourage all our employees to get involved in impact-led professional development opportunities. We believe that the more our employees engage in making a positive impact at Autodesk, the more we—together—can help our customers drive positive outcomes at scale. FY22 highlights % of employees logged a donation and/or volunteer time 46 nearly organizations globally supported through employee 3,300 giving and volunteerism employee volunteer hours, including 5,400 Pro Bono 23,100 Consulting volunteer hours $ * 1.3 million worth of employee volunteer hours $2.9 million in employee giving * Value of volunteer hours aligns with annual valuation from Independent Sector ($28.54 per hour was indexed in 2021). Value of employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours (also included in this total) is based on hourly rates for various skills cited by CECP.

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                                                                                                                  46 Employee volunteering Pro Bono Consulting From the 昀椀rst day on the job, Autodesk full-time employees in alignment with our impact opportunity areas. By Employees also contributed Pro Bono Consulting volunteer This can involve 1:1 Pro Bono Consulting (online hour-long are given 48 paid hours a year to volunteer for causes most partnering with two global nonpro昀椀t organizations from hours during the year. We invite Autodesk employees to volunteer consulting engagements), Pro Bono Team Projects important to them (part-time employees receive 24 paid hours Autodesk’s Technology Impact Program for this year’s volunteer and apply their expertise—ranging from (teams of three to 昀椀ve employees volunteering their skills a year). During our annual Global Month of Impact in campaign, every employee had an opportunity to experience engineering and design to marketing and communications— for one to three hours a week over 12 weeks), and Pro Bono September, when employees unite for a common cause, more how we can support customers with technology to in support of nonpro昀椀ts and social enterprise startups Immersion (teams of 昀椀ve to ten employees volunteering than 2,000 Autodesk employees gathered in 12 virtual accelerate positive impact. addressing pressing social and environmental challenges their professional skills onsite for two weeks with an volunteering events to support Autodesk Foundation’s efforts Learn more in alignment with our impact opportunity areas. Autodesk Foundation portfolio customer). Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) Autodesk legal pro bono program By researching local nonpro昀椀ts and making lists of organizations by Autodesk’s legal department customized a pro bono program to support region that work in the food insecurity and water and sanitation arena, nonpro昀椀ts focused on issues supporting transgender individuals, asylum Autodesk volunteers provided EWB teams with information to help seekers, and the houseless community. them identify critical infrastructure needs in local communities. Learn more Learn more The Nature Conservancy (TNC) BamCore Autodesk volunteers identi昀椀ed, sourced, tagged, and catalogued online Autodesk Pro Bono Consultant volunteers helped streamline BamCore’s resources to support the work of science and conservation leaders work昀氀ow and design process by building a platform that allowed for open worldwide. More than 1,200 volunteers catalogued over 2,000 data points exchange of designs and ideas among all stakeholders, which ultimately and metadata for TNC that will accelerate the organization’s led to increased production capacity, simpli昀椀ed job site installation, and development of an AI-powered search tool. reduced production costs. Learn more Learn more Image courtesy of BamCore Barcelona of昀椀ce Giving Back Committee Bridges to Prosperity For the past two years at Autodesk’s Barcelona of昀椀ce, the Giving Back Autodesk Pro Bono Consultant volunteers helped Bridges to Prosperity Committee has kept up a steady drumbeat of employee volunteering, bring its site visit program online during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating including Pro Bono Consulting opportunities, for nearly 600 Autodeskers new avenues to engage partners in connecting rural communities with in Barcelona. trail bridges. Learn more Learn more Image courtesy of Bridges to Prosperity

                                                                                                                  Employee giving Enabling Autodesk sales employees In a year when many organizations and individuals needed extra to advance sustainable outcomes support, Autodesk employees responded by donating record The Autodesk Making the Future sales incentive program amounts to nonpro昀椀ts around the world. Employees receive 1:1 rewards Autodesk sales teams for partnering with customers to matching funds from the Autodesk Foundation, doubling the achieve outcomes aligned with the United Nations Sustainable impact of their charitable giving to communities and causes they Development Goals. Winners in 昀椀scal year 2022 spanned account care about most. During 2021, the yearly matching cap was sizes and industries, and included Cemex, Compesa, Iberdrola, increased from $3,000 to $5,000, and speci昀椀c crisis response and Setty & Associates. causes received a 2:1 match, such as assistance after Tropical Our Sustainability G.O.A.L. Program equips our customer-facing Storm Grace in Haiti and COVID-19 relief in India. employees with information, resources, and skills to support Supporting our technical community to customers on their sustainability journeys and create positive drive positive impact impact with the Autodesk technology platform. During 2021, the program grew to more than 300 employees and executives As a technology company, our technical employees play a pivotal from across the company, representing sales and customer role in driving impact. We offer incentives to engage their critical success as well as marketing, brand, business development, and and emerging skills, and we encourage innovative thinking that other groups from all regions globally. motivates and effects positive change in the world: ● As part of our annual technical summit, we give a Better World Learn more about our employees’ connection to giving and community. Builder Award—selected from nominees across the company— for outsized contribution toward helping our customers design and make a better world using Autodesk technology. ● The Employee patent program incentivizes creative thinking and sustainable innovation; employees who have new patents granted are given bonuses of up to $2,000. ● Autodesk's Impact Team rewards employees across the company who make exceptional contributions related to climate change. These individuals are awarded “Autobucks” and “Applause Points,” spot cash, or other non-monetary awards and recognition on the company intranet.

                                                                                                                  Improve our operations Diversity and belonging At Autodesk, we’re building a culture of belonging where all employees have equitable opportunities to succeed and contribute. We strive to create an environment where everyone, everywhere, is excited to come to work, feels a sense of belonging, and can fully contribute their talents in the workplace. We’re creating a workplace that embraces a multitude of original minds and talents to create the most innovative products and solutions that meet the demands of the global marketplace. By cultivating a workplace where all employees can realize their potential, we offer more than just a place to work. As a company leading change, we’re creating opportunities for people to thrive. Global diversity and belonging strategy In 2020, we launched a major initiative to revamp our global diversity and belonging strategy and implement an ecosystem approach that focuses on individual, interpersonal, and structural dimensions of change and transformation. As part of this process, we invited employees from more than 25 countries and over 44 of昀椀ces—representing all levels and functions and a rich mix of demographics—to join focus groups to share their feedback, ideas, and experiences. In addition, we engaged our top executives through a strategy advisory group and analyzed data that re昀氀ect many different aspects of diversity and belonging. Through this process, we set three-year objectives and aspirational goals for each of these strategic change levers: ● Attract and retain a diverse workforce ● Expand leadership diversity ● Foster a culture of belonging Through a data-driven approach, we are building our programs and measuring success. Learn more

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                                                                                                                      Diversity and belonging objectives and goals This page summarizes the 昀椀rst year of progress against our three-year diversity and belonging goals. We made signi昀椀cant progress toward each goal during 昀椀scal year 2022 and are increasing programmatic focus in 昀椀scal year 2023 in cases where additional effort is needed to meet our goals. Attract a diverse workforce Expand leadership diversity Foster a culture of belonging Objective Increase representation of women in tech, women in sales, and Increase geographic and demographic diversity of leadership Transform our culture so that all employees feel they belong underrepresented people of color employees in the United States Goals (by the Increase the number of women Increase the number of women Increase the number of leaders Increase the number of leaders Reduce gaps between all Reduce gaps between all end of FY24) in tech roles globally by in sales roles globally by (director and above) based in (senior director and above) in the demographic groups and demographic groups and * * EMEA, APAC, Japan, Canada, and United States who are people of company-wide survey scores company-wide survey scores % % † 25 25 LATAM by color by on belonging to on engagement to * * Progress through FY22: Progress through FY22: % % 5 points 5 points Up 19.0% Up 7.5% 10 40 or less or less Progress through FY22: Progress through FY22: Up 32.1% Up 26.7% Progress through FY22: Progress through FY22: Increase the number of US Increase the number of Within 5 points Within 5 points employees who are under- US Black employees by ‡ represented people of color by Increase the number of Black and Latinx leaders (senior Launch diversity and belonging * Compared to the beginning of 昀椀scal year 2022. Our one-year aim * * was to reach 20% of our overall three-year goals. % % director and above) in the training company-wide, and † People of color includes the following United States EE0-1 categories: Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, 30 100 United States by achieve greater than Native Hawaiian or Paci昀椀c Islander, Native American or Alaska Native, Two or More Races. ‡ Underrepresented people of color includes the following United Progress through FY22: Progress through FY22: * States EE0-1 categories: Black or African American, Hispanic or % % Latino, Native Hawaiian or Paci昀椀c Islander, Native American or Up 8.9% Up 17.7% 300 75 Alaska Native. Progress through FY22: employee participation Up 40% Progress through FY22: Training in development

                                                                                                                      Attract and retain a diverse workforce Employee workforce data, FY22* We all win when we attract, retain, and advance talented The Autodesk Women in Sales (AWiS) initiative is a cross- individuals. This requires a holistic, multifaceted approach. We functional effort between our human resources and sales Overall workforce, by gender work to integrate inclusive hiring practices into every step of organizations in support our goal to increase the number of our recruitment process, including evaluating and revising job women in sales by 25% over three years. The US Bureau of descriptions to be more inclusive, using market intelligence Labor Statistics reports that women hold just under a third of to identify locations with strong diverse pools of talent, and outside sales roles in the majority of industries, most notably incorporating early career recruitment into our hiring plan manufacturing and technology. Addressing this problem is to develop and cultivate talent. critical to both business success and achieving global gender Our custom-designed 昀椀ve-day virtual Hiring Manager Bootcamp parity in pay and opportunity. The AWiS initiative focuses trains all people managers in Autodesk’s hiring principles and on talent acquisition, development, and retention, as well as 64.9% Male inclusive recruiting practices to help us successfully attract, inclusive cultural practices. 35.0% Female interview, assess, and onboard diverse talent. During 2021, we The Autodesk Women in Digital Enterprise Services (WDES) also launched our Recruiter Bootcamp to onboard new recruiters initiative supports our goal to increase women in tech by 25% 0.1% Choose not to state and refresh current talent acquisition team members. over three years. It includes programming that works to equalize The program covers topics such as mitigating bias in the interview and promote women’s presence within DES through career and process, utilizing diversity partnerships, talent sourcing, writing personal development. Achievements during 2021 include: inclusive job descriptions, and coaching hiring managers on ● Launching the WDES Guilds Program and completing two inclusive hiring practices. All searches for senior directors and Guilds group cycles above must include at least one woman or person of color on ● Hosting training sessions and workshops related to career the 昀椀nal interview slate. advancement, mentorship, and growth US workforce, by race/ethnicity Through the Autodesk Tech Program, we are collaborating with External partnerships are key to reaching a wide array of four Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the candidates. We collaborate with organizations such as National United States, offering student stipends and mentoring in Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Lesbians Who Tech, partnership with our technical business units. The program aims AfroTech, Fairygodboss, Techqueria, and Power to Fly to support 62.6% White to create an immersive experience focused on mentorship, our effort. Starting in February 2022, Autodesk committed 24.6% Asian professional development, and solving real technical challenges $150,000 annually for three years to The Hidden Genius Project with engineers at Autodesk. In its inaugural year 2020/2021, to support the next generation of Black tech leaders and 7.0% Hispanic or Latino the program engaged 20 students, in addition to faculty advisors entrepreneurs. These efforts are yielding positive results, with 2.9% Black or African American and Autodesk engineers. more job candidates who identify as women (globally) and people of color (in the United States) than ever before. For 2.3% Two or More Races Learn more example, 39.9% of external hires during 昀椀scal year 2022 were 0.3% Native American or Alaska Native women. Partly as a result, women increased from 33.4% of 0.2% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Autodesk’s overall workforce globally at the end of 昀椀scal year 2020 to 35.0% at the end of 昀椀scal year 2022. In the United States, 0.1% Not specified 7.9% of external hires during 昀椀scal year 2022 were Black. This contributed to the rise from 1.7% of the US workforce that Black employees represented at the end of 昀椀scal year 2020 to 2.9% at the end of 昀椀scal year 2022. * Data are as of the end of 昀椀scal year 2022. See detailed performance metrics in the Data summary.

                                                                                                                      * Leadership data, FY22 Expand leadership diversity Foster a culture of belonging We are expanding leadership diversity from the Board of Directors We are committed to building a culture of belonging at Autodesk by Overall leadership, by gender to senior leadership and to all areas of Autodesk. As a global listening deeply, providing education, implementing programs, and company, it is critical that our leadership re昀氀ects the perspectives most importantly, fostering collective accountability. Belonging is of our customers around the world. Therefore, we have prioritized central to the Values and Ways We Work, as articulated in our Culture growing our leadership capabilities globally, resulting in a 2.6% Code, and in 2021 we launched a company-wide Culture Sprint increase in the number of leaders outside of the United States. on Belonging. Women make up 50% of our 10-member Board of Directors, which Dialogue spaces is composed of 10% Black membership and 90% white membership. Dialogue Spaces are open to all employees to speak courageously Our commitment to attracting and recruiting diverse talent extends and listen with curiosity, offering a safe environment for people to 67.0% Male to our senior leadership team. In February 2021, we announced share their stories and build a deeper understanding of one another. 33.0% Female the appointment of a new chief 昀椀nancial of昀椀cer, chief technology Autodesk has partnered with Bravely, a con昀椀dential coaching service of昀椀cer, and senior vice president, all of whom expand the diversity that supports individuals and workplace health, to foster discussions of our senior leadership. Forty-昀椀ve percent of our executive team about aspects of identity that impact our employees in the workplace. is women. Bravely spaces introduce and reinforce critical concepts of allyship and We are committed to the growth and development of all our working together more inclusively and equitably through storytelling, employees. Some programs target speci昀椀c demographics as educational content, and active group sharing. The events ignite part of our diversity and belonging strategic goals. For example, self-discovery and connection that can be further explored through Autodesk was a proud participant in the McKinsey Black individualized coaching and conversations between colleagues. US leadership, by race/ethnicity Leadership Academy in 2021, which creates opportunities for Speaker series rising Black leaders to network and build relationships with leaders from other organizations. Our Diversity & Belonging Speaker Series brings outside experts In early 2022, we launched NEXT LEVEL, a program designed to engage the entire Autodesk community in conversations about to create a pipeline of underrepresented people of color who are identity and diversity. Dialogue Spaces facilitated by Autodesk ready to move into leadership roles. To better understand and employees followed some events to offer colleagues across the 73.8% White mitigate individual reasons for attrition, during 2022 we also company the opportunity to discuss the expert’s books and podcasts started conducting Career Advancement Retention Effort in small groups. Speakers in 2021 included: 18.8% Asian (CARE) interviews. ● Shankar Vedantam has been reporting on human behavior and 3.8% Hispanic or Latino We offer several professional and leadership development social science research for more than 25 years and is the host and 2.0% Two or More Races opportunities for all employees, including our Emerging creator of Hidden Brain. The Hidden Brain podcast receives more Leaders Program and Employee Leadership Program/Autodesk than three million downloads per week, and the Hidden Brain 1.4% Black or African American Leadership Program. radio show is featured on more than 350 public radio stations 0.2% Native American or Alaska Native All employees can also participate in the Autodesk Mentorship around the United States. Program, as a mentor, mentee, or both. The program breaks down ● Herminia Ibarra, professor of organizational behavior at London the barriers of meeting and learning from colleagues around Business School and author of Act Like a Leader, Think Like a the world and offers resources and guidance to nearly 3,000 Leader. Professor Ibarra shared how leadership is a mindset that active members (as of January 2022). can be practiced at all levels of an organization. * Data are as of the end of 昀椀scal year 2022. ● Dolly Chugh, professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business and author Learn more about learning and organization development at Autodesk. of The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias. Drawing See detailed performance metrics in the Data summary. on her decades of research onunconscious bias, Dr. Chugh offered practical tools to become a better leader, colleague, and friend.

                                                                                                                      Employee resource groups Transgender and nonbinary inclusion We have a vibrant and growing network of global Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), In addition to Autodesk earning a 100% rating and designation as a Best Place to Work employee-led groups composed of individuals who join together based on common for LGBTQ Equality on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, backgrounds or dimensions of diversity such as gender, race, or ethnicity. Each ERG the Pride ERG formed an initiative to provide peer mentorship and advance inclusion is sponsored by a member of our Executive Leadership Team, and our ERG leaders are for transgender and nonbinary employees. In partnership with the Culture, Diversity supported as a critical extension of our Culture, Diversity & Belonging team. ERGs play key & Belonging team, during 2021 the group helped expand options for pronoun visibility roles in driving professional development, building partnerships with local communities, across Autodesk employee directories, worked to evaluate access to all-gender restrooms advancing recruitment efforts, and supporting a culture of mentorship and coaching. in of昀椀ces globally, and collaborated with the company’s bene昀椀ts team to remove any Currently, Autodesk has seven ERGs: Asian Network, Black Network, Latinx Network, remaining restrictions on gender-af昀椀rming health bene昀椀ts under our primary US Connecting community, culture, and creativity Pride Network, Veterans Network, Women’s Network, and Young Professionals Network. insurance vendors. In response to the challenge of physical distancing during the COVID-19 Autodesk’s ERGs are evolving to make an even greater impact on our employee Programs worldwide pandemic, Gail Tanaka, Global Lead of the Autodesk Asian Network, initiated experience and our business globally. During 2021, employees in Autodesk locations around the world advanced diversity and a program with a nonpro昀椀t organization, Kimochi, to teach seniors and youth ● In 2021, Autodesk’s held its 昀椀rst ERG Week, a series of global events focused on belonging through a broad range of initiatives. For example, in our Europe, Middle East, how to use Autodesk Tinkercad as a way to continue creating Japanese celebrating and elevating ERGs. To bring the programming to life in a virtual world, and Africa region, the Autodesk France Country Council, composed of senior leaders, American cultural items such as cherry blossoms together. each group brought in dynamic voices from both inside and outside the company people managers, and individual contributors across business organizations, adopted 10 Learn more for inspirational talks, networking events, and more. initiatives during the year to advance equity and access. For example, the council engaged ● Beginning in 2022, Autodesk will grant a $10,000 appreciation bonus each April to our with local stakeholders Capital Filles and 10000 Codeurs to mentor and coach diverse global ERG leads, on completion of every year of service, for the many ways they help young talent and led discussions associated with the International Day of People with our employees feel supported and included, both in times of celebration and in the Disabilities to change the way disability is perceived within the company. face of social injustice. Autodesk is proud to make this investment in the future leaders The Autodesk Italy Leadership team joined Valore D, a corporate association that of our work culture—and our company. promotes gender balance and an inclusive approach to company- and country-level ● To scale and operationalize impact, we've formed expert “MERG” groups to align growth. This organization helps people learn, adapt, and prosper through change via program strategy and intersectional development across all ERGs. We work together courses, best practice sharing, mentoring, and other activities. to build a strong team of cross-ERG support, and we utilize resources, passion, and Programs across the business energy to impact lasting change for all employees at Autodesk, especially those in historically marginalized groups. Across business units within Autodesk, grassroots groups of employee volunteers help foster a culture of belonging within their teams. Each group has senior leadership support Image courtesy of The Hidden Genius Project and an executive sponsor at the VP level. In Finance, the Diversity & Belonging Committee hosted Power of Inclusion trainings and Nurturing young tech talent with The Hidden quarterly guest speakers, and in 2021 it sponsored 13 employees for the annual WILpower Genius Project program, a professional development and networking program for women offered by LWT (Leading Woman in Technology). The group also partnered with DreamWakers 昀氀ashchats The Autodesk Black Network leads workshops through The Hidden Genius to connect 458 students from 11 underresourced K–12 schools with Autodesk career Project, a national nonpro昀椀t organization that trains and mentors young Black role models. men in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills. Starting The Legal Diversity Inclusion & Belonging (LDIB) group is composed of volunteers in 2022, Autodesk has committed to donating $150,000 to the organization for dedicated to promoting Autodesk’s values within the department and wider legal each of the next three years. community. In 2021, the team focused its efforts on lifting up underrepresented groups in the legal 昀椀eld and also sponsored career development training through the Leading Learn more Women in Technology program, which was offered for the 昀椀rst time to all employees regardless of geography.

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                                                                                                                          Supplier diversity In the Platform Services & Emerging Technologies (PSET) organization, the PSET-DIB resources and learn from participating organizations to advance a more inclusive At Autodesk, we use our purchasing power to increase diversity and inclusion in our initiative works to ensure broader participation in envisioning the innovations of the innovation ecosystem and funding landscape. supplier base, helping to create jobs and wealth in historically marginalized communities. future by fostering a culture of equity and belonging within the department. The goals The Foundation’s response and rebuilding grants and support have bene昀椀ted from We value our impactful relationships with small and person of color-, women-, disability-, of the core team are to build and maintain avenues of communication to increase the collaboration with the company’s Culture, Diversity & Belonging team and ERGs veteran-, service-disabled veteran-, and LGBTQ+-owned businesses. Creating a supplier impact of diversity and belonging programs within PSET, normalize conversations representing the people and communities impacted. Beyond this funding, the Foundation base that re昀氀ects the demographics of Autodesk’s marketplace provides us with access to and critical thinking on topics of equity to further Autodesk’s culture goal around has committed to integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion goals throughout its work, better ideas and ways to innovate. psychological safety, and develop leadership and power skills together through from how it sources new organizations for its portfolio to the impact it seeks to realize In 2021, we engaged with certifying agencies to help diverse business owners expand peer mentorship and learning. through its grantmaking and impact investing. For example, in 昀椀scal year 2022 the their capabilities by connecting them with mentoring, training, and business development In the Product Development and Manufacturing Solutions (PDMS) organization, the Culture, Foundation provided a $250,000 grant to Revolution Workshop, a nonpro昀椀t providing opportunities. During the year, we mentored two Black female entrepreneurs as a part D&B advisory team works to prioritize timely ampli昀椀cation of Autodesk diversity and construction job training on the West and South Sides of Chicago, predominantly Black of the National Black Business Pitch, a competition designed to connect Black women– belonging messaging, programs, and resources; identify unique opportunities for in昀氀uence and LatinX neighborhoods. In February 2022, Autodesk was a launch supporter of the owned businesses to prospective customers. We also sponsored a cohort of eight women- within the organization; and communicate learnings and feedback. Black Equity Index (BEI), a new initiative for organizations to advance and measure owned businesses for the WBEC-West Platinum Supplier Program, for women-owned Providing a positive experience on our internal platforms progress toward racial equity in the workplace. businesses certi昀椀ed by WBENC (Women’s Business Enterprise National Council) that Supporting pay equity are working to begin or expand corporate and government contracting. To increase our With our remote and hybrid work environment, reliance on Slack and other social awareness and engagement with diverse businesses, Autodesk belongs to the National platforms is essential. As with any social platform, some messages may not align with Autodesk is committed to pay equity for our employees. We conduct an annual global LGBT Chamber of Commerce, the Western Regional Minority Supplier Development our policies or guidelines. To create a safe and positive experience on our internal pay analysis to compare pay levels of different demographic groups, and make Council, and tech:SCALE. community platforms, we created guidelines for our employees and contingent workers appropriate adjustments if needed. We’ve continued Fair Pay at Hire, which means that To further drive results, in 2021 we launched the internal Autodesk Supplier Diversity to follow when communicating with peers. We also added a new “昀氀ag” feature in Slack we do not ask candidates about their prior company compensation in the United States. Executive Stakeholders group, which works to develop goals for each of the company’s to enable employees to report messages that they feel violate Autodesk’s policies, Autodesk was also a proud early signer of the California Equal Pay Pledge, which af昀椀rms principal organizations. We spent $35 million, equivalent to 4.4% of addressable spend, guidelines, or culture of respect. the commitment to conducting annual pay analysis, reviewing hiring and promotion with approximately 210 US-based diverse businesses in 昀椀scal year 2022, meeting our goal Additionally, in February 2022 Autodesk added a statement about our stance on racism processes and procedures to reduce unconscious bias and structural barriers, and 2 of 4% for the year. During 昀椀scal year 2023, we aim to increase this to 8% of addressable to the company’s Code of Business Conduct, as well as within our internal Global promoting best practices that will close the pay gap. We are transparent about our spend in the United States, and 25% by 昀椀scal year 2026. We are exploring expanding our Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying Policy. salary structures, bonus targets, and equity guidelines to let employees know how they program to additional countries and regions. Advancing racial justice in partnership with compare to our de昀椀nition of market. To attract, retain, and support our highly quali昀椀ed employees, we offer competitive compensation and bene昀椀ts, which include an element the Autodesk Foundation of choice to meet the needs of our diverse population globally. As of 昀椀scal year 2021, As violence against historically marginalized communities continued in 2021, we all employees participate in equity offerings in countries where equity grants are recommitted to doing our part to condemn racism and support our employees, neighbors, allowed. In 昀椀scal year 2022, we completed our multi-year journey toward Market Pricing. and communities around the world. This means that all jobs have been shifted from pay grades to job levels to allow for more precise benchmarking in the competitive market. In response to a rise in violence against the Asian community, both in the United States Autodesk monitors equal pay and conducts full analyses on compensation ratios. and globally, the Autodesk Foundation (with guidance from the Autodesk Asian Network) distributed grants totaling $150,000 across 昀椀ve organizations: Advancing Justice–Asian Law Caucus, the National Asian Paci昀椀c American Women’s Forum, the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM), Ascend Foundation, and the Asia Paci昀椀c Environmental Network. During 2021, the Autodesk Foundation continued collaboration with the Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital on the rESOurce Initiative to help leaders of color build 昀椀nancial, social, and human capital. Through this initiative, we lend our experience and

                                                                                                                          Partner with customers Our primary areas of focus in education are: Education Platform We are working at the forefront of industry providing technology platforms to create solutions, connect data, and accelerate outcomes. Educational institutions At Autodesk, we believe in lifelong learning bene昀椀t by by adopting the same software platforms used by professionals that’s personalized, portable, and pragmatic. to teach and develop the knowledge and skills necessary for their students to We’re motivated by professionals, students, succeed in their careers. Together we make it possible. and teachers who embrace and deliver solutions to today’s most complex challenges. We provide educators with technology platforms, learning Futureskilling content, access to certi昀椀cations, and education events to We’re empowering students, educators, and lifelong learners to develop the skills inspire, engage, and develop students for the workforce so they necessary today to help solve tomorrow’s most pressing design and engineering can produce lasting positive impact. We aren't just helping challenges. In other words, we futureskill by providing the mindset, skillset, and educators, students, and lifelong learners peer into the future– toolset to accelerate careers and help people thrive in industry. Beyond simple we're helping them create it. upskilling and reskilling, futureskilling prepares designers, makers, and doers for tomorrow’s jobs. Sustainability We’re working with educational institutions to integrate sustainability concepts into instruction, helping students make better choices related to energy and materials. By revitalizing engineering, machining, and manufacturing curricula, we provide students and teachers with the power to design and make more ef昀椀ciently, with less environmental impact. Digital transformation Digital transformation is evolving industry to help improve and deliver greater value. As new cloud and collaborative technologies and automated processes are adopted, work is being redesigned to achieve better outcomes. We enable and accelerate this transition by providing education resources to retrain, retool, and reshape the workforce for the next generation.

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                                                                                                                              Autodesk resources available to professionals, students, teachers, parents, and school administrators include: Autodesk learning and certi昀椀cation Tinkercad Autodesk Education Community provides industry-validated skillbuilder courses and certi昀椀cations for is a free web app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. With more than 45 professional users and students around the globe. Our certi昀椀cations are ® ® provides students, faculty, and educational institutions the latest million registered users around the world, Autodesk Tinkercad software information on Autodesk product updates and certi昀椀cations, as well as both product- and role-aligned, which helps recipients market their job builds STEM con昀椀dence by bringing project-based learning to the classroom. information regarding workforce readiness, teaching trends, industry readiness. This helps educators stay current on industry-adopted tools so Tinkercad is proud to bear the ISTE Seal of Alignment. Our lesson plans changes, and upcoming events and competitions. Students and educators they can teach more effectively. We offer learning pathways in architecture, adhere to ISTE, Common Core, and NGSS standards for the classroom. * engineering, and construction as well as product design and manufacturing, can also access Autodesk’s professional-grade software for free. In 昀椀scal year 2022, millions of students and educators used Autodesk and introduced a full line of certi昀椀cations for machinists and mechanical Learn more software to learn design and make skills. engineers in 2021. Millions of architects, mechanical engineers, and design professionals worldwide bene昀椀t from an Autodesk Certi昀椀cation. Learn more Learn more Autodesk University Autodesk Knowledge Network is a learning community for design and engineering professionals from is a repository of more than a million contributions from Autodesk, its around the globe and offers conference experiences and free access to online community, and its partners, and includes more than 250 videos and articles learning resources year-round. In 昀椀scal year 2022, the Autodesk University related to sustainable design. website received more than 2.4 million visits, and users watched more than 133,000 hours of instructional video, as well as 29,500 hours on other Learn more distribution channels such as YouTube. Learn more * Free Autodesk software and/or cloud-based services are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the terms and conditions of the terms of use and/or other terms that accompany such software or cloud-based services. Software and cloud-based services subject to an Educational license or subscription may be used by eligible users solely for Educational Purposes and shall not be used for commercial, professional, or any other for-pro昀椀t purposes.

                                                                                                                              Partner with customers Industry trends The start of the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the they are. Autodesk offers valuable industry credentials to AEC and product design and work they do. People who 昀椀nd purpose in their jobs are more productive, healthier, more 5 manufacturing and construction sectors, but by the end of manufacturing professionals to bridge the gap between education and industry, ensuring resilient, and more likely to remain with their employer. Companies that succeed in the 2021, markets including Europe and the United States had fully employers and employees are ready for what’s next in industry. competition for talent will be those who help employees 昀椀nd purpose on the job. 3 Through the Membership Training Provider Program, Autodesk offers the national The pandemic has upended many prior assumptions, but the need for humans to adopt recovered in terms of their economic output. Meanwhile, the pace of technological change in these sectors escalated globally leadership of major North American trade unions a range of program bene昀椀ts—including a mindset of lifelong learning has only accelerated. Employees in manufacturing and as social distancing and other protective measures increased low-cost software license fees—to train, test, and certify registered union and trade construction will prosper by acquiring the most in-demand technical and non-technical the cost of human labor relative to machines. Jobs in factories association members to help them advance their industry credentials. skills and by adapting to ever-changing roles in a competitive global economy. and on construction sites that were once seen as safe were As technology evolves and industries transform, we can expect ongoing adaptation of Employers who invest in their workforce and provide the necessary support for employees current roles as well as new job creation. According to a report we commissioned titled to connect to purpose at work are most likely to succeed in this new future of work. suddenly risky for humans to perform. Even as COVID-19 vaccines “Skilled Beyond Degree: How Experience Is Outpacing Education in Construction and and treatments became readily available, fundamental changes Manufacturing Hiring,” certain roles and skills will be most coveted in the near future: in on-site labor management accelerated. ● Demand remains high for sophisticated technical and non-technical skills—including an ongoing need for data and management skills. Industry responded by utilizing cloud-based work昀氀ows wherever possible. Across AEC, ● The pandemic demonstrated the essential role of logistics and supply chain product design and manufacturing, and media and entertainment, leaders quickly pivoted management, and the importance of these 昀椀elds is projected to continue. to remote working environments and cloud-based collaboration. Workers adapted as ● Renewable energy-related roles in manufacturing are among those poised for the well by learning new technologies and ways of working as quickly as possible. Even jobs greatest growth in the next 昀椀ve years, emphasizing the need for adaptation to that were hard to transition to remote work shifted to help ensure safety on factory relevant technologies. 昀氀oors and building sites. But many early adjustments were quick 昀椀xes. To help futureproof workers in the long In addition, a heightened emphasis on priorities such as employee well-being, resilience, run, new approaches to skills acquisition and lifelong learning are needed. Businesses and purpose can be key for organizations looking to recruit and retain skilled employees. are exploring innovations such as micro credentials (often accompanied by digital The pandemic has led many people to reevaluate their lives and work; according to a 4 recent McKinsey study on individual purpose and associated work and life outcomes, badges) that help close internal skills gaps through targeted development —and digital nearly half of US-based employees surveyed say they are reconsidering the kind of career coaching platforms, which use AI to support workers and employers wherever

                                                                                                                              Partner with customers Architecture, Engineering & Construction Cloud-based AEC solutions are democratizing access to opportunities of potential alternatives—with the data to show how each ranks against a designer’s Autodesk and Smithsonian Arts and fostering more inclusivity. Digital transformation, including original criteria. +Industries Building collaboration tools in the cloud, enables companies to engage talent Through Autodesk Learning and Certi昀椀cation, AEC professionals can gain the knowledge worldwide—building a connected global workforce. and skills to create high-quality, innovative building and infrastructure designs; optimize Exhibit showcases the projects with integrated analysis, visualization, and simulation tools; and improve At the same time, COVID-19 has made digital project delivery more complex, requiring predictability by maximizing constructability and project coordination. future of human/machine ® many design and construction 昀椀rms to accelerate the pace of digital transformation. In the construction industry, Autodesk’s bid management technology—Autodesk ® New capabilities in Autodesk products and an expansion of its partner ecosystem BuildingConnected Pro and Bid Board Pro—helps owners and builders 昀椀nd reliable collaboration support remote and virtual work environments for AEC practitioners, enabling easier partners for every job using our Builders Network. Project teams can access over collaboration from a single source of truth. With apps available in more than a dozen a million construction professionals, simplify bid work昀氀ows, and manage subcontractor As part of the immersive museum exhibition FUTURES, which languages, all stakeholders can navigate securely through models, capture feedback, risk in real time. To increase the diversity of 昀椀rms bidding for projects, customers can opened in late 2021, we collaborated with the team at the and make decisions together in real time. break down bid packages to smaller scopes of work, making it easier to engage the Smithsonian Arts + Industries Building to create the Co-Lab. AEC professionals can improve the user experience and reduce costs by automating community, attract talent, and build new relationships. And prequalifying subcontractors This exhibit features a novel generatively designed and product development processes with tools such as Generative Design in Revit that take enables project teams to be more inclusive, speci昀椀cally focusing on Disadvantaged sustainable timber structure, stories showcasing the power advantage of arti昀椀cial intelligence and machine learning. Traditional processes to develop Business Enterprises (DBEs). of Human/AI collaboration, and an interactive multiplayer and validate design concepts typically limit exploration to only a handful of possible See a summary of Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction solutions that enable generative design experience, “Future Communities.” Guests alternatives due to time constraints. Generative design is disrupting this process by sustainable design. collaborate with both each other and AI, making decisions simultaneously exploring a variety of possible design outcomes and generating a variety Learn how fostering employee diversity can support business growth. and building a community block based on what they deem most important. Each participant takes a different role, choosing to be a “developer,” “ecologist,” or “mayor.” The roles have speci昀椀c goals and input factors that include social, ecological, and economic considerations, ranging from the availability of green space and housing to the reach of public services and employment opportunities. Learn more

                                                                                                                              Image courtesy of IESC Interstate Electrical Services Corporation Interstate Electrical Services energizes the future with digital transformation and an inclusive workforce Interstate Electrical Services is a family-owned construction company coordination and detailing. And an even larger share turns those drawings that spans six New England states, with more than 600 employees. Like into fully built electrical systems—without ever stepping foot on the jobsite. the broader construction industry, Interstate has been making ever- COVID-19 further accelerated the transformation. Interstate started moving increasing investments in digital construction tools and processes. all its projects to Autodesk Construction Cloud, and crews communicate Interstate’s engineers, BIM coordinators, and detailers orchestrate their through Microsoft Teams. Of昀椀ce teams worked from home at the height of efforts at the company's Operations Center in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, the pandemic and are moving to hybrid schedules now. Field teams a 100,000-square-foot manufacturing and warehouse facility. At that coordinate with the of昀椀ce almost entirely by computer. According to Interstate, location, project coordinators and detailers 昀椀ne-tune models and install “People were wary of change, but we didn’t have a choice. Some could barely Image courtesy of Compass Coffee instructions to exacting detail. Fabricators assemble the units to UL turn on a laptop before, and now they’re doing digital markups.” Certi昀椀cation standards under direct supervision of licensed electricians, Digital transformation also changed how Interstate interacts with job and more crews package and ready the units for shipment, often weeks in candidates–and who those candidates are. Interstate built an inclusive and advance of install. This approach can save time, reduce risk, and improve comprehensive recruiting process and has broadened its scope to non- ef昀椀ciency. As the construction industry faces unprecedented labor traditional audiences such as veterans, people with disabilities, women, Compass Coffee shortages, digital transformation enables Interstate to do more with less. and minorities. Compass Coffee retrains workers to build a new roastery, creating an ad-hoc Interstate’s lead VDC/BIM specialist says, “I basically taught myself Revit construction crew that thrives on 昀氀exibility. when there were three of us at the company doing BIM. And ever since, Learn more we’ve been learning, growing the team, and transforming how we work.” Learn more Today, two dozen of Interstate’s workers are experts in 3D model

                                                                                                                              Partner with customers Design & Manufacturing Digital transformation is fundamentally changing the nature of to view real-time feedback and design updates from team members. Interoperability work in product design and manufacturing. New technologies and between Fusion 360 and Autodesk Inventor work昀氀ows was further enhanced with the work昀氀ows demand new ways of working and learning. release of Inventor 2023 in March 2022 to help engineers and designers save time on everything from BIM projects to additive and subtractive manufacturing. More than ever, leaders are working hard to keep teams and data connected across all Learn more departments and locations and providing workers with the skills they need to thrive in a digital future. Smart manufacturing—the widespread digitization of manufacturing New technologies and work昀氀ows mean new ways of working for professionals. Several practices, including product design, data management, supply chain, production, new options in self-paced learning can help manufacturing professionals improve their distribution, and sales—helps companies to be more agile, which is crucial in today’s Fusion 360 skills, including videos, step-by-step tutorials, and downloadable 3D models. rapidly changing environment. As a result, everyone from designer to machinist needs For example, the Tool Library video series helps users navigate the Tool Library and to adapt on a dime by retooling, retraining, and executing while maintaining quality. improve their tool management skills. The Additive Build Extension series walks users ® through the process of preparing a model for 3D printing. Cloud-based data management is essential to this digital transformation. Autodesk Upchain software enables manufacturers to centralize their data from a broad range of Through Autodesk learning and certi昀椀cation, students, designers, and engineers can mechanical and electrical CAD and non-CAD tools. Teams can keep working in the CAD gain the knowledge and skills to streamline the product development process, create and business tools they’re comfortable with and collaborate more ef昀椀ciently. Companies high-performing product designs and production system layouts, and connect teams can use Upchain to create repeatable, reliable, and traceable processes to manage and data from design through manufacture. company-speci昀椀c work昀氀ows and deliver products with higher quality. See Certi昀椀cations. Automated processes such as parametric modeling and generative design can improve work昀氀ow, and smart technologies such as arti昀椀cial intelligence and machine learning go See a summary of Autodesk Design & Manufacturing solutions hand-in-hand with smart manufacturing data analysis. Fusion 360 Manage is a product that enable sustainable design. lifecycle management platform that connects people, processes, and data across departments and geographies. Fusion 360 Manage digitizes paper processes and enables companies to track processes, improve productivity, and manage quality ef昀椀ciently. Cloud-based data ® Product Design & Manufacturing Collection provides professional-grade The Autodesk management is essential tools to help our customers streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and prepare for ® the future. Autodesk Vault software enables engineering teams to work from a central to digital transformation. source of organized data, improving collaboration and streamlining work昀氀ows throughout product development. Enhanced tools improve design reuse and reduce rework through duplicate detection. Additionally, new cloud-connected capabilities facilitate access to digital data in the 昀椀eld. And from within Fusion 360, users can now use Design Reservation

                                                                                                                              Pasadena City College and Lawrence Equipment How industry and academia work together to improve Image courtesy of Ivy Tech Community College students’ skillsets Ivy Tech Pasadena City College (PCC) partnered with local manufacturer Ivy Tech provides opportunities for students to move beyond the basics, learn Lawrence Equipment to develop a course that helps students learn advanced skills like generative design, and ensure they graduate with a broad relevant and valuable skills. Lawrence Equipment demonstrated knowledge base. how Fusion 360 helps them thrive in the market today while aligning with the future of manufacturing. By implementing the Learn more suggested changes, students at PCC spend less time learning software and more time on the machines incorporating those important machining skills. As a result, Lawrence Equipment hires from a steady pool of highly quali昀椀ed PCC graduates. Watch video Image courtesy of Davis Technical College Davis Technical College Davis Tech is bridging the gap between what students are learning in the classroom and the future of manufacturing. Learn more Image courtesy of Pasadena City College and Lawrence Equipment

                                                                                                                              Partner with customers Media & Entertainment The media and entertainment industry is undergoing a transformation ● Flame on the cloud enables Flame artists to collaborate with one another from virtually as content creators innovate to meet the demands of a dramatic anywhere. Studios running Flame on the cloud can bene昀椀t from a scalable and secure increase in high-quality content production globally. work environment with a wide selection of compute and storage services. ● USD work昀氀ows in Maya, 3ds Max, Bifrost, and Arnold enable smoother data exchange Pandemic lockdowns and other measures forced studios to expand beyond the traditional both within studios and in the wider production supply chain. model of large teams based in centralized locations and embrace remote work昀氀ows. We are also investing in AI-assisted work昀氀ows for media and entertainment. Autodesk Utilizing cloud computing, prioritizing communication, and increasing security standards continues to invest in Flame’s machine learning toolset, helping artists automate complex to optimize collaboration across a global workforce has accelerated the transformation compositing and retouching tasks. By combining Flame's powerful AI-powered tools with of content creation. This new approach has enabled studios to hire diverse talent in new the massive compute power and scalability of the cloud, artists can work faster and focus places while reducing production costs. on the artistry of their craft. Supply chains for sourcing and creating content in the media and entertainment industry Autodesk is committed to empower anyone, anywhere, to create amazing entertainment are growing longer and more complex. Studios are desperate for talent, farming out parts and media experiences by providing tools that enable artists to deliver new levels of of the process at unprecedented rates while diversifying where they 昀椀nd quali昀椀ed talent. creativity, collaboration, productivity, insight, and scale with production in the cloud. This has had a democratizing effect, improving access to opportunity beyond typical We are accelerating the industry’s transition to the future of production by disrupting concentrated media hubs. However, it has also added complexity to project management. traditional processes with new ways of working. Moving forward, we will continue Implementing cloud-based tools and hiring the right mix of talent both play a pivotal working to drive better collaboration through open standards, open project development role in managing decentralized talent creation. ecosystems, and interoperability of tools and platforms. Our tools help teams collaborate more effectively, increasing productivity and saving time Six Key Components to Successfully Navigating Your Remote Work昀氀ows and money. For example: ® ® ® ● Autodesk ShotGrid (formerly Autodesk Shotgun ) software streamlines work昀氀ows for creative studios by unifying production management, the creative process, and pipelines—in the cloud. ShotGrid enables producers to track and manage every aspect Setting up our own remote studio of their projects, supervisors to streamline the creative process and keep artists focused on the creative task at hand, and technical directors to build customized We’ve seen the pandemic change the way studios work and how artists collaborate pipelines that suit unique studio needs with plug-and-play integrations and an with one another. With remote work becoming the new normal, we decided open ecosystem. to put ourselves in the shoes of our customers by setting up a small remote studio to create a 3D sequence from concept through 昀椀nal render. The animated short, called “Mkali's Mission,” uses each of the tools in the Autodesk Media & Entertainment Collection—including Maya, 3ds Max, Arnold, and Autodesk® Mudbox® software—to showcase the breadth and power of the toolset.

                                                                                                                              62 Advance industries We invest in organizations taking a worker-centered Catalyze approach to upskilling and career advancement in innovation service of an equitable and prosperous future for all. The Autodesk Foundation invests in nonpro昀椀ts, startups, and Impact measurement and management ecosystem partners who prepare workers to thrive in the era We evaluate the impact of the Autodesk Foundation Work & Prosperity portfolio based on outcomes of automation. We invest in initiatives and solutions that help related to skills acquisition and inclusive access to quality jobs. Collecting and aggregating aligned workers prosper now—and in the future. metrics drives accountability across the portfolio and provides us with useful insights to drive toward industry change. Investments focus on upskilling and reskilling learners, facilitating employment Learn more about Autodesk Foundation impact measurement and management. for workers, and changing employer behavior within the construction and manufacturing industries. While we recognize the crucial role that a range of organizations play, including government, employers, and educational institutions, we invest primarily in early-stage technology-enabled startups, nonpro昀椀ts, accelerators, and funds that help create a more inclusive economy. Portfolio impact Metrics FY22 * Who we fund Individuals directly impacted (low-touch, cumulative) 12,100,000 * 12 22% Individuals trained (high-touch) 17,500 nonprofits and ecosystem partners of Autodesk Foundation portfolio Certi昀椀cations and credentials facilitated 13,800 that help workers prosper in the era funding in fiscal year 2022 of automation People placed in new or improved jobs 13,500 Individuals with an annual income increase of $5,000 or more 13,400 Geographic reach * Low-touch refers to individuals impacted through educational technology or learning platform solutions. High-touch refers to individuals who received formal training, either on the job or through job placement programs. We invest in organizations in the United States and the UK, Read the Autodesk Foundation’s Future of Work impact brief. and our research also includes Asia Pacific and Europe.

                                                                                                                              Pallet ISAIC is developing virtual training and on-demand machine Private shelter that repair in the manufacturing industry. Learn more can be built in a day Image courtesy of ISAIC As part of the Autodesk Foundation Work & Prosperity portfolio, Revolution Workshop we have made an investment in Pallet, a social purpose company that manufactures rapid-response shelter villages to provide is building resilience by providing construction job private transitional housing in a community setting, while building training to Chicago's underserved communities. a more equitable and inclusive manufacturing workforce. To date, Pallet has served thousands of unhoused people through over 60 Learn more shelter villages across 11 states. Image courtesy of Revolution Workshop Pallet’s panelized cabins can each be built in 30 minutes and require minimal training to install, offering cities, counties, states, and nonpro昀椀ts cost-effective and high-quality housing units that Zinc provide safety, dignity, and community for unhoused people. Each village resident also has access to wrap-around support services, is unlocking new opportunities for people hard hit such as meals and case management, provided by local service by automation and globalization. providers. Pallet cabins are insulated, resistant to mold, rot, and pests, easy to clean, and can last more than 10 years. Learn more Image courtesy of Zinc VC Learn more The Industrial Commons is transforming the textile industry in the United States with a worker-centric manufacturing model. Learn more Image courtesy of Franzi Charen Coal昀椀eld Development is facilitating employment and economic transition in Appalachia. Image courtesy of Learn more Image courtesy of Pallet Coal昀椀eld Development

                                                                                                                              Autodesk Technology Centers Heirloom Heirloom is a growing climate technology company on a 1,000-fold scale up of the company’s technology in less than mission to capture a billion metric tons of CO from the earth’s 10 months. With the help of the Autodesk Technology Center, Autodesk Technology Centers catalyze new possibilities for 2 making through the power of connection. They bring together atmosphere by 2035. Its “passive air contactor,” now in its Heirloom is building out its capabilities, combining the best of a global network of innovation leaders (known as the Outsight third iteration, enhances the natural carbon mineralization engineering and nature to offer the most cost-effective and process to help minerals absorb CO from the ambient scalable direct air capture solution. Network), data-enabled fabrication workshops, and curated 2 experiences to empower innovators in achieving the new possible. air in days, rather than years. This represents more than a Learn more With physical sites in San Francisco, Boston, Toronto, and Birmingham, UK, the Technology Centers are a connection engine where resident teams can combine cross-industry or cross-continent Calwave collaboration with hands-on construction and fabrication. From exploring ideas on the future of design to testing new methods San Francisco–based Calwave harnesses the renewable power wave power to electricity, even under extreme sea conditions. of production, industry teams within and outside of Autodesk of ocean waves and is aiming to help reverse climate change Last September, the team successfully commissioned an open can conduct speculative and thought-leading work pertaining to and preserve global biodiversity. The company's mission is to ocean demonstration in California, and in January 2022, it was design and make technology. provide reliable and cost-effective ocean wave technologies awarded $7.5 million by the US Department of Energy to build To further enhance the exploration of innovative technologies for sustainable energy access. Calwave’s propietary and deploy a large farm wave energy site in Oregon. that can be applied to design and make challenges, the Technology oceangoing device generates renewable energy by converting Learn more Centers were realigned to sit within Autodesk Research early last Image courtesy of Calwave year. This shift enabled the Technology Centers and Autodesk Research to deepen their collaborations with Outsight Network residents on mutually bene昀椀cial and aligned opportunities that impact communities, industries, and Autodesk customers. By JDRF combining Autodesk Research expertise, collaboration across the JDRF Electromag’s mission is to conserve energy by making energy use by up to 50%. A novel indoor localization Outsight Network, and the fabrication and production capabilities smart lighting accessible to all commercial buildings. The technology in the sensor uses near infrared (NIR) light to of Technology Center workshops, residents have been able to company’s Autonomy Sensor uses machine learning, edge optimize the lighting arrangement in each room. Equipment enhance and accelerate project outcomes. This multidimensional computing, and data fusion to make smart lighting effortless and training available at the Autodesk Technology Center approach has made data exchange between Autodesk Research and affordable, providing the commercial building industry enabled rapid iterative development on a variety of NIR and residents more ef昀椀cient, knowledge transfer more seamless, with a universal solution that can reduce lighting-related transmissive materials and complex geometries. and the process to develop forward-thinking solutions more Learn more diverse and inclusive. Image courtesy of JDRF Learn more Nia Technologies Inc. Toronto-based Nia Technologies Inc. develops 3D PrintAbility, to expertise and knowledge in Fusion 360 so Nia can develop a hardware toolchain that enables clinicians to 3D print various mechanical components. A brand-new NiaFit work昀氀ow prosthetics for children in resource-poor countries. NiaFit, will enable users to digitally design and 3D print ankle Nia’s 3D recti昀椀cation software, helps users intuitively design foot orthoses, serving a large segment of the population custom-昀椀tted assistive devices, and digital scanning and that requires lower limb mobility assistance—and helping 3D printing speed up the production process. The Autodesk more children attend school, play with friends, and Technology Center supports these efforts by providing access participate fully in their communities. Image courtesy of Nia Technologies Inc. Learn more

                                                                                                                              Advance industries Accelerate Shape collaboration policies Creating an inclusive future requires sustained commitment and partnership across Scaling up skills development for the future of work Advancing equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion industries and sectors. Ensuring the global workforce remains resilient in the face of We support policies that help workers take advantage of the new jobs and tasks that As a company leading technological transformation, it is our responsibility to create increased adversity requires intensive collaboration. We are eager to continue working technology will create and broadly share the gains of technology across all racial and opportunities for people from all backgrounds to participate and thrive in the future with customers, companies, governments, and civil society to achieve this vision. We have income groups. We believe that strong government investment in making the workforce of work. collaborated with global and regional organizations such as the World Economic Forum’s future-ready is critical. This includes investing in training for industries critical to Reskilling Revolution, AfroTech, The Hidden Genius Project, and Humanmade to help We support policies that: industries adopt more inclusive business strategies—ensuring workers thrive long into the economic vitality, including construction and manufacturing, supporting public and ● Promote safe, fair, and equitable workplaces free from discrimination. future. In 2021, Autodesk joined the Human Rights Coalition’s Business Coalition for the private investment in quality short-term learning and upskilling, and funding career Equality Act, to support consistent and explicit federal anti-discrimination protections for and technical education. ● Increase opportunity and diversity in science, technology, engineering, arts, and LGBTQ people. During 昀椀scal year 2022, we led a letter along with about 120 other organizations, calling mathematics (STEAM) 昀椀elds and in digital design, construction, and manufacturing, on the US Congress to support investment in workforce retraining and skills as part of any and to promote the advancement of women and minorities into senior leadership We are proud to be members of collaborative organizations, including: recovery legislation. positions within these industries. ● Enable the United States to attract a diverse pipeline of talent through immigration We believe that strong government to support growth of the US economy. investment in making the workforce During 昀椀scal year 2022, we continued Autodesk’s commitment to supporting students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Through our partnership with future-ready is critical. the bipartisan Congressional HBCU Caucus, we welcomed a cohort of HBCU students to Autodesk and endorsed legislation to provide historic levels of federal funding for these institutions. Learn more

                                                                                                                              Governance The way we conduct our business is as important as the products we sell. We maintain robust and transparent processes to govern Autodesk as well as our impact strategy. We build trust with our employees, customers, investors, communities, and other stakeholders by acting with integrity and demonstrating strong and consistent values. As a technology company, protecting the privacy and security of our customers’ data through rigorous policies, systems, and practices is essential. More broadly, Corporate governance we promote human rights across our value chain. To drive progress across industries, Company strategy we promote public policies that align withour Accountability impact opportunity areas in an open manner. Trust Privacy and data security Ethics and compliance Human rights Suppliers and business partners Public policy

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                                                                                                                                  Corporate Company governance strategy Accountability The Autodesk Board of Directors provides independent leadership that we have an in-depth understanding of our stockholders’ Each year, relevant members of CEO staff drive our Strategic Intent We utilize our governance structure to help ensure coordination in the exercise of its responsibilities. Our management oversees a perspectives. Our directors also engage with our employees in and Strategic Realization processes to facilitate annual and long- of Autodesk’s ESG efforts across all areas of our business. Our strong system of internal controls and compliance with corporate various ways throughout the year, developing direct relationships term planning for the company. The Strategic Intent process focuses Board has oversight responsibility for ESG, with assistance from policies and applicable laws and regulations. below the executive management level. For example, members on understanding our business, customer, market, and industry our Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee and our Our directors have a mix of critical skills and diverse perspectives, of our Board attend Autodesk’s annual leadership meetings, dynamics to determine our multiyear intent for our business, Compensation and Human Resources Committee in speci昀椀c areas and their backgrounds include leadership roles in the technology participate in 昀椀reside chats with employees, and visit our product development, and go-to-market strategies. Through this de昀椀ned in their committee charters. industry, in academia, and internationally. Our Board consists of 10 technology centers and other facilities. process, we develop corporate goals and strategic intents in Ultimately, our CEO has the highest level of direct responsibility members, of which 90% are independent and 50% are women. Regular continuing education programs enhance the skills and relevant areas, including Impact. Each goal has accountability from for driving progress in our impact opportunity areas of Energy & We believe the highest standards of corporate governance and knowledge our directors use to perform their responsibilities. This the relevant executive vice president, the CEO, and the Board. Materials, Health & Resilience, and Work & Prosperity. CEO staff business conduct are essential to running our business in a includes internally and externally developed programs related to Following Strategic Intent, our Strategic Realization processes reviews progress on Strategic Realization and relevant goals sustainable manner, serving our stakeholders, and maintaining our environmental, social, and governance issues. focus on strategies and tactics to realize progress toward our quarterly, including those related to our impact strategy. The integrity. We have devoted substantial attention to our corporate To support effective corporate governance, our Board delegates long-term intent in the following year. Our impact strategy is a Autodesk Board of Directors reviews annual Strategic Intent and governance and have established policies such as our Corporate certain responsibilities to its committees, who report on their part of Autodesk’s annual strategy process and engages all Strategic Realizations and regularly reviews status. CEO staff Governance Guidelines, which set forth the principles that guide activities to the Board. In 2022, the Corporate Governance and aspects of our business. Throughout the Strategic Intent and and the Autodesk Board of Directors are informed annually by our Board in overseeing corporate governance, maintaining its Nominating Committee and Compensation and Human Resources Strategic Realization processes, Autodesk evaluates and considers Autodesk’s Vice President, ESG and Impact, who oversees independence, evaluating its own performance, and setting Committee began assisting our Board with oversight of ESG general industry and planetary trends and shifts in market coordination of efforts across these impact opportunity areas. corporate strategy. The Board reviews our governance practices, issues in the areas de昀椀ned in their charters. preferences, including issues related to climate change and Beginning in 2022, Autodesk’s ESG Steering Committee convenes corporate governance developments, and stockholder feedback Learn more about corporate governance at Autodesk: sustainability, which cut across our three overarching impact quarterly to review and prioritize issues relevant to the company’s on a regular basis to ensure continued effectiveness. opportunity areas: Energy & Materials, Health & Resilience, and ESG strategy. The council comprises leaders from Finance, Legal, Our Board is committed to ensuring that stockholder feedback Corporate governance guidelines Work & Prosperity. Human Resources, and Impact with accountabilities for ESG across informs our strong governance practices. Members of our the business. This group is responsible for ensuring that Autodesk Committee charters assesses and addresses issues that are relevant and speci昀椀c to management team and our Board participate in annual stockholder our external ESG objectives, including materiality assessment, outreach to discuss topics such as diversity, sustainability, board Committee composition composition, executive compensation, and governance. This Autodesk executive bios measurement, management, and disclosure. outreach enables us to gather feedback from a cross section of Autodesk’s stockholder base, maintain an open dialog, and ensure Board of Directors bios Our impact strategy is a part of Autodesk’s annual strategy process and engages all aspects of our business.

                                                                                                                                  Trust Autodesk is committed to continually evolving ● Responsible use of AI/ML – We are committed to using AI and improving our practices to earn customer and ML responsibly to support our business and our trust in how we handle their data. In doing so, customers. To that end, we have created a data ethics program we can innovate and create data-driven and associated enablement function to assess AI projects opportunities and solutions that are bene昀椀cial and to ensure best practices are used in the development and to customers and consumers. deployment of these capabilities. ● International data transfers – We transfer data across borders to optimize the bene昀椀ts of our products and services for Our approach includes: customers and take measures to protect the privacy and ● Privacy – We are committed to protecting the privacy of the security of these data 昀氀ows. personal data our customers entrust to us and to using this data ● Public policy – We believe governments have a key role to to deliver insights and value back to them—not as a product play in ensuring responsible and ethical collection and use to sell to others. Our approach to data privacy is centered of data. We support and are engaged with governments in on establishing trust, providing transparency, and enabling their efforts to develop public policies aimed at protecting customer control for their data. See Privacy. data privacy, bolstering data security, ensuring private and ● Data security – We use a combination of process, technology, secure international data transfers, fostering responsible and security controls, and collaborate with industry partners development and use of AI and ML, and other key areas of to deliver a robust security program. We implement security trusted data practices. policies based on industry best practices and regularly conduct ● Availability and recovery – We believe availability and recovery internal and external audits, attestations, and third-party are key ingredients to delivering high-quality products and security assessments. See Data security. services that customers want to buy and renew and continue to trust with their data.

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                                                                                                                                      Autodesk Privacy Principles Data security ● Be transparent about our actions and intent. The Autodesk security framework was designed around industry standards to ensure ● Present individuals with clear and actionable choices. consistent security practices, enabling us to build secure, run secure, and stay secure. Privacy and ● Practice purposeful collection, use, and retention of data. Autodesk implements security policies based on industry best practices. We regularly ● Use data for the purposes for which it was collected. conduct internal and external audits, attestations, and third-party security assessments to ● Share data with third parties only in limited and approved ways. monitor changes in the environment, test our policies and procedures, and identify new data security ● Be accountable for enforcement of these Privacy Principles. and emerging risks. We meet our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act. Read FAQs. Autodesk privacy statements We continuously monitor the environment for threats and take detective, corrective, and The privacy and security of our customers’ protective measures to ensure a swift response when incidents do occur. Autodesk Security data is critically important to Autodesk. We are ● The Autodesk Privacy Statement explains how we handle personal data, how such responds to any security incidents or vulnerabilities detected internally or reported through committed to incorporating the core principles data can be accessed and updated, and how we protect this data when interacting external parties, and we publish security bulletins and advisories regarding vulnerabilities with third parties. that could adversely affect Autodesk products or services. Our systems are designed to be and requirements of applicable global laws into ● The Cookie Statement describes the way we use cookies, tags, and pixels in our scalable and resilient, to ensure availability to customers. our global privacy and data protection program. applications. It contains a link to a tool for users to set their cookie preferences. We have selected industry standard attestations and certi昀椀cations for our products— ● The Children’s Privacy Statement addresses how we collect, process, store, and delete SSAE-16 AT 101 SOC 2 attestation, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, and ISO 27018 certi昀椀cations. Privacy children’s personal data. ● The Candidate Privacy Statement describes how we collect, process, store, and delete See a detailed summary of attestations and certi昀椀cations associated with Autodesk products and services. We build privacy into our products, services, culture, and personal data about job applicants and prospective candidates. processes to keep pace with evolving regulations and customer expectations. We believe our customers should have choices Build secure regarding their data and we are committed to being transparent Protecting consumer privacy and about what data we collect, and how it’s used, shared, and stored. Embedding security into our products is a critical part of securing our customers’ investment in Autodesk products and services. We follow Privacy by Design principles that govern the treatment fostering emerging technologies of data owned by Autodesk or under our control. These are applied We support technology policies that enhance consumer trust, enable innovation, and We build security into our products and services from the ground up. worldwide and re昀氀ected across the company in development plans, promote global trade in technology products and services. This includes enacting a strong business plans, and day-to-day operations. federal privacy law in the United States that gives consumers better information about, We follow Autodesk’s Privacy Principles (see box) and perform and control over, how their personal data is collected and used, enhances obligations on Run secure privacy impact assessments where personal data is collected or companies handling this data, and raises standards and provides consistent protections Securing our infrastructure is another critical way that we protect the con昀椀dentiality, used. Our employees and contingent workers are required to comply for consumers throughout the country. integrity, and availability of our customers’ information. with our privacy policies, standards and guidelines. We alsoprovide We are a member of BSA | The Software Alliance and Information Technology Industry We also build security directly into our products and deployment infrastructure. our workforce with general and role-speci昀椀c privacy training. Council (ITIC) and support their work advocating for public policies that improve The Autodesk Transparency Report explains our policy on privacy protections. responding to requests for customer data by government agencies Stay secure for law enforcement purposes, and provides statistics on the Learn more types of requests we receive and our responses. Gaining visibility into our environment offers us valuable insight into persistent suspicious activity, active security incidents, and ongoing exploits impacting Autodesk and our customers. We take proactive steps to defend against these threats with the appropriate incident response.

                                                                                                                                      Suppliers Ethics and Human and business Public compliance rights partners policy At Autodesk, we recognize that every group and individual Autodesk promotes human rights wherever it does business. Our Partner Code of Conduct, expanded in 2022, outlines the Autodesk advocates for public policies around the world involved in our business, from our investors to our resellers to The Autodesk Human Rights Policy describes our commitments standards and practices we require our business partners, that enable people to design and make a better world for all. our customers and coworkers, holds a stake in the future of our in this area, as well as how we promote human rights among including suppliers, vendors, channel partners, and others to We champion public policies in the following areas: company. Our success comes from our shared commitment to our employees, suppliers, business partners, and customers. follow while conducting business with or on behalf of Autodesk. ● Enabling more sustainable construction and manufacturing acting as One Team. Delivering on that commitment requires Autodesk supports and upholds human rights as outlined in the It also speci昀椀es that business partners must support ● Advancing digital transformation in the manufacturing and that our relationships with each other be founded on trust and International Bill of Human Rights, which includes the Universal internationally recognized human rights and comply with all architecture, engineering, and construction industries respect, which we must earn every day by always adhering to Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil applicable laws and regulations regarding health and safety in the highest standards of ethical business conduct. and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, the workplace, the eradication of human traf昀椀cking and slavery, ● Protecting consumer privacy and fostering emerging Our Code of Business Conduct (COBC), last updated in February Social, and Cultural Rights. We also support the rights described and the elimination of child labor. We also require our partners technologies 2022, articulates standards of conduct meant to ensure we in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights to support fair labor practices. If business partners don't abide ● Investing in climate change–resilient buildings do what’s right for all our stakeholders and is aligned with our at Work. by the Partner Code, they are subject to a range of actions, up to and infrastructure Culture Code. termination of their relationship with Autodesk. ● Improving water management, resiliency, and cleanliness During the 昀椀rst quarter of each 昀椀scal year, all Autodesk of昀椀cers View our Con昀氀ict Minerals Policy and Autodesk Limited’s Statement on The Partner Code also promotes supplier diversity, and ● Scaling up skills development for the future of work and active employees, including those of our global subsidiaries, Countering Slavery and Human Traf昀椀cking. encourages our US-based suppliers and vendors to certify as are required to review and reaf昀椀rm their commitment to the diverse suppliers (if applicable), develop their own supplier ● Advancing equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion COBC and complete COBC training. For 昀椀scal year 2022, 100% of Learn more about our approach and performance in areas related to human diversity programs, and support diverse businesses. To drive Autodesk does not contribute to individual political candidates. 1 rights such as diversity and belonging, employee health and safety, and GHG emissions reduction in our supplier base, the Partner Code We have a longstanding global policy prohibiting contributions active employees completed this requirement. privacy and data security. Autodesk Foundation also supports human rights Our COBC includes instructions for reporting potential violations through investments that drive progress related to Energy & Materials, encourages our business partners to implement environmental at any level. The company does not have a political action Health & Resilience, and Work & Prosperity. management systems, report GHG emissions to CDP annually, committee. Rarely, Autodesk may engage with 501(c)4s or on of the law or Autodesk policy. Autodesk’s Business Ethics and and set science-based targets by 2026. ballot measures, and we publicly disclose those engagements. Compliance Hotline enables employees and third parties to report suspected violations for investigation and resolution. To embed responsible sourcing into our procurement process, We are committed to complying with all applicable anticorruption in 2022 we are introducing environmental, social, and governance Re昀氀ecting enhanced public disclosure of our political laws and regulations. This includes the US Foreign Corrupt questions into our request for proposal (RFP) process and are engagement and a new Board of Directors oversight Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and any similar local regulations providing training to relevant sourcing teams on these requirements. policy, Autodesk rose to the First Tier of companies This covers information about fair labor, human rights, GHG in the 2021 CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political in the areas where we operate. Partners must abide by these emissions, and science-based targets for all RFPs globally, and Disclosure and Accountability. Our score of 85.7 (out same standards while conducting business with or on behalf questions about supplier diversity for RFPs in the United States. of 100) was 38.3 points above the IT sector average. of Autodesk. In addition, we have added questions about sustainable business We require periodic anticorruption training for all employees and practices to RFPs worldwide related to IT infrastructure, IT Learn more about our public policy efforts, political contributions additional specialized anticorruption training for employees who hardware, facilities, marketing, events, and travel. policy, required disclosures such as lobbying reports, and a list of trade associations, think tanks, and other organizations we belong to that work in roles of heightened risk. advance important company interests and public policy goals.

                                                                                                                                      Overview AWAITING TEXT Appendix A message from our President and CEO FY22 highlights Our company Impact strategy assessments Our impact strategy Data summary Philanthropy Sustainability-enabling solutions United Nations Global Compact index United Nations Sustainable Development Goals index Sustainability Accounting Standards Board index Endnotes Image courtesy of Kalyani Group

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                                                                                                                                          72 Impact strategy assessments Climate scenarios analysis and Enterprise Important issues identi昀椀ed Risk Management (in alphabetical order) In 2021, Autodesk worked with BSR to conduct an analysis to stress- to realize our strategic objectives over a 3–5-year horizon. We ● Board compensation, independence, and diversity On an ongoing basis, we also continue to take into account test the company's business strategy against a set of three climate perform a biannual assessment with participation from our most ● Business resilience and adaptation geo-political risks, macroeconomic trends, and evolving policy scenarios, to improve our understanding of possible implications for senior leaders across all business functions, as well as our Board ● Climate change risk, resilience, and adaptation environments that impact our efforts and progress across the our long-term business and sustainability objectives. of Directors and CEO staff. Based on qualitative and quantitative ● Collaborative industry partnerships for sustainability broad range of ESG issues. To begin, the team interviewed internal stakeholders across criteria, we assess each risk to determine potential impact, likelihood, and Autodesk's preparation to manage that risk. We ● Company energy use and climate change * Our ESG reporting describes those topics which we consider to be the most important to stakeholders Autodesk to identify key environmental, social, economic, political, when evaluating environmental, social, and governance issues at Autodesk. Therefore, ESG materiality and technological trends that are shaping the company's future then calculate a cumulative score to determine the top four to ● Customer satisfaction in our reporting does not directly correspond to the concept of materiality used in securities law. operating context. Research deepened our understanding of these six risks for CEO and Board review and approval. ● Data protection and security and related trends. Detailed risk pro昀椀les are then prepared and updated for each top ● Digital inclusion and access We then tailored three publicly available 2030 climate scenarios risk to further describe criteria such as risk ampli昀椀ers, root causes, ● Employee health, safety, and wellness developed for the We Mean Business coalition to re昀氀ect industry existing control mechanisms, risk consequences, and a target ● Ethical business practices and compliance and geographic trends relevant to Autodesk. These scenarios— state de昀椀nition of success. We then develop action plans to ● Global diversity and inclusion ranging from ~1.5°C to ~4°C of temperature increase—illustrate articulate key programmatic initiatives that will better mitigate plausible transition and physical risks. the potential impacts of each risk. These plans and strategies ● Improper use/sale of ICT Through a workshop with internal Autodesk stakeholders, we are shared with CEO staff and the Board every six months. In the ● Inclusive supply chains identi昀椀ed the potential risks and opportunities for each climate future, the ERM assessment process will consider how climate ● Intellectual property rights scenario and tested our business strategy against different future impacts could affect and potentially amplify the overall signi昀椀cance ● Local sustainability impacts possibilities. Based on those insights, we discussed ideas to of each identi昀椀ed risk and opportunity. ● Product energy ef昀椀ciency enhance Autodesk’s resilience, re昀椀ne our business strategy, and * ● Public policy and partnerships manage climate-related risks. This exercise has enabled our team Materiality assessment to further implement the recommendations of the Task Force on In 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic, BSR conducted a materiality ● R&D and local innovation Climate-related Financial Disclosures. assessment for Autodesk in the context of updating our impact ● R&D partnerships This analysis has also facilitated a fundamental change in policies. Inputs included internal interviews with experts, internal ● Responsible marketing Autodesk’s approach to our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) assessments, executive workshops, industry assessments, and ● Social application of ICT program, which we use as a platform to identify the 15–20 external benchmarks. Through this process, BSR developed an ● Sustainable product design/product stewardship enterprise-level risks that could impact the company’s ability extensive list of issues. It assessed each based on the importance to sustainability and the in昀氀uence on Autodesk’s business ● Systemic risks from technology disruptions success, and determined the following list of important impact ● Talent acquisition, retention, development, and growth issues for the company. ● Technology in communities/ICT enablement ● Transparency and reporting

                                                                                                                                          73 Customer research and insight UN Sustainable Development Goals prioritized * We conduct research on our customers’ ESG commitments and by Autodesk customers goals to better understand and address their needs. Recent analysis demonstrates high and increasing commitment across a broad range of ESG topics, including climate action, diversity SDG UN Sustainable Development Goal FY20 FY23 FY20 FY23 and belonging, and others. Named accounts† Climate Action 69% 84% Commitment to sustainability on website 84% 92% Responsible Consumption and Production 65% 71% Commitment to UN SDGs 37% 61% Affordable and Clean Energy 64% 64% Published sustainability report within past 18 months 46% 65% with progress against goals Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure 65% 65% Mid-market customers‡ Commitment to sustainability on website 19% 69% Sustainable Cities and Communities 50% 56% Commitment to UN SDGs 7% 35% Decent Work and Economic Growth 46% 70% Published sustainability report within past 18 months 10% 46% with progress against goals * Percentage of customers assessed with a goal in each area. Percentage in FY20 is based on a 昀椀scal year 2020 Autodesk Gender Equality 35% 60% assessment of more than 1,300 customers’ public sustainability goals, spanning industries, geographies, and sizes. Percentage in FY23 is based on a 昀椀scal year 2023 Autodesk assessment of more than 2,300 customers’ public sustainability goals, spanning industries, geographies, and sizes. † Named accounts are Autodesk’s largest accounts with multiple customer contacts and strategic relationships. These large companies have global operations and are leaders in their industries. Based on Autodesk assessments of 100% of named accounts in 昀椀scal year 2020 and in 昀椀scal year 2023, spanning industries and geographies. ‡ Mid-market customer characteristics vary widely, with operations ranging from regionally focused to multi-national. Based on Autodesk assessments of 517 mid-market customers in 昀椀scal year 2020 and more than 1,835 mid-market customers in 昀椀scal year 2023, spanning industries and geographies.

                                                                                                                                          74 Data Carbon footprint FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 1 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [metric tons CO e] (Market-based) 229,000 126,000 103,000 2 Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned/controlled operations [metric tons CO e]2 983 867 589 2 Scope 2 Market-based: Indirect emissions from the use of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling [metric tons CO e]3 101 102 97 summary 2 Scope 2 Location-based: Indirect emissions from the use of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling [metric tons CO e] 11,100 10,200 9,000 2 Scope 3: Upstream [metric tons CO e] 228,000 125,000 102,000 2 3,4 78,800 65,200 69,400 Purchased goods and services 4 27,100 30,500 17,200 Capital goods 5 Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2) 919 802 135 4 Transportation and distribution 6,650 5,900 5,440 6 2,060 526 1,480 Waste generated in operations 4,7 96,300 17,800 4,030 Business travel 3,8 17,700 4,470 4,150 Employee commuting 4 67 92 78 Leased assets 9 Scope 3: Downstream [metric tons CO e] 4 2 0 2 9 3 1 0 1 Data are calculated using the market-based accounting method. Autodesk’s 昀椀scal year 2022 Transportation and distribution greenhouse gas veri昀椀cation statement can be accessed here. 9 1 0 0 2 In 昀椀scal year 2021, the 昀氀eet emissions estimation methodology was re昀椀ned to re昀氀ect vehicle End-of-life treatment of sold products speci昀椀c emissions factors. All data reported align with the 昀椀scal year 2021 methodology. 3 All electricity data are calculated using the market-based accounting method, which takes GHG emissions intensity [metric tons CO e/million US$ revenue] 52 33 23 into account purchased renewable energy credits. 2 4 These emissions are calculated using industry-speci昀椀c emissions factors in conjunction with GHG emissions intensity [metric tons CO e/employee] 17 11 8 Autodesk’s spend. All spend-based data reported use the US EPA’s supply chain greenhouse 2 gas emissions factors. GHG emissions intensity [metric tons CO e/1,000 active square feet] 75 52 43 5 In 昀椀scal year 2021, the fuel- and energy-related activities (FERA) emissions calculation 2 methodology was re昀椀ned to use market-based factors for the electricity-related emissions. All data reported align with the 昀椀scal year 2021 methodology. Energy use [MWh] 85,600 118,000 118,000 6 Operational waste emissions have been updated to use US EPA WARM factors for all years. Actual waste data at some of Autodesk’s larger sites are extrapolated to represent all Autodesk sites. Direct energy use (Scope 1) 4,380 3,890 1,050 7 Business travel emissions have been calculated using actual data and Autodesk's spend. All air travel data are based on 昀氀ights 昀氀own (rather than transactions). These emissions also Indirect energy use (Scope 2) 32,300 29,400 25,200 re昀氀ect the emission reductions from sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) purchases, calculated according to SBTi aviation sector guidance. 10 49,000 84,600 91,700 8 In 昀椀scal year 2021, remote worker greenhouse gas emissions were included. All commute Other indirect energy use (Scope 3) data reported include remote worker greenhouse gas emissions. To estimate home of昀椀ce energy consumption, we follow the Work from Home methodology “No Survey” approach Renewable electricity purchases (for all indirect energy use) [MWh] 55,700 91,600 94,800 that was developed by Anthesis. 9 A value of zero indicates that the emissions were less than 0.5 metric tons CO e and are rounded to zero in this table. 2 Renewable electricity [as a percent of indirect energy use from electricity (Scope 2)] 100% 100% 100% 10 Scope 3 indirect energy reported includes energy from remote work, events, cloud, data centers, and fuel- and energy-related activities (FERA). 11 74% 100% 100% 11 Scope 3 indirect electricity represented includes electricity from remote work, events, cloud, Renewable electricity [as a percent of total indirect energy use from electricity] data centers, and fuel- and energy-related activities (FERA). In 昀椀scal year 2022, the electricity 12 transmission and distribution losses associated with FERA were added and previous years Carbon offset from other projects [metric tons CO e] 69,000 126,000 103,000 restated. Beginning in 昀椀scal year 2021, the electricity from remote work was added and 2 previous year restated. Carbon offsets [as a percent of total Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG market-based emissions] 30% 100% 100% 12 Gold Standard certi昀椀ed carbon offsets were applied to Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. 13 LEED certi昀椀cations as of January 31, 2022, include facilities in Beijing, China; Milan, Italy; 13 15 14 12 Tel Aviv, Israel; Singapore; and the following in the United States: San Francisco, California; Number of facilities with LEED certi昀椀cations Boston, Massachusetts. The reduction in LEED-certi昀椀ed facilities since 昀椀scal year 2020 was due to COVID-19–related site closures. 14 23% 21% 14% Buildings with LEED certi昀椀cation [as a percent of total active square footage] 14 Fiscal year 2020 and 昀椀scal year 2021 restated based on re昀椀ned data. 15 Includes waste from major conferences and facilities. Data are extrapolated to our full 15 6,570 1,550 4,620 real estate portfolio based on square footage of sites where data are available. All major Waste generation [metric tons] conferences were held virtually in 昀椀scal year 2022. Fiscal year 2021 restated to account for actual data received after the publication of previous Impact Report. Land昀椀ll diversion rate 0.53 0.50 0.52 16 In 昀椀scal year 2022, Autodesk did not receive any signi昀椀cant environmental violations— de昀椀ned as violations that incur signi昀椀cant monetary 昀椀nes or nonmonetary sanctions. 16 0/$0 0/$0 0/$0 Autodesk received two minor environmental citations that did not result in any monetary Environmental violations and 昀椀nes 昀椀nes or non-monetary sanctions.

                                                                                                                                          75 Employees FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 1 1,7 Number of employees 10,200 11,500 12,300 US ethnic diversity Regional breakdown of employees [percent of employees]1 US workforce Americas 55.0% 54.1% 52.1% White 66.0% 63.7% 62.6% Asia Paci昀椀c 22.6% 23.9% 25.0% Asian 23.0% 24.2% 24.6% Europe, Middle East, Africa 22.4% 22.0% 22.9% Hispanic or Latino 6.5% 6.6% 7.0% Total turnover [percent of employees]1 13.1% 7.1% 14.0% Black or African American 1.7% 2.5% 2.9% 1 Native American or Alaska Native 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% Voluntary turnover [percent of employees] 9.5% 5.1% 11.1% 2 Native Hawaiian or Paci昀椀c Islander 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% Employee engagement [score 1–100] 79 83 82 Training budgeted per employee globally, approximate [US$] $1,000 $1,050 $1,097 Two or More Races 2.2% 2.4% 2.3% 3 Not speci昀椀ed 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% Incident rates 4 Recordable incident rate 0.2 0.02 0.00 US leadership Days away, restrictions, and transfers (DART) rate 0.05 0.00 0.00 White 77.6% 75.7% 73.8% Fatalities 0 0 0 Asian 16.4% 17.6% 18.8% Gender diversity1 Hispanic or Latino 2.9% 3.6% 3.8% Overall workforce Black or African American 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% Male 66.5% 65.4% 64.9% Native American or Alaska Native 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% Female 33.4% 34.5% 35.0% Two or More Races 1.4% 1.5% 2.0% Choose not to state 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% Not speci昀椀ed 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5 Board US tech workforce Male 50.0% White 51.5% 51.1% 51.2% Female 50.0% Asian 41.0% 41.4% 41.3% Choose not to state 0.0% Hispanic or Latino 4.1% 4.0% 4.2% 4 Black or African American 1.1% 1.5% 1.5% Leadership Native American or Alaska Native 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% Male 68.0% 68.1% 67.0% Native Hawaiian or Paci昀椀c Islander 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% Female 32.0% 31.9% 33.0% Two or More Races 2.0% 1.6% 1.7% 5 Tech workforce Not speci昀椀ed 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% Male 79.6% 78.1% 77.0% 6 Female 20.3% 21.8% 23.0% US sales workforce Choose not to state 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% White 83.7% 82.1% 79.2% Asian 4.5% 4.3% 5.7% 6 Sales workforce Hispanic or Latino 7.1% 7.2% 7.5% Male 73.1% 71.6% 70.0% Black or African American 2.4% 3.8% 4.8% Female 26.5% 28.2% 29.9% 1 Data are as of the end of the 昀椀scal year noted. Includes regular Native American or Alaska Native 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% employees only. Fixed-term employees and interns are excluded. Choose not to state 0.4% 0.2% 0.1% 2 Represents the average employee engagement score over three Two or More Races 1.7% 1.8% 1.7% pulses during a given 昀椀scal year. The engagement score is on a scale Workforce hired in last 12 months of 1–100 measuring the average outcome of two questions, eSat and Not speci昀椀ed 0.0% 0.2% 0.5% Recommend. These data are reported on a calendar year basis. Fiscal Male 61.7% 59.6% 59.9% year 2022 corresponds to calendar year 2021, and so forth. US workforce hired in last 12 months 3 For consistency, we use US Occupational Safety & Health Female 37.7% 39.4% 39.9% Administration (OSHA) de昀椀nitions to record incident data worldwide. White 61.5% 54.1% 55.8% Rates are calculated based on the OSHA standard using 200,000 Choose not to state 0.6% 1.0% 0.2% labor hours, which is equivalent to 100 employees working a full Asian 25.7% 29.4% 25.9% year. Contingent workers are not included in incident rates. Data re昀氀ect injuries and illnesses at all sites worldwide, and are reported Hispanic or Latino 7.4% 6.3% 7.1% on a calendar year basis. Fiscal year 2022 corresponds to calendar year 2021, and so forth. Black or African American 2.7% 5.9% 7.9% 4 Leadership as de昀椀ned as Director and above roles. Native American or Alaska Native 0.1% 0.5% 0.4% 5 Tech workforce as de昀椀ned according to Radford categorization. Autodesk’s 昀椀scal year 2022 veri昀椀cation statement for the percentage Native Hawaiian or Paci昀椀c Islander 0.4% 0.0% 0.3% of women in the tech workforce can be accessed here. 6 Sales workforce as de昀椀ned according to Radford categorization. Two or More Races 2.1% 3.2% 2.7% 7 Some historical data were restated to re昀氀ect an enhanced calculation methodology. In addition, the subcategories “Native American or Not speci昀椀ed 0.1% 0.7% 0.0% Alaska Native,” “Native Hawaiian or Paci昀椀c Islander,” “Two or More Races,” and “Not speci昀椀ed” were added to improve transparency.

                                                                                                                                          76 Philanthropy FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Autodesk, Inc. and Autodesk Foundation monetary contributions [US$]1 $9,700,000 $16,800,000 $18,500,000 2 Company product donations[US$] $39,900,000 $28,900,000 $41,300,000 Employee giving [US$] $1,400,000 $2,400,000 $2,900,000 Foundation match of employee giving of time and money [US$] (also included in the “Autodesk, Inc. $1,600,000 $2,900,000 $2,700,000 and Autodesk Foundation monetary contributions” line above) 3 Employee volunteer hours 29,700 21,700 23,100 Value of employee volunteer hours [US$]4 $760,000 $590,000 $1,300,000 Employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours (provided to nonpro昀椀ts and impact-related startups; 4,320 6,730 5,400 also included in the “Employee volunteer hours” line above) Value of employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours $550,000 $1,000,000 $810,000 (also included in the “Value of employee volunteer hours” line above) [US$]5 1 Data re昀氀ects combined monetary giving from Autodesk, Inc., and the Autodesk Foundation. 2 Autodesk calculates its product donations at commercial value. These data do not include the value of products granted to students, faculty, and educational institutions at no cost through the Autodesk Education Community. 3 Autodesk does not track what percentage of employee volunteer activities take place during company time. For 昀椀scal year 2020 and 昀椀scal year 2021, some employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours are included in this total. For 昀椀scal year 2022, all 5,400 employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours are included in this total. 4 Value of volunteer hours aligns with annual valuation from Independent Sector ($28.54 per hour was indexed in 2021). Value of employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours (also included in this total) is based on hourly rates for various skills cited by CECP. For 昀椀scal year 2020 and 昀椀scal year 2021, some employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours are included in this total. For 昀椀scal year 2022, all 5,400 employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours are included in this total. 5 Value of employee Pro Bono Consulting volunteer hours is based on hourly rates for various skills cited by CECP. For 昀椀scal year 2020 and 昀椀scal year 2021, some of the amount stated is included in the “Value of employee volunteer hours” row above. For 昀椀scal year 2022, all $810,000 is included in the “Value of employee volunteer hours” row above.

                                                                                                                                          77 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Autodesk Construction Cloud , Autodesk AutoCAD , CFD, Civil 3D , Fabrication CAMduct™, FormIt , FormIt Pro, Info360™, InfoDrainage™, InfoWater Pro, ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Sustainability- InfoWorks ICM, InfraWorks , Innovyze , Insight, Navisworks , ReCap , Revit , Robot Structural Analysis Professional, and Spacemaker ● Design high-performance buildings enabling solutions ● Optimize total carbon ef昀椀ciencies • Reduce embodied carbon through design and material speci昀椀cation • Conduct energy analysis at key project stages Architecture, Engineering & Construction Building design and engineering • Optimize HVAC system design ● Use clash detection during design to reduce waste in construction Autodesk solutions for architecture, engineering, ● Plan for smart decommissioning and materials recovery and construction enable our customers to achieve ● Improve structural material ef昀椀ciency more sustainable outcomes by utilizing insights and ● Optimize site planning with AI to make informed choices around daylight, noise, sun, and wind optimizing ef昀椀ciencies from the earliest stages of ● Help mitigate the urban heat island effect with microclimate analysis design and allowing data to 昀氀ow across the project ● Plan and design infrastructure for resilience and adaptation to climate change lifecycle. These solutions help our customers ● Visualize projects in context of the surrounding built and natural conditions address challenges associated with energy and ● Perform simulations to assess environmental and social impacts of designs carbon reduction, climate adaptation, water ● Conduct traf昀椀c 昀氀ow and mobility impact studies management, materials use, and waste reduction. ● Evaluate scenarios for grading optimization to minimize material waste and optimize movement of dirt ● Optimize outcomes for inland and coastal 昀氀ooding projects ● Manage bioretention and green stormwater infrastructure Infrastructure ● Reduce roadway embodied carbon and natural resource inputs ● Optimize water drainage network and pipes to mitigate 昀氀ooding ● Turn stormwater into a resource by designing sustainable urban drainage reservoirs for water reuse ● Forecast storm and sewer surge events to ensure safety during construction ● Model water distribution systems to enable clean drinking water reaches homes ● Model and simulate sewer collection, wastewater treatment plants, and other water quality–related systems ● Use real-time, actionable insights to enhance service reliability ● Help prepare for emergencies and maintenance schedules ● Reduce embodied carbon through low-carbon material procurement ● Minimize waste in MEP fabrication and installation Construction ● Improve 昀氀ow, reduce waste, and drive continuous improvement with end-to-end lean construction technology ● Seamlessly integrate prefabrication into projects ● Help improve worker health and safety ● Avoid rework and prevent waste by always working from the right plans and docs ● Increase precision to maximize built performance

                                                                                                                                          78 ® ® ® ® Sustainability- Autodesk AutoCAD , Factory Design Utilities, Fusion 360 , Inventor , Vault ● Improve materials ef昀椀ciency, create lighter products, and reduce waste with generative design enabling solutions ● Consolidate components for easier assembly/disassembly and reduced inventory with generative design ● Explore and select sustainable materials with generative design ● Nest pieces to optimize 昀氀at sheet cutting and reduce waste Design & Manufacturing ● Optimize material yield Autodesk solutions for design and manufacturing Materials ef昀椀ciency and circularity ● Optimize additive manufacturing print settings for materials ef昀椀ciency and quality, and minimize waste enable our customers to achieve more sustainable ● Minimize waste by repairing parts with hybrid manufacturing outcomes by utilizing insights and optimizing ● Analyze tolerances to increase quality and reduce scrap ef昀椀ciencies from the earliest stages of design and ● Reduce redundant part creation or ordering through geometric duplicate detection and part standardization allowing data to 昀氀ow across the project lifecycle. ● Reduce machining cost and waste while maintaining proper 昀椀t with tolerance analysis These solutions help our customers address ● Design for durability with enhanced FEA simulations challenges associated with energy consumption, emissions reduction, materials use, and waste reduction. ● Design, simulate, and create energy-ef昀椀cient electronics and machines with electronics and electronic cooling simulation Energy ef昀椀ciency and smart manufacturing ● Reduce energy use in production by optimizing machine runtime and cooling cycles with injection molding ● Plan and validate factory layouts to maximize production performance and resource use ● Audit suppliers to help ensure product quality and compliance Responsible supply chain ● Increase quality through failure analysis and reports ● Comply with regulations with materials and supplier declaration

                                                                                                                                          79 United Nations UN Global Compact principle Response Human rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection Suppliers and business partners; Human rights; Autodesk Human Rights Policy; Autodesk Partner Global Compact of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Code of Conduct Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Suppliers and business partners; Human rights; Autodesk Human Rights Policy; Autodesk Partner index Code of Conduct Labor In 2011, Autodesk endorsed the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and Suppliers and business partners; Autodesk Human Rights Policy; Autodesk Partner Code of Conduct a voluntary initiative that outlines 10 principles in the areas of human the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; rights, labor, environment, and anticorruption. This Impact Report and the policies and codes we’ve posted online serve as our Communication on Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor; Suppliers and business partners; Autodesk Human Rights Policy; Autodesk Partner Code of Conduct Progress for 昀椀scal year 2022 and describe how we are integrating these principles into our business. The table indicates where relevant content Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor; and Suppliers and business partners; Autodesk Human Rights Policy; Autodesk Partner Code of Conduct can be found. In 2015, Autodesk also endorsed Caring for Climate—an initiative led by the UN Global Compact, the UN Environment Programme, Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of Diversity and belonging; Suppliers and business partners; Human rights; Autodesk Code of Business and the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change— employment and occupation. Conduct; Autodesk Human Rights Policy; Autodesk Partner Code of Conduct aimed at advancing the role of business in addressing climate change. Autodesk does not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on a person’s race, color, creed, religion, Information about Autodesk’s progress against the Caring for Climate national origin, citizenship, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, mental or physical disability, or any commitments can be found in the Climate change section and in the other classi昀椀cation protected by law. This protection applies to all Autodesk employees and contingent company’s CDP submission. workers worldwide. We require all employees globally to complete harassment training at hire and at least every two years thereafter. Environment “We endorse the principles of the United Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach Driving net-zero carbon emissions; Our carbon footprint Nations Global Compact, which align with to environmental challenges; our company values to operate ethically Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental Driving net-zero carbon emissions; Our carbon footprint; Autodesk CDP submission; and responsibly. We support collective responsibility; and Autodesk endorsement of Caring for Climate action to address global challenges, such Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of Driving net-zero carbon emissions; Our carbon footprint; Autodesk CDP submission; as climate change, corruption, and environmentally friendly technologies. Autodesk endorsement of Caring for Climate human rights and labor abuses, and we Anticorruption embrace our role as a corporate citizen to make a positive impact in these areas.” Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all Ethics and compliance; Autodesk Code of Business Conduct; Autodesk Partner Code of Conduct its forms, including extortion and bribery. Andrew Anagnost, President and Chief Executive Of昀椀cer, Autodesk

                                                                                                                                          United United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDG Description Nations Autodesk helps customers worldwide address a broad range of water-related issues and increase the resilience of global water infrastructure. Through the Autodesk Foundation, we support nonpro昀椀ts and startups working to improve access to fresh drinking water in remote communities. Sustainable Customer story: Bristol Water keeps drinking water safe with the help of InfoWorks WS Pro Learn more: Health & Resilience: Partner with customers; Health & Resilience: Advance industries Development We are committed to using 100% renewable energy in our operations, and to helping customers develop buildings, infrastructure, and products that are energy ef昀椀cient and accelerate the use of clean energy. Complementing these efforts, we support nonpro昀椀ts and startups working to expand access to renewable energy. Customer story: Every design has an impact. Total carbon management helps make it a positive one. Goals index Learn more: Energy & Materials: Improve our operations; Energy & Materials: Partner with customers; Energy & Materials: Advance industries We invest in our employees, customers, and communities, to put people at the center of the future of work transformation. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Diversity fuels our innovation and belonging unites us in our shared mission to help people imagine, design, and make a better world. provide an important framework to drive social, environmental, Customer story: How industry and academia work together to improve students' skillsets and economic progress globally. Learn more: Work & Prosperity: Improve our operations; Work & Prosperity: Partner with customers; Work & Prosperity: Advance industries Although Autodesk addresses all 17 goals to varying degrees, We collaborate with customers, nonpro昀椀ts, and startups to create infrastructure designed to better withstand natural disasters and the impacts of climate change, and products, buildings, we focus particularly on the following goals to maximize our and entire cities that foster healthy and resilient communities. We support more inclusive and sustainable industries through our business operations and products. positive impact with our customers and through our products, Customer story: Earthquake-prone city in the clouds needs the cloud to protect homes and families operations, and philanthropic activities. Learn more: Health & Resilience: Partner with customers; Health & Resilience: Advance industries; Diversity and belonging Urban centers will play a pivotal role in sustainability in the coming decades, as populations continue to swell. We collaborate with customers to design, build, and maintain more sustainable, safe, and resilient cities, and we support nonpro昀椀ts and startups to drive innovation in this area. Customer story: Fjord City brings unique design to sustainable development in Norway and sets a new standard for urban regeneration Learn more: Energy & Materials: Partner with customers; Energy & Materials: Advance industries; Health & Resilience: Partner with customers; Health & Resilience: Advance industries We are working to drive progress toward a future with minimal pollution and waste, where materials maintain value while cycling through a circular economy. We equip our customers, nonpro昀椀ts, and startups to better understand the impact of design and make decisions on materials use, supporting them to make choices that bene昀椀t their companies, communities, and the world. Customer story: Discovering generative design for CNC milling Learn more: Energy & Materials: Improve our operations; Energy & Materials: Partner with customers; Energy & Materials: Advance industries Autodesk is a net-zero GHG emissions company across our business and value chain, beginning in 昀椀scal year 2021, and we are driving progress toward new science-based GHG emissions reduction targets. We collaborate with customers, nonpro昀椀ts, and startups to develop innovative solutions and help tackle climate change. Customer story: Recycling carbon 昀椀ber reduces carbon emissions Learn more: Energy & Materials: Improve our operations; Energy & Materials: Partner with customers; Energy & Materials: Advance industries

                                                                                                                                          Sustainability Accounting Standards Board index This index includes and references information related to the Software & IT Services Sustainability Accounting Standard. Topic Reference Code Metric Response Environmental Footprint of SASB TC-SI-130a.1 (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable Data summary: Carbon footprint Hardware Infrastructure SASB TC-SI-130a.3 Discussion of the integration of environmental considerations into strategic planning for data center needs Driving net-zero carbon emissions; Our carbon footprint SASB TC-SI-220a.1 Policies and practices relating to behavioral advertising and user privacy Autodesk Privacy Statement; Autodesk Cookie Statement SASB TC-SI-220a.3 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with user privacy Autodesk FY2022 Annual Report Data Privacy and Freedom of Expression SASB TC-SI-220a.4 (1) Number of law enforcement requests for user information, (2) number of users whose information was requested, Autodesk Trust Center – Data Protection and Privacy (3) percentage resulting in disclosure SASB TC-SI-220a.5 List of countries where core products or services are subject to government-required monitoring, blocking, content 昀椀ltering, or censoring Autodesk Trust Center – Data Protection and Privacy SASB TC-SI-230a.1 Security incidents Autodesk Trust Center – Incident Response Data Security SASB TC-SI-230a.2 Approach to identifying and addressing data security risks, including use of third-party cybersecurity standards Autodesk Trust Center SASB TC-SI-330a.1 Regional breakdown of employees Data summary: Employees Recruiting and Managing a Global, SASB TC-SI-330a.2 Employee engagement Data summary: Employees Diverse and Skilled Workforce SASB TC-SI-330a.3 Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic group representation for (1) leadership, (2) tech workforce, and (3) sales workforce Data summary: Employees IP Protection and Competitive SASB TC-SI-520a.1 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anticompetitive behavior regulations Autodesk has not had any losses as a result of legal proceedings related to competitive issues. Behavior; Managing SASB TC-SI-550a.1 Status of Autodesk Cloud Services Autodesk Cloud Services Health Dashboard Systemic Risks SASB TC-SI-550a.2 Autodesk’s Global Business Continuity Program seeks to: Protect the Business and People from threats to our operations such that critical business functions may incur an unacceptable interruption caused by: ● Impact to our facilities Business continuity risks related to disruptions of operations ● Threats or outages affecting critical systems, applications, and data ● Impact to or loss of key vendors ● Regional events such as natural or man-made disasters, acts of war, or terrorism ● Long-term occurrences, such as pandemics Protect Shareholders from threats to company reputation related to any of the incidents listed above. Activity Metric SASB TC-SI-000.A Total subscriptions Autodesk FY2022 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                          Endnotes Energy & Materials Health & Resilience 1 Greenhouse gas emissions from business travel are included in Scope 3: “Business travel” and Scope 1 (related to 昀氀eet business travel). Emissions from facilities are 1 World Economic Forum, The Global Risks Report 2021, 16th Edition (Geneva: 2021), 12. included in Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3: “Waste generated in operations” and “Leased assets.” Emissions from data centers are included in Scope 2 (related to purchased 2 World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000-2020: 昀椀ve years electricity) and Scope 3: “Purchased goods and services.” Emissions from major conferences are included in Scope 3: “Purchased goods and services.” into the SDGs (Geneva: 2021), 29. 2 To estimate home of昀椀ce energy consumption, we follow the Work from Home methodology “No Survey” approach that was developed by Anthesis. 3 Rutger Willem Hofste, Paul Reig, and Leah Schleifer, 17 Countries, Home to One-Quarter of the World's Population, Face Extremely High Water Stress (World Resources 3 Autodesk University has been carbon neutral since 昀椀scal year 2016; One Team Conference since 昀椀scal year 2017. Institute, 2019), 2. 4 United Nations Environment Programme, 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction: Towards a Zero-emission, Ef昀椀cient and Resilient Buildings and 4 UNESCO, UN-Water, The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: Water and Climate Change (Paris: 2020), 24. Construction Sector (Nairobi: 2020), 4.昀椀les/inline-昀椀les/2020%20Buildings%20GSR_FULL%20REPORT.pdf 5 World Green Building Council, Bringing embodied carbon upfront (London, Toronto: 2019), 17. 5 Global Infrastructure Hub, Global Infrastructure Outlook: Infrastructure investment needs 50 countries, 7 sectors to 2040 (2017), 5.昀椀les/WorldGBC_Bringing_Embodied_Carbon_Upfront.pdf methodology/Global+Infrastructure+Outlook+-+July+2017.pdf 6 Alessandra Bonoli., Sara Zanni, and Francisco Serrano-Bernardo, “Sustainability in Building and Construction within the Framework of Circular Cities and European New 6 Rutger Willem Hofste, Paul Reig, and Leah Schleifer, 17 Countries, Home to One-Quarter of the World's Population, Face Extremely High Water Stress (World Resources Green Deal. The Contribution of Concrete Recycling,” Sustainability 13(4), 2139 (2021): 8. Institute, 2019), 2. 7 Vanessa Bertollini, “Here’s What Building the Future Looks Like for a 10-Billion-Person Planet,” Redshift by Autodesk, August 24, 2018. 7 Jürg Luterbacher, et al., United in Science 2020: A multi-organization high-level compilation of the latest climate science information (World Meteorological Organization [WMO], 2020), 14. 8 Vanessa Bertollini, “This Is What Trillions in Global-Infrastructure Investment Look Like,” Redshift by Autodesk, May 14, 2019. Work & Prosperity 9 IEA (2021), Tracking Buildings 2021, IEA, Paris 10 Dodge Construction Network, World Green Building Trends 2021 SmartMarket Report (Dodge Data & Analytics, 2021), 8. 1 Based on “Salary Increase and Turnover Study – Second Edition Refresh”, published by Aon. 457 organizations were included in the Worldwide Software Products & Services sub-industry. 11 Dodge Construction Network, World Green Building Trends 2021 SmartMarket Report (Dodge Data & Analytics, 2021), 5. 2 Includes spend with US-based diverse businesses supporting Autodesk’s business operations, as well as spend allocated to Autodesk that Autodesk’s suppliers spend with US-based diverse businesses. 12 Bevan Mace, Ph.D., Why Projects Excel? The Business Case for Lean Construction (Lean Construction Institute, 2016), 17. 3 James Knightley, “US manufacturing and construction boost the case for a strong 2022,” THINK:ING, December 16, 2021. 13 Sustainable Construction Study Report, Dodge Data & Analytics, September 2019. The report de昀椀nes “contractors” as general contractors, construction management, 4 Alan Lockey and Fabian Wallace-Stephens, A blueprint for good work: Eight ideas for a new social contract (London: RSA [Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, designers/builders, and specialty/trade construction companies. Manufactures and Commerce], 2020), 81. 14 IEA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Data Explorer (Paris: 2021), 5. 5 Naina Dhingra, et al., “Help your employees 昀椀nd purpose or watch them leave,” McKinsey, April 25, 2021, 15 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), International Energy Outlook 2021 (Washington, DC: 2021), 6.昀椀nd-purpose-or-watch-them-leave 16 f昀椀ciency: A White Paper,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 55 (2011), 363. Julian M. Allwood, et al., “Material E Governance 17 oyan, Digital Sustainability: The Path to Net Zero for Design & Manufacturing and Architecture, Engineering, & Construction (AEC) Industries (Frost & Sullivan, 2021), Frederick R 21. 1 This refers to Autodesk employees who were active as of February 1, 2021, and throughout the 昀椀rst quarter. 18 imate Change Report 2019. Major risk or rosy opportunity: Are companies ready for climate change? (London: 2019), 23. CDP Worldwide, CDP Cl 19 ch Institute, Sustainability in Consumer Products and Retail Survey April–May 2020, Consumer Products and Retail – How sustainability is fundamentally Capgemini Resear changing consumer preferences (2020), 14–18. 20 McKinsey Global Institute, The Internet of Things: Mapping the Value Beyond the Hype (McKinsey & Company, 2015), 8.

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